Islamistischer Terrorismus
Zitat:A number of mosques across the UK are expected to use Friday prayers to call on Muslims to co-operate with the police in the fight against terrorism.
The Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) has urged imams to make the appeal but some are thought to be angry their religion has been linked with terrorism.

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Wenigstens etwas, aber das wird wohl eher Symbol als irgend etwas anderes sein.
Derweil ist ein neunter Mann in Crawley in Süd-west England festgenommen worden. Unter Britischem Terrorecht können diese Menschen zwei Wochen lang festgehalten werden, dann müssen sie angeklagt oder frei gelassen werden.
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El Kaida kündigt angeblich "Zerstörung" Roms an

Zitat:Rom (AFP) - Italienische Sicherheitskräfte haben in der Wohnung eines mutmaßlichen islamistischen Terroristen ein El-Kaida-Video sichergestellt, das die Zerstörung Roms ankündigt. "Derjenige, der Rom zerstören wird, bereitet bereits die Schwerter vor", zitierte die Zeitschrift "Panorama" aus dem Band. Wie die Tageszeitung "La Stampa" berichtete, nehmen die Sicherheitskräfte die Drohungen angesichts der bevorstehenden Osterfeierlichkeiten in Rom sehr ernst.

Die Botschaften stammen laut "Panorama" von dem jordanischen El-Kaida-Mitglied Scheich Abu Qatadah Al Falastini, der derzeit in London inhaftiert ist. In dem Video werde Rom als Zentrum des Christentums zum Anschlagsziel erklärt. "Rom ist das Kreuz, und der Westen ist das Kreuz. Die Römer sind die Patrone des Kreuzes und das Ziel der Moslems ist der Westen. Wir werden Rom öffnen", zitierte die Zeitschrif aus dem Band. "Öffnen" sei laut einem Übersetzer aus dem Arabischen eine altertümliche Formulierung für "mit Gewalt und Blutvergießen einnehmen".

Anti-Terror-Spezialisten hätten das Band bei der Durchsuchung einer Wohnung im norditalienischen Cremona entdeckt, die als "Hauptquartier" eines terroristischen Netzwerks angesehen werde. Kopf der Gruppe soll der 35-jährige Mohammed Trabelsi sein, der vor einigen Wochen in der lombardischen Stadt festgenommen und in ein Mailänder Gefängnis gebracht wurde. Laut "Panorama" drohte Trabelsi: "Wir wollen Italien treffen, weil dieser Hund Berlusconi diesen Hund Bush unterstützt hat."
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Zitat:FBI fears terrorists may use cultural visas to enter U.S.

April 2, 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. officials have received intelligence indicating terrorists might attempt to slip into the United States using cultural, arts or sports visas, according to the FBI.
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Zitat:Outsourcing the Hunt for Bin Laden
Pakistan should be at the top of Bush's 'axis of evil.'
By Leon Hadar
Imagine the following scenario, which includes all the historical analogies that neoconservative ideologues like to apply — World War II, Hitler, appeasement — plus a bonus reference to the evil du jour, Spain.

As American and Allied forces invade Nazi Germany in 1945, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and several SS troops flee to Fascist Spain, where they hide in the Pyrenees Mountains and mount guerrilla attacks against the Free French government. The American response? To ask Generalissimo Francisco Franco if he would be kind enough to send some of his forces to catch those Nazis — and it would be nice if it could all be wrapped up before the 1948 presidential election.

Sound absurd? Well, there is an element of the absurd in the acrimonious debate on 9/11 taking place these days. Lawmakers and pundits are arguing about what could have been done to prevent the terrorist attacks. But they all agree that if Americans could rewind history to pre-9/11, they would have done everything humanly possible to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda associates — sooner rather than later.
Naja es ist fraglich ob man besser ist wenn man Pakistan fallen laesst und zuschaut wie die Islamisten da die Macht uebernehmen

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Zitat:Police find videotape with terror threats to Rome
April 2, 2004 - 9:13PM

Italian police have found a video tape, thought to be from Al-Qaeda, containing threats to destroy Rome, right-wing weekly magazine Panorama said on Friday.

