Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:Confessed Terrorists Say Usama Inspired Them

Friday, April 02, 2004

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — Admitting they were part of an Islamic terrorist group, four jailed Malaysians said Friday that a string of attacks against churches and other targets in Southeast Asia — including bombings in Bali that killed 202 people — was inspired by Usama bin Laden (search).

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Zitat:New trial mounts against cleric

Apr 02, 2004

Indonesian police will bring suspected Jemaah Islamiah spiritual leader Abu Bakar Bashir in for questioning next week as officials continue to look at mounting a fresh terrorism trial against him.

The fiery Islamic cleric is due to be released from his Jakarta jail on April 30 after an appeal to Indonesia's highest court last month halved his three year sentence for forgery and immigration offences.

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Zitat:Union flag burnt as extremists cheer bin Laden
By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent, and Rebecca Thomson
(Filed: 03/04/2004)

Islamic fundamentalists burned a Union flag and chanted the name of Osama bin Laden yesterday in defiance of the vast majority of mosques, which backed calls for Muslims to co-operate in the fight against terrorism.
But as several thousand worshippers left the mosque, about 20 supporters of Al-Muhajiroun, a fringe fundamentalist group, burned a Union flag and chanted: "UK, you will pay, bin Laden on his way."

Anjem Choudary, a spokesman for the group, said: "There is nothing me and you, or the British services or the Government, can do about stopping an attack in this country. There is nothing MI5 or MI6 can do to stop al-Qa'eda from bombing London."
Abu Hamza, the radical cleric, held his usual Friday prayer meeting outside the Finsbury Park Mosque, north London, watched by uniformed police officers.

He told nearly 150 Muslims that the only person who cared about the council's letter was Tony Blair.

He claimed that the alleged bomb-making material found by the police this week was "created material" and the arrests were a "conspiracy against these brothers".
Und solche geniesen dann meistens Asyl weil sie im Heimatland verfolgt werden - pff - ich wuerd die sofort abschieben - mir doch egal was deren Heimatregierungen mit denen anstellt.

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Zitat:Second day of JI’s grand tribal jirga: Qazi condemns military operation in FATA

* Says campaign a US conspiracy to weaken Pakistan
* Praises patriotism of tribesmen

Staff Report

PESHAWAR: Qazi Hussain Ahmed, acting chief of the Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal (MMA), has condemned the ongoing military operation in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) and termed it a US conspiracy to pitch the tribesmen against the Pakistan Army to weaken the country.
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Zitat:Officials: al-Qaida plotting to destabilize Jordan
AMMAN, Jordan

Jordanian officials said Saturday that suspected terrorists detained this week carrying explosives may have belonged to al-Qaida and been linked to plots to blow up vital public facilities to destabilize the U.S.-allied Arab kingdom.
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Zitat:Italian cops detain 106 militant suspects

ROME: Italian police detained more than 100 people suspected of having links to Muslim militants in co-ordinated swoops across the country on Friday, an interior ministry spokesman said.

Working with the secret service, police detained 106 people, most of them Moroccan immigrants. Fifteen of those held were to be deported because their papers were not in order, the spokesman said.
Ist schonmal was - 15 werden ausgewiesen.

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