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Zitat:New Polish coalition government sacks state TV, radio and news bosses

Poland’s new pro-European Union government has begun to wrestle control of the country’s state media and some other state agencies from the conservative party that consolidated its grip on them during their eight years in power. [...]

The Cabinet of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, which took office last week, said Wednesday it had fired the directors of the state television and radio outlets and the government-run news agency. It seeks to reestablish independent media in Poland in a legally binding and lasting way. Tusk's government has made it a priority to restore objectivity and free expression in state media, which the previous government, under the Law and Justice party, used as aggressive propaganda tools, attacking Tusk and the opposition and spreading its eurosceptic views. During its rule, Law and Justice cut corners and ignored some procedures to gain control of the media supervisory bodies and of the key appointments as it tightened its grip. [...]

The new government's first steps toward a return to media freedom were met with protest by Law and Justice Party leader Jarosław Kaczyński, top party figures and many of its lawmakers whom occupied buildings housing the offices and studios of state-run television TVP in the hopes that their supporters would come out to demonstrate in big numbers. A rally was called for later Wednesday and a few dozen people gathered. [...]

Law and Justice issued a statement saying the actions of the new government were “illegal” and that the change of the leaderships of the media was done “unlawfully.”

In gewisser Weise ist es eine Art von medialem Kulturkampf und der PiS fällt nun ihre arrogante Politik der Mediengängelung und/oder -gleichschaltung in der Vergangenheit massiv auf die Füße. Fairerweise muss man aber auch sagen: Auch wenn die PiS seinerzeit die Medien für ihre erzkonservative Parteipropaganda eingespannt und instrumentalisiert hat, so ist umgekehrt der jetzige Kahlschlag in den Führungsriegen der Medienunternehmen durch die neue Regierung zumindest rein arbeitsrechtlich gesehen fragwürdig.


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