Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:Jailed Muslim Had Made a Name in Washington
Alamoudi Won Respect as a Moderate Advocate
By Mary Beth Sheridan and Douglas Farah
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, December 1, 2003; Page A01

It was a dinner like no other in congressional history. On a frigid night in early 1996, top government figures joined Muslim Americans in the Hart Senate Office Building for solemn prayers and a roast beef supper, the first such celebration marking the Islamic holy days of Ramadan.
Der galt lange Zeit als gemaessigt und hatte Umgang mit einer Menge Politikern - jetzt hockt er hinter Schwedischen Gardinen - hat Terrororganisationen Geld zukommen lassen. Tjo irgendwann broeckelt jede Fassade mal ab...
zum Beispiel dann bei solchen Aussagen
Zitat:"Anybody's a supporter of Hamas here?" he yelled as the crowd cheered. "Hear that, Bill Clinton, we are all supporters of Hamas! . . . I am also a supporter of Hezbollah!"

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Zitat:Tartan Taliban questioned and released by police

BILLY BRIGGS December 01 2003

A man labelled the Tartan Taliban was detained by anti-terrorist officers in Manchester last week, it emerged yesterday.
James McLintock, a graduate of Dundee University whose parents live in Arbroath, was arrested last Thursday but released the next day without charge.News of his arrest came as seven other men continued to be questioned and as a newspaper reported that M15 fear a possible Christmas bombing campaign by al Qaeda.
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Zitat:Crunch-time for Al-Jazeera

Top Arab reporter linked to Al-Qaeda
Accused of inciting suicide attacks
Dumps its star Western journalist
By John R. Bradley

JEDDAH - Even for a news organisation which frequently makes world headlines, the past two months have been a roller-coaster ride for Al-Jazeera, the Qatar-based, Arabic-language satellite station famous for airing exclusive video and audio messages from Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
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Zitat:Philippine rebels 'trained by JI terrorists'
MANILA - Indonesian militants from the Al-Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiah (JI) network are probably training Filipino guerillas in mountainous areas on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao, a top official said yesterday.
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December 1, 2003 -- WONDER why Muslim terrorists have targeted Muslim nations such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia? Try reading the rants of Zacarias Moussaoui, the bored al Qaeda jihadist sitting in a U.S. jail.
To al Qaeda, Islam is about death: Just days before the bombings in Turkey, Moussaoui chillingly declared, "Jihad Strike - Ramadan is the Jihad month where all the Mujahids increase their operations (especially suicide ones) . . . no drink, no food, no woman, only blood."

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