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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:“Rapid Transport Vessels” for the Turkish Navy
by Talha Batın Şahan July 11, 2024
“Rapid Transport Vessels” for the Turkish Navy
Oruç Reis V, Seydi Ali Reis I and Kaptan Paşa catamaran-type sea buses entered the Turkish Navy’s inventory as “Rapid Transport Vessels”.
The Oruç Reis V, Seydi Ali Reis I and Kaptan Paşa catamaran type sea buses purchased from İDO have entered the inventory of the Turkish Navy as “Rapid Transport Vessels”. In this context, the ships in question have been added to the platforms tab on the official website of the Turkish Naval Forces Command. The naming of the ships is as follows:
According to MILDEFIN, the ships are currently at Alaybey Shipyard of Izmir Shipyard Command for maintenance and renovations. It is stated that all three ships were built in Norway in 1997 and IDO put them up for sale due to the closure of domestic routes.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:TRNC Calls for a Joint Naval Base with Turkiye
20 Jul 2024, 04:12 2 mins
Navy / Maritime Regional / Strategy
TRNC Calls for a Joint Naval Base with Turkiye
TRNC’s Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Erhan Arıklı, has stated that it is time to set up a naval base with Turkiye. In a speech during the 50th anniversary of Cyprus Peace Operation, Arıklı reminded that the Greek Cyprus abandoned the talks in 2017 and is investing in armament despite the claiming to wish the talks to resume. Pointing out the recent move by Greek Cyprus to set up a naval base in cooperation with Greece, the U.S., and the EU, Arıklı stated that a new naval base should be set up with Turkiye as an answer.
The Turkish Armed Forces might also deploy its newer equipment, like the AKINCI UCAV, after deploying Bayraktar TB2 armed UAVs. Two AKINCI UCAVs landed on TRNC for a ceremonial flight with four F-16 fighters. While Greece and the EU have long-standing supporters of Greek Cyprus, the U.S. has decided to be more actively involved with lifting defence restrictions in 2023. Israel also provides air defence systems to Greek Cyprus, such as BARAK MX medium-to-long-range air defence systems.
There has been an agreement for the Greek Cyprus’ future naval base in Laranka to house Hellenic Navy warships. A helicopter base is also being built in the same region, likely to support the naval base.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:ASELSAN’s IFF Mod 5 Passes Temporary Acceptance Tests
03 Aug 2024, 03:17 3 mins
Navy / Maritime E/W
ASELSAN’s IFF Mod 5 Passes Temporary Acceptance Tests
The Turkish Navy will identify vessels on the sea with the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Mod 5 Systems as ASELSAN’s systems pass temporary acceptance tests. Within the scope of the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Mod 5 Procurement and Reverse IFF Development Projects, signed between the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB) and ASELSAN, temporary acceptance activities have been completed for the integration of IFF Mod 5 Long Range Interrogator (LRI) Systems with the Maritime Surveillance Patrol Command Posts and the İzmir and Karadeniz Ereğli Surveillance Coordination Centres (GKM).
During these temporary acceptance activities, tests were conducted using the C72 maritime multi-purpose aircraft and the KILIÇ-2 Class Fast Attack Craft TCG İMBAT (P-337) as counter-test stations. Query/response and target tracking tests were carried out using NATO cryptography.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Istif Class Frigates Secure LM2500 Marine Gas Turbines
04 Aug 2024, 08:15 2 mins
Navy / Maritime Engine and Transmission
Istif Class Frigates Secure LM2500 Marine Gas Turbines
GE Aerospace has agreed with STM -TAIS to supply LM2500 marine gas turbines for the İstif-Class frigates. The agreement includes GE Aerospace's marine gas turbines for MILGEM warships 6 - 8, with an order for frigates 9 - 12 underway. The LM2500 marine gas turbines will provide 23 MW of electricity to each frigate. Each ship will be equipped with one gas turbine. GE Aerospace will provide three marine turbines for the first three vessels, and the order for 9-12 frigates will add three more.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:The Naval Forces Establishes a third Marine Infantry Brigade
15 Aug 2024, 09:19 2 mins
Navy / Maritime Air
The Naval Forces Establishes a third Marine Infantry Brigade
According to information from the Ministry of National Defence sources, the Naval Forces are establishing a third Marine Infantry Brigade. In this case, could a second LHD be on the agenda? Ministry of National Defence sources answered questions regarding establishing the 16th Main Jet Base Command in Muğla and the Amphibious Corps in Çanakkale.
