(Europa) Bulgarische Marine
Inzwischen hat die bulgarische Marine eine Fregatte der Wielingen-Klasse beschafft, das Schiff hat den Namen Druzky erhalten. Bulgarien soll auch eine Option auf den Kauf der beiden der belgischen Marine verbliebenen Fregatten dieser Klasse haben.
Ebenso verhandelt Bulgarien mit Belgien über den Kauf von bis zu drei Minenjäger der Tripartite-Klasse. Es soll auch Hinweise darauf geben, daß Bulgarien an der Beschaffung eines vor kurzem ausgemusterten dänischen U-Bootes der Kobben-Klasse interessiert sei.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.usni.org/proceedings/Articles05/Pro05cfleets.htm">http://www.usni.org/proceedings/Article ... fleets.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Bulgaria is also reportedly negotiating for the possible purchase of the Belgian Tripartite-class mine hunter Myosotis along with up to two more of the class. There are also indications that one of the recently decommissioned Danish Kobben-class submarines may be purchased by the rapidly modernizing Bulgarian fleet.
Und hier ist eine Foto von Druzki:

[Bild: http://xs100.xs.to/xs100/06192/41.jpg]
ich liebe diese Fotos, wo man vor lauter Logo kein Schiff mehr sieht.
Naja, wenn´s nix anderes gibt.
Bulgarien wird 2 Gowind Korvetten für Georgien bauen. Auf der derzeitigen Militärmesse "Hemus 2006" hat Georgien diese Bestellung getätigt. Armaris/ DCN wird die Korvetten bei Bulyard und Flotzki Arsenal in Varna bauen lassen.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://bgarmy.eamci.bg/scripts/isapivwb.dll">http://bgarmy.eamci.bg/scripts/isapivwb.dll</a><!-- m -->

Dabei wird es sich wohl um die kleinste Größe "Gowind F120" oder eine geänderte kleinere Größe handeln.

Der Bau der zwei georgischen Korvetten in Bulgarien hängt wohl auch damit zusammen, dass sich Bulgarien nun für den Kauf/ Bau von 4 Korvetten des Types Gowind F200 entschieden hat. Für die Beschaffung von 4 neuen Multifunktional-Korvetten sind bisher 800 Mio USD vorgesehen. Allerdings wird der Bau von 4 Gwind F200 Korvetten 750 Mio EUR kosten. Die erste fertige Korvette soll 2011 in Dienst gestellt werden. Bis dahin wird man sich wohl mit den alten Einheiten zufrieden geben müssen (1 Wielingen Fregatte, 1 Koni Fregatte, 2 Pauk-I Korvetten und 1 Tarantul-II Korvette).
Die erste Korvette wird in Frankreich gebaut, wo dann auch die bulgarischen Spezialisten ausgebildet werden.

[Bild: http://www.bgphoto.net/photos/17657/o632...093750.JPG]

76mm Geschütz
16 Aster-15 FlA-Raketen
8 MM-40 Exocet
Bordhubschrauber (6 AS-565MB "Panther" sind bereits bestellt)

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.mediapool.bg/show/?storyid=117585">http://www.mediapool.bg/show/?storyid=117585</a><!-- m -->

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dcn.fr/us/offre/batiments_surface/gowind200.html">http://www.dcn.fr/us/offre/batiments_su ... nd200.html</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/showthread.php?t=82104">http://www.militaryphotos.net/forums/sh ... hp?t=82104</a><!-- m -->

Ich denke, dass die Beschaffung von Korvetten der Gowind F200 Klasse die bessere Entscheidung ist, als die vorher angedachte Zusammenarbeit mit Lürssen. Der Lürssen-Entwurf sah den Bau von Korvetten klassischer Machart vor, ohne Stealtheigenschaften. Die F200 Korvetten sind zwar deutlich größer (fast schon Fregatten), werden aber auch in Zukunft State-of-the-art sein. Dass es nun doch keine Zusammenarbeit mit B+V gibt, hat wohl mal wieder politsche Gründe. Obwohl Korvetten der Klasse K130/F100 auch keine schlechte Wahl gewesen wären. Für mich sihet es so aus, als ob die Franzosen derzeit mehr Lobbyarbeit leisten oder bessere Angebote machen. Immerhin wurden bereits 12 AS-532AL "Cougar" und 6 AS-565 "Panther" für 700 Mio EUR bestellt (obwohl ich den Kaufpreis für absolut überteuert halte...jeder Hubschrauber kostet demnach 38,9 Mio EUR!!!! Dafür bekommt man ja schon F-16 Kampfflugzeuge).
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.marineforum.info/Daily_News/daily_news.html">http://www.marineforum.info/Daily_News/daily_news.html</a><!-- m -->

06 August

Navy chief RAdm Dimitar Denev reasserted requirement for up to three new multi-purpose warships (corvettes/offshore patrol vessels) and also new submarines … submarine crews currently being trained with the Turkish navy.