"The person who will destroy Rome is already preparing his swords. Rome will not be conquered by words but by force and weapons," Panorama quoted the message on the tape as saying.

The video was discovered at a flat in the northern city of Cremona suspected by investigators of being used as a base for an Islamic extremist group, the magazine said.

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Zitat:Report says terrorist teams stalk Manila

MANILA, Philippines, April 1 (UPI) -- At least 10 terrorist teams are in the Philippines metro Manila area to attack "soft targets," the Manila Times reported Friday.

The times quoted a "source in the police intelligence community" as saying the teams are from the Abu Sayyaf and its affiliate groups. The five or six members in each team reportedly trained in central Mindanao to prepare and set off explosives.
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Zitat:Untested Islamic Militants Emerging, U.S. Official Says

By Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 2, 2004; Page A20

A new cadre of untested Islamic militants is emerging to take the place of leaders in Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, which is now under "catastrophic stress" as a result of international operations over the past 30 months, the senior State Department counterterrorism official told a House International Relations subcommittee yesterday.
At least 70 percent of al Qaeda's senior leadership has been detained or killed since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks triggered a worldwide offensive against the network, and the remaining 30 percent is largely on the run, State Department counterterrorism coordinator J. Cofer Black testified.
Hehe 70% ist Tod oder geniesst die Sonne in Gitmo- keine schlechte Bilanz.

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Zitat:Al-Qaeda vows to make Australia a land of hell

AUSTRALIA is high on Al-Qaeda's list, with a threat to "turn the land of infidels into hell".

The threat, listed in a document, was obtained by America's NBC television and was reported to also be on a website known to the operatives of the terror group.

In what appeared to be a planning document signed by a Saudi leader of the group, Abdul Aziz Al-Mukrin, it specifies which Australians and targets to be hit.
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Zitat:Brits and Americans on Al Qaeda "memo"
Fri 2 April, 2004 14:34

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An alleged al Qaeda "planning memo" lists specific nationalities and occupations to be targeted, with Americans and British citizens topping the list, according to a televised report.

The document, shown on NBC's "Today" programme on Friday, was described as "a planning memo from al Qaeda that lists who terrorists should target."

It ranks nationalities to target by importance, starting with Americans and British, followed by Spanish, Australians, Canadians and Italians, the report said.
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Zitat:U.S. to Fingerprint More Foreigners
19 minutes ago Add White House - AP Cabinet & State to My Yahoo!

By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - A program requiring foreigners to be fingerprinted and photographed before entering the country is being expanded to include millions of travelers from some of America's closest allies, U.S. officials said Friday.
Hehehe die Franzosen muessen jetzt auch Fingerabdruecke liefern wenn sie ins Land wollen *g*
Naja verstaendlich wenn Leute wie Kelkal franz. Staatsbuergerschaft bekommen haben.
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Zitat:Gov't Warns of Summer Bomb Plots in U.S.
34 minutes ago

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Terrorists might try to bomb buses and rail lines in major U.S. cities this summer, according to a government bulletin issued to law enforcement officials nationwide.
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Die Meister des Dschihad

Armenhaus und Atommacht, Verbündeter der USA und Brutstätte islamistischer Gewalt: Pakistan ist ein Land der Gegensätze - und eine Gefahr für die Welt. Washington setzt auf Militärherrscher Musharraf, der radikale Mullahs hätschelt, aber CIA-Spezialeinheiten Bin Laden jagen lässt.
“We must destroy Rome” - und sonst die Psychopharmaka schon heute geschluckt:frag:Big Grin
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Zitat:“Rome is a cross. The West is a cross and Romans are the owners of the cross. Muslims’ target is the West. We will split Rome open”
mbmn sollte man die gefahr, dass sich rechte gruppen mit islamisten zusammen tun, keinesfalls unterschätzen. es ist bekannt, dass im libanon neben der raf auch rechte gruppierungen von der plo ausgebildet worden sind.

auch gibts berichte von der teilnahme der führungsspitzen der npd an treffen von islamisten.
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Zitat:Confessed Terrorists Say Usama Inspired Them

Friday, April 02, 2004

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Admitting they were part of an Islamic terrorist group, four jailed Malaysians said Friday that a string of attacks against churches and other targets in Southeast Asia — including bombings in Bali that killed 202 people — was inspired by Usama bin Laden (search).