As a result of the command assignments made by the Supreme Military Council at the beginning of August, it was revealed that new units had been established in the military structure.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Das erste U-Boot der Reis Klasse, die TCG Pirireis wird am 24.08.2024 offiziell in Dienst gestellt. Die Pirireis ist ein U-Boot des Typs U-214 und verfügt über einen aussenluftunabhängigen AIP Antrieb.
Zitat:Turkiye’s First AIP Submarine PİRİREİS Enters the Inventory
22 Aug 2024, 02:50 2 mins
Navy / Maritime
Turkiye’s First AIP Submarine PİRİREİS Enters the Inventory
Turkiye’s first Air-Independent Propulsion (AIP) system, Type-214TN Reis Class PİRİREİS (S-330), enters the Turkish Naval Forces Inventory.
The PİRİREİS submarine will enter service with a ceremony to be held on August 24, 2024. In this context, according to the Ministry of National Defence sources, a delivery ceremony will be held at the “Aksaz Shipyard Command” on August 24 with the participation of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
Within the scope of the ceremony: The PİRİREİS Submarine will enter service, The HIZIRREİS Submarine will begin Flag Raising and cruise tests, The MURATREİS Submarine will begin Pool Outfitting Activities, The 3000-ton Submarine Pool, the largest in its class worldwide, will enter service with the FUEL 2-3-4 Fuel supply Ships.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkish Submarine MİLDEN's Construction to Start in 2025
25 Aug 2024, 09:06 3 mins
Navy / Maritime
Turkish Submarine MİLDEN's Construction to Start in 2025
Chief of the Turkish Navy Admiral Ercüment Tatlıoğlu has stated that the construction of MİLDEN national submarines will begin in 2025.
An important step in localising the Turkish Navy's capabilities was declared during the opening of the Aksaz Shipyard Command. Following Reis-class submarines based on Germany's Type-214 submarines with AIP propulsion and indigenously developed combat systems, MİLDEN will be the point of self-sufficiency in the submarine field.
Zitat:Submarine-Launched ATMACA Missile Breaks Cover
24 Aug 2024, 09:33 2 mins
Navy / Maritime
Submarine-Launched ATMACA Missile Breaks Cover
A submarine-launched version of the ATMACA cruise missile was spotted during the delivery ceremony of the TCG PiriReis (S-330) AIP submarine.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has stated that Reis-class’s next two submarines will enter service in 2025 and 2026, with all six submarines set to enter service in 2029. The delivery ceremony of TCG PiriReis has unveiled another new asset of the Turkish Navy.
The missile’s underwater launch capsule was spotted alongside the AKYA heavy-weight torpedo and the ATMACA missile in Anadolu Agency News’ live stream. In the picture above, the munition behind ATMACA and AKYA is a torpedo-like munition with no propeller. It bears a heavy resemblance to the UGM-84 Sub-Harpoon’s capsule.
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Registriert seit: Jun 2022
Ordentliche Produktionsrate bzw. Ziele. Kann MILDEN auch Cruise Missiles mitführen?
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
(26.08.2024, 16:31)KheibarShekan schrieb: Ordentliche Produktionsrate bzw. Ziele. Kann MILDEN auch Cruise Missiles mitführen?
Ja MILDEN kann auch Cruise Missiles mitführen und dieses Projekt hat das Ziel die Türkei im U-Boot Bau unabhängig zu machen. MILDEN soll eine Wasserverdrängung von 3000 Tonnen haben und soll VLS für den Abschuss von Cruise Missiles bekommen.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:A Review of Turkiye’s Future Submarine-Based Missiles
26 Aug 2024, 05:58 4 mins
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile
A Review of Turkiye’s Future Submarine-Based Missiles
Following the AKYA heavyweight torpedo, Turkiye has embarked on developing various submarine-launched missiles for different tasks. The development of three missiles is ongoing for launch from submarine torpedo tubes to give the submarines ASuW, land attack, and self-air defence capabilities.
The first known development is the GEZGİN missile. While there have been no official statements, GEZGİN is anticipated to have a longer range than current cruise missiles like SOM and ATMACA due to its mission profile.
The missile will be an important asset to the Turkish Navy, onboard submarines and future warships like TF2000 destroyers. With the stealthiness of a submarine, the missile will allow the Turkish Navy to conduct surprise attacks on high-value targets from the coastline to the mainland with submarines.
