Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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02 April
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: Japanese government members release 5-year maritime plan to be ratified “in the next few weeks” … strengthen maritime security around Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea … monitor and protect area … deal with incursions under domestic law … deploy ground forces to Yonaguni island (Okinawa prefecture) and install mobile radars there … exploit natural gas from sea-bed deposits with three year survey and “commercialization around 2018”.
Beiträge: 12.970
Themen: 211
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Japan PM Abe warns China of force over islands landing
Japan would respond with force if any attempt is made to land on disputed islands, PM Shinzo Abe has warned.
His comments came as eight Chinese government ships sailed near East China Sea islands that both nations claim. A flotilla of 10 fishing boats carrying Japanese activists was also reported to be in the area, as well as the Japanese coastguard. Mr Abe was speaking in parliament hours after dozens of lawmakers visited a controversial war-linked shrine. A total of 168 lawmakers paid their respects at the Yasukuni Shrine, which commemorates Japan's war dead, including war criminals, in a move likely to anger regional neighbours who say the shrine is a reminder of Japan's military past.
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Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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23 April
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: While a “flotilla” of Japanese nationalist activists seems to be headed for the disputed Senkaku / Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea, Chinese paramilitary maritime forces in the area are being augmented …up to eight vessels reportedly enroute … Japan said to have summoned Chinese ambassador.
(rmks: developing story)
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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23 April
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: In the thus far strongest statement, Japanese Prime Minister vows to “expel by force" any Chinese landing on the Senkaku/Diaoyo islands in the East China Sea, and promises "decisive action" … currently eight Chinese paramilitary ships in the area “to monitor Japanese coast guard/navy movements”.
(rmks: Chinese intrusions appear intentionally designed to probe Japan's military response capabilities as well as the attitude of the Japanese population towards a confrontation with China).
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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25 April
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: Japan is to send a senior defence (rmks: !!!) official to China over the Senkaku Islands dispute.
die Inseln sind nicht nur wegen der Fische oder auch der dort vermuteten Bodenschätze von Bedeutung. Sie sind zunehmend von enormen strategischem Wert - weil sie die frei Passage zwischen den chinesischen Häfen und der offenen See blockieren. Sie sind sozusagen "erste Kontroll- und Verteidigungslinie" sowohl gegen einen Angriff auf China als auch gegen einen Ausbruchsversuch der PLAN in den Ozean.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Zitat: ...
27 April
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: China seems not prepared to make any concessions on the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the East China Sea … official foreign ministry statement for the very first time regards the islands “as China’s core interest”.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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08 May
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: Official Chinese newspaper “People's Daily” reportedly published an article advocating a review of Japanese sovereignty over the Ryuku Islands which include Okinawa … claiming they were a tributary state of China before Japan annexed them in the 1879 … “problems relating to the Ryukyu Islands have reached the time for reconsideration”.
(rmks: have not seen the original article yet)
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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13 May
A Japanese P-3C Orion maritime patrol aircraft on 12 May spotted and tracked an “unidentified foreign” (media: Chinese) submarine off Okinawa, just outside territorial waters … no indication that it had entered them …on 13 May left the area to the southeast.
(rmks: most likely Chinese; not the first one to be spotted there)
auch Taiwan hat U-Boote ...
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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17 May
CHINA (Territorial Conflicts)
With Japan: Three Chinese maritime surveillance vessels (HAIJIAN 26, 50, 66) entered Japanese territorial waters (some sources: contiguous zone adjacent to territorial waters) near disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands.
19 May
A Japanese P-3C maritime patrol aircraft spotted an unidentified submarine – thought to be Chinese – south of Minamidaito Island (Okinawa Prefecture), travelling just outside the contiguous zone.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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26 May
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: Three Chinese paramilitary vessels (CMS) for some five hours entered the 12-nm Japanese territorial waters at Senkaku islands and ordered Japanese activists’ vessels to leave the area.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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06 June
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
•With Japan: While dispute over Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea continues, a Chinese nationalist newspaper has launched an Internet game called "Recover the Diaoyu Islands," which lets players control a warship in fighting Japanese ships and planes.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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23 June
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: A Bahamas-flagged maritime research vessel was sailing in Japan's exclusive economic zone near disputed Senkaku Islands with a wire lowered into the water … when challenged by Japanese coast guard responded in Chinese that the waters lie in China's EEZ and it had obtained approval from the Chinese government … nonetheless left the area.
Beiträge: 540
Themen: 10
Registriert seit: Mar 2010
Zitat:China weist die Kumpanei Japans und der Philippinen im Inselstreit und bei der Irreführung der internationalen Öffentlichkeit scharf zurück.
Mit dieser Aussage reagierte Chinas Außenamtssprecherin Hua Chunying am Freitag auf das jüngste Treffen zwischen dem japanischen Verteidigungsminister Onodera Inori und dem Kommandeur der phillippinischen Marine Jose Luis Alano. Dabei hatten beide China vor häufigen Aktivitäten auf dem Meer gewarnt und dazu aufgerufen, den Status quo nicht einseitig zu verändern und das internationale Völkerrecht zu respektieren.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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Zitat: ...
07 July
CHINA (Territorial Disputes)
With Japan: Three Chinese CMS vessels (HAI JIAN 23, 49, 5001) operating near, possibly within Japanese territorial waters off disputed Senkaku islands … when challenged by Japanese coast guard, claimed “conducting a regular patrol under Chinese law”.
Beiträge: 28.156
Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
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09 July
The first annual white paper to be published under the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, emphasizes an increasingly assertive China and defiant North Korea … China’s activities in the sea and air include “dangerous actions that could cause a contingency situation” … document touches on the possibility of enabling Japan to attack an enemy base as an effective “deterrence” against ballistic missile threats … consequently, defence spending will be increased.
(rmks: Chinese MoD slams the paper, warning Japan of “playing with fire”)