Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:Teenager faces first charge over UK bomb raids
April 8, 2004

British police have charged one of nine men detained in a series of anti-terrorism raids last week in connection with an apparent plot to build a powerful bomb.

The 17-year-old has been charged with conspiracy to cause "an explosion of a nature likely to endanger life or cause serious damage to property".

Nine men aged 17 to 32, all British citizens who are reportedly mostly of Pakistani descent, were taken into custody last week when 700 police raided 24 locations in and around London. None of the other eight has been charged.
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Zitat:Pacific islands 'a terrorist's paradise'
By New Zealand correspondent Claire Harvey
April 08, 2004
TERRORISTS may already be hiding out in small Pacific islands because of lax border controls, Cook Islands Prime Minister Robert Woonton has warned.
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New al-Qaida plot to burn U.S. forests
Arab message board posts 'plan of economic attack'
© 2004

An Arabic-language jihadi website posted a message purporting to be "al-Qaida’s plan of economic attack" on the U.S. that included setting forest fires, according to the Northeast Intelligence Network.

The six-point plan appeared Saturday and called for:

- attacks on the assets of large American companies all over the world;
- attacks on U.S. oil refineries;
- attacks on civilian airports with the goal of financially devastating U.S. airlines;
- deliberate pollution of food system;
- setting of fires in the forests – "especially those that provide the American market with the raw materials for the wood and paper and byproducts industries";
- attacks like those on the railway transportation lines in Spain;
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Zitat:Rice: Nation Not on 'War Footing' on 9/11

The Associated Press
Thursday, April 8, 2004; 9:28 AM

WASHINGTON - National security adviser Condoleezza Rice testified Thursday "there was no silver bullet that could have prevented" the worst terror strike in the nation's history, adding that the United States "simply was not on a war footing" at the time of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
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Zitat:Saudi Qaeda Man Calls for Killing Americans-Website
Thu Apr 8, 4:02 AM ET Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Ghaida Ghantous

DUBAI (Reuters) - One of Saudi Arabia's most wanted al Qaeda militants has called on Muslims to kill Americans everywhere and vowed attacks against Arab leaders allied to Washington, according to a video carried on an Islamist Web Site.

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