Zitat:NVL Group Held Steel Cutting Ceremony Of Bulgarian Navy’s First MMPV

Germany's NVL Group, formerly Lürssen Defence, and its local shipyard partner MTG Dolphin, on December 3rd joined representatives of the contracting authority to launch construction of the first of two Multipurpose Modular Patrol Vessels (MMPV) for the Bulgarian Navy in Varna, Bulgaria. [...]

The vessels, which are around 90 meters long, with around 2,300 tons of displacement, are based on a proven design from the NVL portfolio, and feature an integrated Combat Management System. The units are predestined for tasks within the framework of international alliance missions of NATO and the EU and enable the Bulgarian Navy to counter air- and land-based threats as well as surface and undersea threats.

Zitat:NVL Group Lays Keel Of 1st Corvette For The Bulgarian Navy

German shipbuilder NVL Group (formerly known as Lürssen Werft) laid the keel of the first of two corvettes (multipurpose modular patrol vessels - MMPV) for the Bulgarian Navy in Varna, Bulgaria on June 17, 2022. [...] Commander of the Navy Rear Admiral Kiril Mihaylov revealed the new vessel’s name as “Hrabri,” which means “Brave” in Bulgarian – the successor of the Bulgarian Navy’s torpedo boat of the same name from the early twentieth century. [...]

Bulgaria signed in November a contract with German shipyard Luerssen to build two Multipurpose Modular Patrol Vessels (MMPV) for the Bulgarian Navy. The contract is valued at 984 million levs ($593 million). Three companies were competing: Lürssen Werft GmbH & Co.KG of Germany, MTG Delfin AD of Bulgaria, and Fincantieri of Italy.

The MMPV has a length of 90 meters, a beam of 13.5 meters, and a displacement of 2,300 tons. A 76 mm gun, four anti-ship missiles, eight VL-MICA anti-aircraft missiles in vertical launcher cells, a Rheinmetall Millenium close-in weapon station, and lightweight torpedoes are among the weapons. Saab will provide an integrated combat management system.

Zitat:Bulgaria’s First Modern Corvette Launched By Local Shipyard

The lead ship of the two 2,300 ton MMPV 90 corvettes for the Bulgarian Navy was launched at the MTG Dolphin Shipyard in Varna by order from and in cooperation with the German shipbuilder NVL Group. [...]

The name of the new vessel will be “Hrabri”, meaning “Brave” in Bulgarian. It is a proud inheritor of the Bulgarian Navy’s torpedo boat of the same name from the beginning of 20th century. The second ship will be named “Smeli“. The vessels, which are about 90 meters long (hence the designation MMPV 90) and with a beam of 13.5 meters, are being built under a contract signed with Germany’s NVL Group on 12 November 2020 valued at €420 million excluding weapon systems and ammunition.

The two vessels are being built in parallel. The cutting of the steel for the first MMPV was held on December 3, 2021 at MTG Dolphin in Varna while for the second vessel was held about a year later on December 14, 2022. The keel of the first MMPV was laid on June 17, 2022 and almost a year later, on June 22, 2023 the keel-laying of the second vessel took place. Delivery of the first vessel is scheduled for the third quarter of 2025, and the second vessel a year later.

Zitat:Bulgaria and Germany sign contract to enhance Naval capabilities with advanced warfare systems

According to information published by the German government on August 16, 2024, Bulgarian Minister of Defence Atanas Zapryanov and Dirk Malgowski, Managing Director of the German shipyard NVL B.V. & Co. KG, signed a contract to enhance the capabilities of Bulgaria’s naval fleet. [...] The agreement focuses on equipping two Multi-Purpose Modular Patrol Vessels, currently being constructed by NVL in partnership with Bulgaria’s MTG-Dolphin plc, with advanced Electronic Warfare and Anti-Submarine Warfare systems. [...]

The MMPVs are being constructed by the NVL Group (formerly known as Lürssen Werft), a German shipbuilding company. These ships are based on the NVL OPV-90 design, but they feature enhancements tailored for combat operations. Each vessel will be approximately 90 meters long, with a displacement of 2,300 tonnes, making them the largest ships in the Bulgarian fleet. These vessels are armed with a comprehensive array of weaponry, including Saab RBS15 Mk 3 anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missiles launched from an eight-cell vertical launch system, lightweight torpedoes, and a 76 mm naval gun.


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