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Zitat:New trial mounts against cleric

Apr 02, 2004

Indonesian police will bring suspected Jemaah Islamiah spiritual leader Abu Bakar Bashir in for questioning next week as officials continue to look at mounting a fresh terrorism trial against him.

The fiery Islamic cleric is due to be released from his Jakarta jail on April 30 after an appeal to Indonesia's highest court last month halved his three year sentence for forgery and immigration offences.

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Zitat:Union flag burnt as extremists cheer bin Laden
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent, and Rebecca Thomson
(Filed: 03/04/2004)

Islamic fundamentalists burned a Union flag and chanted the name of Osama bin Laden yesterday in defiance of the vast majority of mosques, which backed calls for Muslims to co-operate in the fight against terrorism.
But as several thousand worshippers left the mosque, about 20 supporters of Al-Muhajiroun, a fringe fundamentalist group, burned a Union flag and chanted: "UK, you will pay, bin Laden on his way."

Anjem Choudary, a spokesman for the group, said: "There is nothing me and you, or the British services or the Government, can do about stopping an attack in this country. There is nothing MI5 or MI6 can do to stop al-Qa'eda from bombing London."
Abu Hamza, the radical cleric, held his usual Friday prayer meeting outside the Finsbury Park Mosque, north London, watched by uniformed police officers.

He told nearly 150 Muslims that the only person who cared about the council's letter was Tony Blair.

He claimed that the alleged bomb-making material found by the police this week was "created material" and the arrests were a "conspiracy against these brothers".
Und solche geniesen dann meistens Asyl weil sie im Heimatland verfolgt werden - pff - ich wuerd die sofort abschieben - mir doch egal was deren Heimatregierungen mit denen anstellt.

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Zitat:Second day of JI’s grand tribal jirga: Qazi condemns military operation in FATA

* Says campaign a US conspiracy to weaken Pakistan
* Praises patriotism of tribesmen

Staff Report

PESHAWAR: Qazi Hussain Ahmed, acting chief of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), has condemned the ongoing military operation in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and termed it a US conspiracy to pitch the tribesmen against the Pakistan Army to weaken the country.
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Zitat:Officials: al-Qaida plotting to destabilize Jordan
AMMAN, Jordan

Jordanian officials said Saturday that suspected terrorists detained this week carrying explosives may have belonged to al-Qaida and been linked to plots to blow up vital public facilities to destabilize the U.S.-allied Arab kingdom.
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Zitat:Italian cops detain 106 militant suspects

ROME: Italian police detained more than 100 people suspected of having links to Muslim militants in co-ordinated swoops across the country on Friday, an interior ministry spokesman said.

Working with the secret service, police detained 106 people, most of them Moroccan immigrants. Fifteen of those held were to be deported because their papers were not in order, the spokesman said.
Ist schonmal was - 15 werden ausgewiesen.
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Schärfere Gangart Pakistans gegen islamistische Extremisten

Zitat:In den pakistanischen Stammesgebieten an der afghanischen Grenze ist vergangene Woche die bisher umfangreichste Militäraktion ohne grossen Erfolg beendet worden. Die Regierung in Islamabad geht heute zwar entschiedener gegen religiöse Extremisten vor, in der Grenzregion stösst sie dabei aber auf erheblichen Widerstand...........
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USA verstärken wegen Terror Druck auf Pakistan

Die USA drängen Pakistan, härter gegen Terrorverdächtige vorzugehen. Die Regierung in Islamabad reagiert empört.

