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Themen: 92
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Portugal hat seinen Plan zur Beschaffung eines französischen Landungsschiffes aufgegeben:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... french-lpd</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Portugal abandons plan to buy French LPD
Portugal has decided not to buy the FS Siroco (L9012) landing platform dock (LPD) from the French Navy the country's Ministry of National Defence has told IHS Jane's ..
Technical visits were made to the ship and requests of information were issued by Portugal, but no acquisition proposal was delivered at any time to French authorities
Beiträge: 13.112
Themen: 215
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Portugal Approves Six New OPVs for Marinha Portuguesa
The Portuguese government yesterday approved the procurement of six new Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) for the Portuguese Navy (Marinha Portuguesa). These will be «Viana do Castelo» class vessels, of which four are already in service. [...] The shipbuilding program for six new OPVs (Navios de Patrulha Oceânicos «NPO») is one of the structuring projects of the 2019 military planning law, where the funds necessary for public investment in Defense and the Armed Forces are outlined. [...]
There are currently four vessels of the class in service with the Portuguese Navy. The first two ships of the class two were built by local shipbuilder Estaleiros Navais de Viana do Castelo with several years of delays (launched in 2005 but commissioned in 2011 and 2013). The second and fourth ship were built by West Sea Shipyards, (the same shipyard but under a different name). They were launched much later in 2017 but built and commissioned much fast: In 2018 and 2019.
Viana do Castelo-class OPV have a length of 83.10 meters, a displacement of 1,600 tons and accommodations for 67 (crew size: 35 sailors). Armament consists in a 30 mm Oto Melara Marlin main gun (40 mm L/60 turreted gun aboard the first ship in class NRP Viana do Castelo) and two manned 7.62 mm light machine gun mounts as well as two launching systems for MK55 Mod 2 mines.
Beiträge: 6.468
Themen: 983
Registriert seit: Sep 2020
Zitat:Informationen, die ein wenig untergegangen sind, aber eine Reportage, die einige Monate alt ist, beschreibt die katastrophale Situation der portugiesischen Marine.
Soweit ich weiß, sind einige Fregatten seit mehr als fünf Jahren außer Betrieb, und einige Schiffe fahren unbewaffnet auf Patrouille.
Beiträge: 13.112
Themen: 215
Registriert seit: May 2006
Der Auftrag für neue Versorger der portugiesischen Marine ging offenkundig an die türkische STM-Gruppe:
Zitat:Türkiye's STM in first with Portuguese support ship contract
Turkish shipbuilder STM secured a contract for the design and build of two Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment (AOR) and Logistics Support Ships for the Portuguese Navy, the company announced on 17 December. The contract marks Türkiye's first military ship export to a European Union and NATO member state. Construction is set to begin in 2025 with delivery expected to take place in 2028.
Under the AOR+ Project (Navio Reabastecedor de Esquadra e Logístico: NRE+), STM will act as the main contractor, with the ships built in a private Turkish shipyard under STM's project management. With a length of 137.06 m, a beam of 19.1 m, a draught of 6.7 m, and a displacement of 11,000 tonnes, the vessels are designed for versatile operational roles. They will have a range of 14,000 n miles at a cruising speed of 14 kt, with a maximum speed of 18 kt with diesel propulsion and 6 kt with electric propulsion.
Beiträge: 722
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Apr 2010
Die türkische Werft STM hat eine Projektseite für die portugiesischen Versorgungsschiffe eingerichtet (-
Demnach sind die Schiffe m.E. eher zur Unterstützung kleinerer Verbände bzw. einzelner Kampfeinheiten gedacht (4.000 m3 Diesel, 350 m3 Flugbenzin). Besonderheiten sind die Heckrampe zur Aufnahme von maximal 20 gepanzerten Fahrzeugen und ein elektrischer Antrieb, der hier aber nicht im Detail beschrieben wird.