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Registriert seit: Jun 2022
Die Türkei scheint sich systematisch strategische Kompetenzen im Bereich der Marine aufzubauen und dabei auch sehr hohe Ziele anzusetzen. Sowohl die Gewichtsklasse des neuen U-Boots als auch die Fähigkeit selbst entwickelte Cruise-Missiles mit zuführen ist technologisch in Gänze und den vielen Details ein sehr komplexes Programm.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
(30.08.2024, 21:57)KheibarShekan schrieb: Die Türkei scheint sich systematisch strategische Kompetenzen im Bereich der Marine aufzubauen und dabei auch sehr hohe Ziele anzusetzen. Sowohl die Gewichtsklasse des neuen U-Boots als auch die Fähigkeit selbst entwickelte Cruise-Missiles mit zuführen ist technologisch in Gänze und den vielen Details ein sehr komplexes Programm.
Vorerst werden bis vorraussichtlich 2029 die U-Boote der Reis Klasse eingeführt, bis zu sechs U-Boote insgesamt. Die Bewaffnung wird aus den schweren Torpedos des Typs Akya, Sub - Atmaca und/oder dem SLCM Gezgin bestehen. Mangels VLS wird die Reis Klasse maximal zwei SLCM des Typs Gezgin mitführen können.
Die U-Boote die im Rahmen des MILDEN Programm entwickelt werden, sollen erst in den 2030er in Dienst gestellt werden.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Marlin Receives Launcher for KUZGUN-KY Missiles
16 Sep 2024, 04:41 2 mins
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems
Marlin Receives Launcher for KUZGUN-KY Missiles
Sefine-ASELSAN consortium's Marlin USV has received its fixed launcher for TÜBİTAK SAGE's KUZGUN-KY surface-to-surface missiles.
The fixed launcher can hold eight KUZGUN-KY missiles with a range of 50 km, depending on trajectory and supersonic speed. KUZGUN-KY's first firing test from Marlin USV was done with a single testbed launcher for experimental purposes.
The missile will be among the main ASuW weapons of the USV with its small size, high speed, and beyond-line-of-sight range. KUZGUN-KY or GÖKSUR-150N (as designated by ASELSAN) is a rocket-powered derivative of the KUZGUN joint modular munition family. The missile was revealed in IDEF'21 after the gliding KUZGUN-SS and turbojet-powered KUZGUN-TJ variants.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Second AIP Submarine TCG HIZIRREIS Dives for the first time
20 Sep 2024, 11:26 2 mins
Navy / Maritime
Second AIP Submarine TCG HIZIRREIS Dives for the first time
The Turkish Defence Ministry announced that the second Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) Submarine, TCG HIZIRREİS, will cruise and dive for the first time.
The ministry said on its social media account, “TCG HIZIRREİS, the second submarine of the Reis Class Submarine Project, built within the scope of the Air Independent Propulsion System Submarine Project, performed its first cruise on September 17, 2024, and its first dive on September 18, 2024.”
The Turkish navy is on a trajectory of growth and progress. The first AIP submarine, TCG PİRİREİS, has recently joined the fleet. Turkiye is constructing six AIP diesel-electric submarines under the German License.
Beiträge: 3.934
Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Two Moves from ASFAT: TF-2000 and Shipyard Construction
23 Sep 2024, 06:38 6 mins
Navy / Maritime Investment
Two Moves from ASFAT: TF-2000 and Shipyard Construction
Defence Ministry company ASFAT Inc. is expected to perform two strategic moves as it gave signals about one of them on social media a few days ago.
ASFAT, which will build the TF-2000 air defence destroyer at the Istanbul Shipyard Command with the Defence Industry Executive Committee (SSIK) decision, made the most concrete move on this issue last week. ASFAT shared detailed information about the TF-2000 with an infographic on social media. This post means that the first steel-cutting ceremony of the TF-2000 will be held soon. On the other hand, the Preveza Naval Victory, one of the most important victories in Turkish Naval history, falls this weekend on September 27. It is known that the Turkish Navy has previously held many historical ceremonies. For this reason, having the ceremony this week, on the anniversary of the Preveza Naval Victory, would not be a surprise.
TF-2000 initially began as a class of 12 frigates designed to come after I-class frigates within the scope of the MİLGEM national warship programme in 1999. The design was envisioned with 32 VLS cells and ÇAFRAD multi-band AESA radar to perform anti-air warfare duties.