Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:How al-Qa'ida has split into dozens of autonomous, hard-to-find 'franchises'
By Kim Sengupta
22 November 2003

The Afghan war was meant to deprive al-Qa'ida of the protection of its Taliban allies and destroy it as a fighting force. But the Istanbul bombings are the latest example of how the organisation has reinvented itself to continue its jihad.


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'Wahhabi lobby'
spreads its wealth
Islamist terror groups trying to undermine counterterrorism laws

Posted: November 22, 2003
1:00 a.m. Eastern
On Sept. 11, 2001, as people around the world opened their hearts and their checkbooks to victims of the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, a prominent Muslim activist laid out $3,000 of his own. But he didn't have the victims in mind.

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