Zitat:Zwischen den USA und ihrem Verbündeten Pakistan gibt es Streit über die Terrorbekämpfung. Der amerikanische Botschafter für Afghanistan, Zalmay Khalilzad warf der Regierung in Islamabad vor, nicht entschlossen genug nach Al-Qaeda-Mitglieder zu fahnden, die nahe der afghanischen Grenze vermutet werden.
«Wir haben der pakistanischen Regierung gesagt, dass sie dieses Problem lösen muss oder wir werden das selbst tun», so Khalilzad in Washington. Anders könne sich die Lage im Süden und Osten Afghanistans nicht stabilisieren.
Pakistan wehrte sich gegen die Vorhaltungen. Das Verhalten der USA sei «ungerechtfertigt und unerbeten», zitiert die Nachrichtenagentur AP einen Sprecher des Außenministeriums.........
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Fall des deutschen Guantanamo-Häftlings vor Oberstem US-Gericht
21-Jähriger Lehrling aus Bremen seit mehr als zwei Jahren ohne Anklage auf Kuba gefangen

Zitat:Bremen - Der Fall des seit mehr als zwei Jahren auf dem kubanischen US-Stützpunkt Guantanamo festgehaltenen deutschen Lehrlings Murat Kurnaz aus Bremen beschäftigt nun auch das Oberste Gericht der USA. Am Montag reichten US-Anwälte für den 21-Jährigen mit türkischem Pass und drei weitere Gefangene eine Klage direkt beim höchsten US-Gericht in Washington ein, wie der Bremer Anwalt der Familie, Berhard Docke, am Dienstag mitteilte. Nach Angaben Dockes soll mit den Klagen sichergestellt werden, dass das Gericht eine Grundsatzentscheidung zum Rechtsschutz von Guantanamo-Gefangenen in den USA fällt.........
World - Reuters
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Zitat:Gunmen Storm Karachi Police Post, Kill 5
Sun Apr 4, 9:52 AM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Aamir Ashraf

KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - At least 10 gunmen stormed into a police station in the southern Pakistan city of Karachi on Sunday, killing five policemen and wounding one after demanding the officers recite Islamic verses, police said.
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Zitat:Eavesdropping by U.S. agency led to arrests of terrorist suspects: report

LONDON (CP) - The arrests of nine terrorist suspects in Britain and one in Canada last week began with a message intercepted by the National Security Agency in the United States that appeared to give instructions for an attack in the United Kingdom by al-Qaida commanders in Pakistan, The Sunday Times reports.
The newspaper says the message was received by computers at the NSA's electronic eavesdropping centre in Maryland, which monitors millions of telephone calls and e-mails a day.
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Zitat:Former member of al-Qaida-linked terror group returns home but dreams of Islamic state
Monday April 05, 2004
Associated Press Writer
NAVOI, Uzbekistan (AP) Granted amnesty by the Uzbek government, Uigun Saidov turned in his Kalashnikov and sat back down at his pottery wheel.

He was returning to his Central Asian hometown after years on the run because he was part of an al-Qaida-linked terror organization that joined the fight against U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan that toppled the Taliban regime.
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Zitat:Letter from bin Laden Found in Mosque in Italy
A letter from Osama bin Laden inviting young Saudis to join a Holy War against the United States has been found in the mosque of Cremona, Italy's northern city, a local newspaper reported Friday.
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Zitat:French Police Hunt Morocco Bombing Suspects

Monday, April 05, 2004

PARIS — Authorities raided several suburban Paris neighborhoods Monday and detained 15 people in connection with a deadly terrorist attack in Morocco (search) last year, police said.
DST, France's domestic security agency, took the suspects in for questioning after carrying out raids in the northeastern suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis (search) and in the eastern Yvelines region on orders of two French anti-terrorism judges, Jean-Louis Bruguiere and Jean-Francois Ricard.
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April 5, 2004 -- "Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry."- Winston Churchill
UZBEKISTAN is best known to Americans for . . . well, nothing. But events there last week mean it's time to start paying attention.

