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NK will J 10-Fighter aus China kaufen
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Zitat:Kim Tried to Buy Advanced Fighter Jets from China
BEIJING -- A Hong Kong paper reported Thursday that North Korean leader Kim Jong-il attempted to negotiate the import of advanced fighter jets from China during his recent visit to Beijing, but was refused by the Chinese.
According to the Canadian military intelligence service Kanwa Intelligence Review, Kim tried to arrange the import of advanced Chinese J-10A fighters, but was refused in a roundabout way by China.

Developed at Factory 132 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, the J-10A is know to be a highly capable fighter aircraft capable to countering the F-16s sold to Taiwan by the United States.

Meanwhile, a Chinese source said Kim asked Chinese leaders for grants, and Chinese authorities agreed to do so in principle. The source said, "China agreed in principle to provide a large grand to the North... The specific total is still being negotiated."


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