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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:STM to Lead Turkish Navy’s Gür-Class Submarine Modernisation Programme
4 min read
about 9 hours ago
STM will conduct the Mid-Life Modernisation of the Gür-Class Submarines (Type-209/1400) in the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces.
With a press release today, STM announced that critical navigation, mechanical and communication systems on board the Gür-Class Submarines will be modernised with modern national capabilities, thus extending their service life.
Under the leadership of the Defence Industry Agency (SSB), STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş. continues to take critical tasks in the modernisation of the Navy’s submarines – as one of the vital strike power of the Turkish Armed Forces.
As the backbone of the Submarine Command, an important milestone has been reached in the Preveze and Gür-Class submarine (Type 209/1400) programmes. A Contract Amendment adding operations related to the Gür-Class Submarine Mid-Life Modernisation Program to the content of the Preveze-Class Submarine Mid-Life Modernisation Program was signed between the STM-ASELSAN-ASFAT-HAVELSAN Joint Venture (JV) and the SSB on 17 January 2024.
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Themen: 211
Registriert seit: May 2006
Anscheinend plant man den Bau eines Flugzeugträgers (also keines Drohnenträgers wie die Anadolu). Im Gespräch ist wohl ein Schiff von 285 m Länge und rund 60.000 ts, also etwa im Bereich der Queen-Elizabeth-Klasse...
Zitat:Design of the Turkish Aircraft Carrier Unveiled
The future ship, as expected, is significantly larger than TCG ANADOLU LHD at 285 m length and 60000 tonnes displacement. The officials have stated that the new ship will be larger to accommodate more aircraft.
What aircraft type will be used hasn't been disclosed, but a few KAAN fighter jets can be observed on the deck. [...] It is stated that the operation type of aircraft will be Short Takeoff But Arrested Landing (STOBAR), used on Russian, Indian and early Chinese aircraft carriers. Instead of the catapult-assisted takeoff, this method is simpler and cheaper as a partially up-curved runway is used instead of a catapult. [...] A Combined Gas Turbine and Gas Turbine (COGAG) propulsion system will be used to provide a speed of 25 knots. Another case of Turkiye's use of COGAG propulsion on a large-sized warship is the DİMDEG logistic support ships. The design goal can explain why all-turbine propulsion must have the large-sized ships keep up with their escorts.
Ich frage mich nur, was die Theorie dahinter ist? Alleine für das östliche Mittelmeer oder das Schwarze Meer wäre das völlig überzeichnet und rausgeworfenes Geld, ein "weißer Elefant" von eingeschränktem Nutzen. Also wäre die Frage, welche Aufgabenfelder das Schiff wo übernehmen soll?
Beiträge: 6.281
Themen: 967
Registriert seit: Sep 2020
(20.02.2024, 13:24)Schneemann schrieb: ... Also wäre die Frage, welche Aufgabenfelder das Schiff wo übernehmen soll?
Schneemann Das Ego von Recep Tayyip Erdoğan spazieren zufahren, da ist die Größe gerade ausreichend.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkish Navy’s submarines are getting stronger with national systems
by Ahmet Çelik February 23, 2024
Turkish Navy’s submarines are getting stronger with national systems
Gür-class submarines will be equipped with national and modern systems.
STM, Türkiye’s naval engineering power, has assumed the responsibility for system procurement and platform integration in the Half-Life Modernization activities of the Gür Class Submarines in the inventory of the Turkish Naval Forces. The critical navigation, machinery and communication systems of the Gür Class Submarines will be modernized with national and modern capabilities to extend the life of the submarines.
Under the leadership of the Presidency of the Republic of Türkey Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB), STM Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.Ş., which plays an important role in Türkiye’s defence industry and national technology move, continues to play critical roles in the modernization activities of submarines, one of the most important striking elements of the Turkish Armed Forces.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Es gibt neues zum TF-2000 Projekt, im Gegensatz zu einem früheren Entwurf, soll die Tonnage von 8500 auf 8300 Tonnen Sinken. Die Länge sinkt auch von 166 m auf 149 m. Die Anzahl der VLS Zellen soll mehr als 64 betragen, der Experte geht von bis 96 Zellen aus.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:AKHİSAR OPV’s drydocking process has been completed
by Kazım Mutlu March 3, 2024
AKHİSAR OPV’s drydocking process has been completed
The drydocking process of the AKHİSAR ship, built within the scope of the Offshore Patrol Vessel project, has been completed.
