10.03.2005, 15:44
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FK06Ak01.html">http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FK06Ak01.html</a><!-- m -->
Dennoch bezweifel ich, dass die genannte Achse China-Russland-Iran auf kurze Sicht eine Chance zur Intensivierung oder gar Bildung einer stragischen Partnerschaft hat.
Das liegt vor allem und nicht zuletzt an den immensen Investitionen der USA in Russland und China aber auch umgekehrt und allgemein der engen Verstrickung der Weltmärkte heute. Allerdings zweifel ich ebefalls daran das dies bei den doch ziemlich konträren Interessen lange gutgehen kann.
Zitat:CHINA ROCKS THE GEOPOLITCAL BOATMit dem steigenden Energiehunger Chinas, wächst auch ganz offensichtlich das eigene Interessensgbiet bis an den Persischen Golf und das Kaspische Meer.
TEHRAN - Speaking of business as unusual. A mere two months ago, the news of a China-Kazakhstan pipeline agreement, worth US$3.5 billion, raised some eyebrows in the world press, some hinting that China's economic foreign policy may be on the verge of a new leap forward. A clue to the fact that such anticipation may have totally understated the case was last week's signing of a mega-gas deal between Beijing and Tehran worth $100 billion. Billed as the "deal of century" by various commentators, this agreement is likely to increase by another $50 billion to $100 billion, bringing the total close to $200 billion, when a similar oil agreement, currently being negotiated, is inked not too far from now.
It is perhaps too early to digest fully the various economic, political and even geostrategic implications of this stunning development, widely considered a major blow to the Bush administration's economic sanctions on Iran and particularly on Iran's energy sector, notwithstanding the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act (ILSA) penalizing foreign companies daring to invest more than $20 million in Iran's oil and gas industry.
While it is unclear what the scope of China's direct investment in Iran's energy sector will turn out to be, it is fairly certain that China's participation in the Yad Avaran field alone will exceed the ILSA's ceiling;
For a United States increasingly pointing at China as the next biggest challenge to its Pax Americana, the Iran-China energy cooperation cannot but be interpreted as an ominous sign of emerging new trends in an area considered vital to US national interests.
China, Russia and Iran share deep misgivings about the perception of the United States as a "benevolent hegemon" and tend to see a "rogue superpower" instead. Even short of joining forces formally, the main outlines of such an axis can be discerned from their convergence of threat perception due to, among other things, Russia's disquiet over the post-September 11, 2001, US incursions in its traditional Caucasus-Central Asian "turf", and China's continuing unease over the Korean Peninsula and Taiwan; this is not to mention China's fixed gaze at a "new Silk Road" allowing it unfettered access to the Middle East and Eurasia, this as part and parcel of what is often billed as "the new great game" in Eurasia. Indeed, what China's recent deals with both Kazakhstan (pertaining to Caspian energy) and Iran (pertaining to Persian Gulf resources) signifies is that the pundits had gotten it wrong until now: the purview of the new great game is not limited to the Central Asia-Caspian Sea basin, but rather has a broader, more integrated, purview increasingly enveloping even the Persian Gulf. Increasingly, the image of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a sort of frontline state in a post-Cold War global lineup against US hegemony is becoming prevalent among Chinese and Russian foreign-policy thinkers.
Dennoch bezweifel ich, dass die genannte Achse China-Russland-Iran auf kurze Sicht eine Chance zur Intensivierung oder gar Bildung einer stragischen Partnerschaft hat.
Das liegt vor allem und nicht zuletzt an den immensen Investitionen der USA in Russland und China aber auch umgekehrt und allgemein der engen Verstrickung der Weltmärkte heute. Allerdings zweifel ich ebefalls daran das dies bei den doch ziemlich konträren Interessen lange gutgehen kann.