The week's round of violence - the first suicide bombings in Central Asia - killed at least 44 people, including several female suicide bombers. And there's no doubt al Qaeda's Central Asian branch, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), was behind the mayhem.

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Zitat:The Saudi Fifth Column On Our Nation's Campuses

By Lee Kaplan | April 5, 2004

From Riyadh to Ramallah to the Ivy League, the Saudi Wahhabi lobby and money machine is funding the goals of radical Islam and undermining America’s efforts to prosecute the War On Terror.

The press recently reported new closures by the Department of Justice of Saudi “charitable” fronts like the Muslim World League, the Al-Haramain Foundation, the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), and others which raised money for Al Qaeda, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. [1] But the government has so far ignored an even larger network of Saudi front groups working toward parallel ends.

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Zitat:Footprints Of Terror
The survival of the infrastructure of terrorism and the continued support to terrorist groups in Pakistan is, unambiguously, a global threat; and for any country, most of all, for America to believe that it will be exempt from the consequences, is nothing less than dangerously delusional.


Almost simultaneous news about the arrest of prominent members of the Pakistani terrorist group, the Lashkar-e-Taiba, in Iraq, and of a group of terrorist conspirators of Pakistani origin in the UK, underlines, once again, Pakistan's centrality in the network of international Islamist terrorism.
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Zitat:Pak offers Al Qaeda fugitives safe passage
Peshawar | April 06, 2004 3:16:20 PM IST

Al-Qaeda fighters hiding among the unruly tribes of Pakistan along the rugged Afghan border have reportedly been offered "safe passage" by the Governor of the country's North-West Frontier Province (NWFP), Syed Iftikhar Hussain.
"If the foreign terrorists want to leave Pakistani territory then we are ready to provide safe passage to them," The News quoted the Governor as saying recently.
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The Masters of Jihad
Der Speigel

Published: April 5, 2004

A poorhouse and a nuclear power, an ally of the United States and an incubator for Islamist violence: Pakistan is a land of contradictions and poses a danger to the world. Washington is backing Musharraf, who indulges radical mullahs but allows the CIA's special forces to hunt for bin Laden.
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Zitat:Cleric to be probed over Bali link
JAKARTA, Indonesia (CNN) -- The alleged spiritual leader of terror group Jemaah Islamiyah is to be questioned by Indonesian police in a bid to link him to the October 12 Bali bombings, his lawyers say.
Testimonies by suspected terrorists, including those detained by the U.S., will be used to investigate Abu Bakar Ba'asyir's possible involvement in terrorist activities.
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Zitat:Germany Releases Convicted 9/11 Suspect
Wed Apr 7, 4:39 PM ET

By DAVID RISING, Associated Press Writer

HAMBURG, Germany - The only Sept. 11 suspect ever convicted walked out of jail Wednesday smiling and laughing, freed less than 2 1/2 years into a 15-year sentence after judges ruled the evidence was too weak to hold him pending a retrial.
Lang lebe unser Rechtsstaat.....

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Zitat:Threat Names Thailand as Iraq Target 'After Spain'
Wed Apr 7, 8:32 AM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Thailand's embassy in Sweden has received a letter threatening the Southeast Asian country with attacks like those on Spain in retaliation for sending troops to Iraq (news - web sites), Thai and Swedish officials said on Wednesday.