At the Weekly Press Information Meeting of the Ministry of National Defense, Press and Public Relations Advisor Rear Admiral Zeki Aktürk announced important developments regarding the AKHİSAR Offshore Patrol Ship. Aktürk stated that the drydocking process, which is a critical stage after the launch of AKHİSAR, the first ship built within the scope of the Offshore Patrol Vessels Project carried out under the main contractor of ASFAT within the Ministry, was successfully completed on February 23, 2024.
In order to more effectively protect and defend Türkiye’s rights, interests and interests in the seas, the construction activities of the Hisar Class Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV), the construction of which has started in order to respond to the need for Offshore Patrol Vessels in the shortest time and in the most cost-effective manner, is carried out by Istanbul Shipyard Command under the main contractorship of ASFAT. While it was aimed to produce 10 ships within the scope of the project, the first two ships of the series, AKHİSAR and KOÇHİSAR, were launched on September 23, 2023, only 17 months after the first sheet metal cutting, both ships were equipped to an advanced level and started port acceptance tests as soon as possible.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:New developments in the design of TF-2000, Türkiye’s largest warship
by Murat Kadör March 6, 2024
New developments in the design of TF-2000, Türkiye’s largest warship
Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu received information in the Design Project Office about Savarona’s repair and restoration activities on-going at the Istanbul Shipyard and made an inspection about the design and road map of the TF-2000 Destroyer, which is the 3rd project of local and national ship design MİLGEM family after the corvette and frigate, and the 4th project of the aircraft carrier concept design. The visit photographs were shared by the Ministry of National Defense in which the new developments regarding the of design the TF-2000 destroyer stood out.
A detail of change in “TF-2000” in the images from the visit to the Design Project Office
TF-2000 air defense warfare destroyer is a warship being developed to protect the mainland of the Republic of Turkiye and its task groups from different surface and underwater threats, also to carry out long-range land attacks, and to fulfil critical roles such as ballistic missile detection and destruction of other guided missiles, especially with its air defense role. The design work for the ship was started by DPO in July 2017, and ASFAT got involved in recent years.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Aus dem national Entwickelten VLS MIDLAS wurde bei einem Test im schwarzen Meer eine Hisar - D RF Flugabwehr Rakete bei einem Test abgefeuert.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:HISAR-D RF missile was successfully fired from TCG İSTANBUL!
by Murat Kadör March 18, 2024
HISAR-D RF missile was successfully fired from TCG İSTANBUL!
Within the scope of the project which is being carried out under the responsibility of ROKETSAN, the National Vertical Launch Launcher System (MIDLAS) fired a missile from the TCG ISTANBUL frigate for the first time.
A critical milestone has been successfully completed within the scope of the MILGEM Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Ships Vertical Launch System Supply Project initiated by the Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) to meet the needs of the Naval Forces Command and carried out by ROKETSAN as the main contractor. MIDLAS, which passed the test successfully, left behind an important stage by completing the Sea Acceptance trials.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:KANGAL-D C-UAS Jammer Integrated on Naval Platforms
21 Mar, 03:45 2 Min Read
Navy / Maritime E/W Unmanned Systems
KANGAL-D C-UAS Jammer Integrated on Naval Platforms
ASELSAN has announced that the naval version of the KANGAL jammer, KANGAL-D, has been integrated into naval platforms for the first time. The integration can be taken as an implementation of ASELSAN’s C-UAS jammer product, which has been in service for nearly four years on naval platforms. KANGAL was originally developed on land platforms to jam IEDs and UAVs. The system can be used standalone or as a part of the İHTAR C-UAS system. KANGAL can jam communication signals on radios, mobile phones, and small UAVs. KANGAL-D would easily integrate on most warships as a lightweight system with volumetrically and electrically sufficient space. The threat of UAVs against naval platforms has recently made it into the spotlight following the Houthi attacks conducted with various types of kamikaze UAVs. Occasionally, expensive solutions like air defence missiles have been used. Using soft-kill measures in tandem with hard-kill solutions can ease engagement and lower the costs of defence against said threats.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Bei diesem Link gibt es einige Artikel herunterzuladen die das Thema der U-Boote der türkischen Marine behandeln, ein Interview mit Flottenadmiral Timur Yilmaz. Ein Interview mit dem Chef des U-Boot Trainingszentrum.
