zum UN-Sicherheitsrat gehören ja zwei unmittelbare Nachbarn von Nordkorea:
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Zitat:The Sunday Times October 08, 2006

China on alert over a nuclear neighbour
Michael Sheridan, North Korean/Chinese border

“All visits by Chinese have recently been stopped,” said a local official. “They gave us no reason for it.”....

Last Friday, North Korea’s traditional allies, Russia and China, joined in a UN security council warning that a weapons test - likely to be in a disused mine 6,000ft underground in Shijung district near the Chinese border -would attract “universal condemnation”. It has put the Chinese under maximum pressure to restrain Kim. Japan’s new prime minister, Shinzo Abe, is due in Beijing today to urge on the effort and the leader of South Korea is coming to make the same plea on Monday.

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