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Zitat:Part of airport evacuated when suspicious package found

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Published on: 04/07/04

Authorities removed a "suspicious package" containing what appeared to be a hand grenade from a rest room at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport today, an Atlanta police spokeswoman said this afternoon.
Eine Spur führt immer nach Deutschland (ein interessantes Artikel und zugleich ein ganzes Dossier zum Thema: islamischer Terrorismus)
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ezial.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Nationalität, Herkunft, Grenzen - all das spielt für Islamisten, die sich Al Qaida verschrieben haben, keine Rolle. ...
Allein der Glaube an die absolute Macht Gottes und an das gemeinsame Ziel gilt: die Ermordung aller Ungläubigen, um einen weltweiten Gottesstaat zu errichten. So knapp ist im Kern das Programm der Al Qaida und ihrer Anhänger.
Abschied von der multikulturellen Gesellschaft?
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ntent.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Vor der größten Londoner Moschee haben am vergangenen Freitag 20 junge Hitzköpfe die britische Flagge verbrannt. In der Moschee freilich hielten zur selben Zeit 2000 Gläubige ihre ordentliche religiöse Andacht.
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Zitat:Teenager faces first charge over UK bomb raids
April 8, 2004

British police have charged one of nine men detained in a series of anti-terrorism raids last week in connection with an apparent plot to build a powerful bomb.

The 17-year-old has been charged with conspiracy to cause "an explosion of a nature likely to endanger life or cause serious damage to property".

Nine men aged 17 to 32, all British citizens who are reportedly mostly of Pakistani descent, were taken into custody last week when 700 police raided 24 locations in and around London. None of the other eight has been charged.
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Zitat:Pacific islands 'a terrorist's paradise'
By New Zealand correspondent Claire Harvey
April 08, 2004
TERRORISTS may already be hiding out in small Pacific islands because of lax border controls, Cook Islands Prime Minister Robert Woonton has warned.
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New al-Qaida plot to burn U.S. forests
Arab message board posts 'plan of economic attack'
© 2004

An Arabic-language jihadi website posted a message purporting to be "al-Qaida’s plan of economic attack" on the U.S. that included setting forest fires, according to the Northeast Intelligence Network.

The six-point plan appeared Saturday and called for:

- attacks on the assets of large American companies all over the world;
- attacks on U.S. oil refineries;
- attacks on civilian airports with the goal of financially devastating U.S. airlines;
- deliberate pollution of food system;
- setting of fires in the forests – "especially those that provide the American market with the raw materials for the wood and paper and byproducts industries";
- attacks like those on the railway transportation lines in Spain;
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Zitat:Rice: Nation Not on 'War Footing' on 9/11

The Associated Press
Thursday, April 8, 2004; 9:28 AM

WASHINGTON - National security adviser Condoleezza Rice testified Thursday "there was no silver bullet that could have prevented" the worst terror strike in the nation's history, adding that the United States "simply was not on a war footing" at the time of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
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Zitat:Saudi Qaeda Man Calls for Killing Americans-Website
Thu Apr 8, 4:02 AM ET Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Ghaida Ghantous

DUBAI (Reuters) - One of Saudi Arabia's most wanted al Qaeda militants has called on Muslims to kill Americans everywhere and vowed attacks against Arab leaders allied to Washington, according to a video carried on an Islamist Web Site.
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Zitat:Bomb Alert Evacuates Paris Train Stations

By Associated Press

April 8, 2004, 4:19 PM EDT

PARIS -- French authorities evacuated stations on a train line that cuts across the French capital on Thursday after the CIA warned of possible attacks, police said.

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Al-Qaida calls for more mutilations
Communique encourages attacks like those in Fallujah, Mogadishu

Posted: April 9, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2004

WASHINGTON – The latest communique from al-Qaida calls for assassinations of world leaders, kidnappings and mutilation attacks like those carried out in Fallujah and Mogadishu, according to a translation and analysis by the Northeast Intelligence Network.

The communication came in the form of the 14th edition of the Voice of Jihad, an online publication believed to be produced by Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization.
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Zitat:Mehrere Explosionen in Riad

12. Apr 18:30, ergänzt 19:48

In der saudiarabischen Hauptstadt haben sich Extremisten mit Polizeibeamten ein Feuergefecht geliefert. Über mögliche Opfer wurde zunächst nichts bekannt.

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