Als letztes gibt es ein Interview mit dem Kapitän der Pirireis und der Mannschaft, das U-Boot der Reis Klasse U-214 das demnächst in Dienst gestellt wird.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkish Submarines to Fire Turkish Cruise Missiles Soon
23 Mar, 05:43 2 Min Read
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile
Turkish Submarines to Fire Turkish Cruise Missiles Soon
Submarine Fleet Commander Rear Admiral Timur Yılmaz stated that firings of GEZGİN and ATMACA cruise missiles from submarines will commence soon. Timur Yılmaz made the statement during an interview for Defence Turkiye’s 128th issue. Submarine-launched ATMACA will be a counterpart to the U.S.-made Sub-Harpoon and French Exocet’s submarine variant. Submarine-launched anti-ship missiles are launched from the torpedo tubes using a capsule that smoothly brings the missile to the water surface. Upon reaching the surface, the booster is ignited to launch the missile. Submarine-launched ATMACA can provide Turkish submarines with a stand-off attack capability against well-protected groups with MPAs/ASW Helicopters/ASW warships ranging beyond 200 km[i]. However, providing target data to the missile even in flight is as important as gaining the capability to launch the missile. The communication and data-link systems onboard the submarine or other platforms will likely carry said part out. [I]GEZGİN is a long-range cruise missile akin to Tomahawk and Kalibr missiles, mainly intended for land attack. The missile will be used by submarines, warships (MİDLAS VLS), land platforms, and fighter jets. There are no technical specifications of the missile that are available now. Launching land attack cruise missiles from stealthy platforms such as submarines is a type of deterrence stemming from the uncertainty. Underwater launch makes it hard to predict when and where the missile might be launched. The long-range can allow for targeting critical bases and facilities located on the enemy’s mainland.
Beiträge: 1.638
Themen: 2
Registriert seit: May 2010
Wie jetzt, ein Seeziel FK soll auch MPAs und Helikopter anvisieren über eine Distanz von 200km? Sicher nicht.
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
(24.03.2024, 00:10)Ottone schrieb: Wie jetzt, ein Seeziel FK soll auch MPAs und Helikopter anvisieren über eine Distanz von 200km? Sicher nicht.
Nein, das U-Boot kann aus einer sicheren Entfernung heraus mit den AShM mit einer Reichweite >= 200 km einen feindlichen Schiffsverband angreifen. Torpedos dagegen haben eine geringere Reichweite.
Ich weiss ist etwas unglücklich formuliert
Beiträge: 3.897
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkish Navy Converts Vessels into Training Ships
25 Mar, 02:58 3 Min Read
Navy / Maritime Bilateral Relations
Turkish Navy Converts Vessels into Training Ships
The Turkish Navy converted some of its vessels into test and training ships, which coincides with the decision to support Somalia’s Navy. Turkish Navy has recently appointed eight ships to the test and training fleet. These are two ex-Type-209/1200 class, Ay Class Submarine TCG BATIRAY (S-349) and TCG YILDIRAY (S-350), two former Meko Class Yavuz class frigates TCG FATİH (F-242) and TCG YAVUZ (F-240), two ex FPB 57 class Doğan class Fast Patrol Crafts TCG VOLKAN (P-343) and TCG TAYFUN (P-342), one mine hunter ship TCG EDREMİT (M-261) and one ex-D’Estienne d’Orves-class A69 type aviso class Burak Class Corvette TCG BEYKOZ (F-503).