Volksrepublik China
Zitat:Erich postete
Hi Merowig, was ich schon lange mal fragen wollte_
findst wohl keine seriösen Seiten auf deutsch,
musste immer englische Lektüre suchen, die Deine Meinung belegt???
Erich wo ist dein Problem ? Englisch ist Lingua Franca des Internets udn der Welt und ich bin oefters auf englischsprachigen Sites als auf deutschsprachigen. Privat lese ich auch Buecher in anderen Sprachen...
Nach Englisch folgt deutsche, rumaenische und franzoesischsprachige Seiten.
Versteh dein Problem nicht den Holger hat explizit das Posten von Englischsprachigen Quellen mal erlaubt

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.globaldefence.net/">http://www.globaldefence.net/</a><!-- m --> hat auch einen Teil seines Contents auf Englisch ebenso hat spiegel.de paar seiten auf Englisch mittlerweile...
Selbst Hauptschueler lernen Englisch (zumindest in Baden-Württemberg ^-^ )

Naja um zum Thema zurueckzukommen:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.goasiapacific.com/focus/asia/GoAsiaPacificFocusAsiaStories_1157109.htm">http://www.goasiapacific.com/focus/asia ... 157109.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Cyber censorship

Internet use may be booming in China - but so is censorship.

Recent figures predict 100 million Chinese will soon be online, but thousands of websites are blocked - including, at times, this one - and the country is now claimed to be the leading jailer of “cyber dissidents”.
"Traditional media has been very tightly controlled - both television and film distribution has been very tightly controlled in terms of censorship - and the innovation that's happened in traditional media has been less than what's happened in the internet," he says.
In late 2002 researchers from Harvard University conducted a study into Chinese internet censorship and concluded that China was filtering more content than any other country.
The international press freedom organisation Reporters Without Borders has labelled China the world's biggest prison for "cyber dissidents", with 61 internet users in jail at the start of May.

In a recent report, the organisation detailed how it believes China watches and controls the web:

"The architecture of the Chinese internet was designed from the outset to allow information control. There are just five backbones or hubs through which all traffic must pass. No matter what ISP is chosen by internet users, their emails and the files they download and send must pass through one of these hubs."
For weeks the ABC's websites have been blocked in China - the third such occasion in the last two years.
Abc ist ja auch bekannt Pornos zu vertreiben :rofl: :rofl:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://iso.hrichina.org/iso/news_item.adp?news_id=1842">http://iso.hrichina.org/iso/news_item.adp?news_id=1842</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Journalist Pursued for Aiding Peasants
For Immediate Release
July 12, 2004

Human Rights in China (HRIC) has learned that police have pressured peasant advocate Wu Zhongkai to frame Zhao Yan, a journalist who has written articles on the Tangshan peasant controversy. Zhao has already lost his job and his father as a result of official harassment, and now lives in fear of imminent arrest.

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