Islamistischer Terrorismus
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Zitat:FBI fears terrorists may use cultural visas to enter U.S.

April 2, 2004

WASHINGTON -- U.S. officials have received intelligence indicating terrorists might attempt to slip into the United States using cultural, arts or sports visas, according to the FBI.
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Zitat:Outsourcing the Hunt for Bin Laden
Pakistan should be at the top of Bush's 'axis of evil.'
By Leon Hadar
Imagine the following scenario, which includes all the historical analogies that neoconservative ideologues like to apply — World War II, Hitler, appeasement — plus a bonus reference to the evil du jour, Spain.

As American and Allied forces invade Nazi Germany in 1945, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and several SS troops flee to Fascist Spain, where they hide in the Pyrenees Mountains and mount guerrilla attacks against the Free French government. The American response? To ask Generalissimo Francisco Franco if he would be kind enough to send some of his forces to catch those Nazis — and it would be nice if it could all be wrapped up before the 1948 presidential election.

Sound absurd? Well, there is an element of the absurd in the acrimonious debate on 9/11 taking place these days. Lawmakers and pundits are arguing about what could have been done to prevent the terrorist attacks. But they all agree that if Americans could rewind history to pre-9/11, they would have done everything humanly possible to capture or kill Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda associates — sooner rather than later.
Naja es ist fraglich ob man besser ist wenn man Pakistan fallen laesst und zuschaut wie die Islamisten da die Macht uebernehmen

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Zitat:Police find videotape with terror threats to Rome
April 2, 2004 - 9:13PM

Italian police have found a video tape, thought to be from Al-Qaeda, containing threats to destroy Rome, right-wing weekly magazine Panorama said on Friday.

"The person who will destroy Rome is already preparing his swords. Rome will not be conquered by words but by force and weapons," Panorama quoted the message on the tape as saying.

The video was discovered at a flat in the northern city of Cremona suspected by investigators of being used as a base for an Islamic extremist group, the magazine said.

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Zitat:Report says terrorist teams stalk Manila

MANILA, Philippines, April 1 (UPI) -- At least 10 terrorist teams are in the Philippines metro Manila area to attack "soft targets," the Manila Times reported Friday.

The times quoted a "source in the police intelligence community" as saying the teams are from the Abu Sayyaf and its affiliate groups. The five or six members in each team reportedly trained in central Mindanao to prepare and set off explosives.
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Zitat:Untested Islamic Militants Emerging, U.S. Official Says

By Robin Wright
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, April 2, 2004; Page A20

A new cadre of untested Islamic militants is emerging to take the place of leaders in Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network, which is now under "catastrophic stress" as a result of international operations over the past 30 months, the senior State Department counterterrorism official told a House International Relations subcommittee yesterday.
At least 70 percent of al Qaeda's senior leadership has been detained or killed since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks triggered a worldwide offensive against the network, and the remaining 30 percent is largely on the run, State Department counterterrorism coordinator J. Cofer Black testified.
Hehe 70% ist Tod oder geniesst die Sonne in Gitmo- keine schlechte Bilanz.

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Zitat:Al-Qaeda vows to make Australia a land of hell

AUSTRALIA is high on Al-Qaeda's list, with a threat to "turn the land of infidels into hell".

The threat, listed in a document, was obtained by America's NBC television and was reported to also be on a website known to the operatives of the terror group.

In what appeared to be a planning document signed by a Saudi leader of the group, Abdul Aziz Al-Mukrin, it specifies which Australians and targets to be hit.
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Zitat:Brits and Americans on Al Qaeda "memo"
Fri 2 April, 2004 14:34

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An alleged al Qaeda "planning memo" lists specific nationalities and occupations to be targeted, with Americans and British citizens topping the list, according to a televised report.

The document, shown on NBC's "Today" programme on Friday, was described as "a planning memo from al Qaeda that lists who terrorists should target."

It ranks nationalities to target by importance, starting with Americans and British, followed by Spanish, Australians, Canadians and Italians, the report said.
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Zitat:U.S. to Fingerprint More Foreigners
19 minutes ago Add White House - AP Cabinet & State to My Yahoo!

By SUZANNE GAMBOA, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - A program requiring foreigners to be fingerprinted and photographed before entering the country is being expanded to include millions of travelers from some of America's closest allies, U.S. officials said Friday.
Hehehe die Franzosen muessen jetzt auch Fingerabdruecke liefern wenn sie ins Land wollen *g*
Naja verstaendlich wenn Leute wie Kelkal franz. Staatsbuergerschaft bekommen haben.
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Zitat:Gov't Warns of Summer Bomb Plots in U.S.
34 minutes ago

By CURT ANDERSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Terrorists might try to bomb buses and rail lines in major U.S. cities this summer, according to a government bulletin issued to law enforcement officials nationwide.

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