Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:Bomb Alert Evacuates Paris Train Stations

By Associated Press

April 8, 2004, 4:19 PM EDT

PARIS -- French authorities evacuated stations on a train line that cuts across the French capital on Thursday after the CIA warned of possible attacks, police said.

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Al-Qaida calls for more mutilations
Communique encourages attacks like those in Fallujah, Mogadishu

Posted: April 9, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern
© 2004

WASHINGTON – The latest communique from al-Qaida calls for assassinations of world leaders, kidnappings and mutilation attacks like those carried out in Fallujah and Mogadishu, according to a translation and analysis by the Northeast Intelligence Network.

The communication came in the form of the 14th edition of the Voice of Jihad, an online publication believed to be produced by Osama bin Laden's terrorist organization.

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