Islamistischer Terrorismus
World - Reuters
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Zitat:Gunmen Storm Karachi Police Post, Kill 5
Sun Apr 4, 9:52 AM ET Add World - Reuters to My Yahoo!

By Aamir Ashraf

KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) - At least 10 gunmen stormed into a police station in the southern Pakistan city of Karachi on Sunday, killing five policemen and wounding one after demanding the officers recite Islamic verses, police said.
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Zitat:Eavesdropping by U.S. agency led to arrests of terrorist suspects: report

LONDON (CP) - The arrests of nine terrorist suspects in Britain and one in Canada last week began with a message intercepted by the National Security Agency in the United States that appeared to give instructions for an attack in the United Kingdom by al-Qaida commanders in Pakistan, The Sunday Times reports.
The newspaper says the message was received by computers at the NSA's electronic eavesdropping centre in Maryland, which monitors millions of telephone calls and e-mails a day.
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Zitat:Former member of al-Qaida-linked terror group returns home but dreams of Islamic state
Monday April 05, 2004
Associated Press Writer
NAVOI, Uzbekistan (AP) Granted amnesty by the Uzbek government, Uigun Saidov turned in his Kalashnikov and sat back down at his pottery wheel.

He was returning to his Central Asian hometown after years on the run because he was part of an al-Qaida-linked terror organization that joined the fight against U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan that toppled the Taliban regime.
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Zitat:Letter from bin Laden Found in Mosque in Italy
A letter from Osama bin Laden inviting young Saudis to join a Holy War against the United States has been found in the mosque of Cremona, Italy's northern city, a local newspaper reported Friday.
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Zitat:French Police Hunt Morocco Bombing Suspects

Monday, April 05, 2004

PARIS — Authorities raided several suburban Paris neighborhoods Monday and detained 15 people in connection with a deadly terrorist attack in Morocco (search) last year, police said.
DST, France's domestic security agency, took the suspects in for questioning after carrying out raids in the northeastern suburb of Seine-Saint-Denis (search) and in the eastern Yvelines region on orders of two French anti-terrorism judges, Jean-Louis Bruguiere and Jean-Francois Ricard.
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April 5, 2004 -- "Dictators ride to and fro upon tigers from which they dare not dismount. And the tigers are getting hungry."- Winston Churchill
UZBEKISTAN is best known to Americans for . . . well, nothing. But events there last week mean it's time to start paying attention.

The week's round of violence - the first suicide bombings in Central Asia - killed at least 44 people, including several female suicide bombers. And there's no doubt al Qaeda's Central Asian branch, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), was behind the mayhem.

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Zitat:The Saudi Fifth Column On Our Nation's Campuses

By Lee Kaplan | April 5, 2004

From Riyadh to Ramallah to the Ivy League, the Saudi Wahhabi lobby and money machine is funding the goals of radical Islam and undermining America’s efforts to prosecute the War On Terror.

The press recently reported new closures by the Department of Justice of Saudi “charitable” fronts like the Muslim World League, the Al-Haramain Foundation, the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO), and others which raised money for Al Qaeda, Hamas and Islamic Jihad. [1] But the government has so far ignored an even larger network of Saudi front groups working toward parallel ends.

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Zitat:Footprints Of Terror
The survival of the infrastructure of terrorism and the continued support to terrorist groups in Pakistan is, unambiguously, a global threat; and for any country, most of all, for America to believe that it will be exempt from the consequences, is nothing less than dangerously delusional.


Almost simultaneous news about the arrest of prominent members of the Pakistani terrorist group, the Lashkar-e-Taiba, in Iraq, and of a group of terrorist conspirators of Pakistani origin in the UK, underlines, once again, Pakistan's centrality in the network of international Islamist terrorism.

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