Geheim Projekte
Ganz interessant für die Einschätzung, was den Umfang der "black projects" der US-Streitkräfte angeht:

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Zitat:An analysis of the black or classified budget within the FY 2005 Department of Defense budget request

Source: Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

No reference; 4 pages in PDF format

Released July 28, 2004

Classified or “black” programs appear to account for about $26.1 billion, or 18 percent, of the acquisition funding included in the fiscal year (FY) 2005 Department of Defense (DoD) budget request.
This total includes $12.9 billion in procurement funding and $13.1 billion in research and development (R&D) funding. These figures represent 17 percent and 19 percent, respectively, of the total funding requested for procurement and R&D. [...]
Allein 12,9 Milliarden allein für Beschaffung. Da kann man schon ordentlich was auf die Beine stellen, wenn die Zahlen akkurat sind.

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