15.04.2024, 20:38
Zitat:Israel's defence against Iran attack overnight 'likely cost over $1bn'https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/israe...t-over-1bn
The cost for one night of defence seen as significantly higher than the price Iran paid to mount its attack
"The defence tonight was on the order of 4-5bn shekels [$1-1.3bn] per night," estimated Brigadier General Reem Aminoach in an interview with Ynet news.
Aminoach highlighted that the staggering price tag stands in contrast to the relatively low amount that Iran had spent to launch its assault, which some estimates have put at less than 10 percent of what it cost Israel to stop the attack.
The Israeli journalist provided a breakdown of the costs of the interceptions, explaining that the drones intercepted using fighter jets cost upward of $500,000 per missile per drone, the ballistic missiles intercepted with Arrow 2 and Arrow 3 air defense systems cost $2-3 million per missile, while the interceptors of the Patriot and David's Sling air defense systems cost upwards of $700,000-$1 million.
The Israeli analyst also underlined that to those massive figures must be added the fuel used in the interception, as well as the cost of mobilization and operation of the fighter jets, as well as the disruption of Israeli facilities, which essentially brought the economy to a grinding halt for several hours.
"The economic issue for the Iranians is that such an attack costs much less, some say a tenth of the cost of defense, which increases the fear that more missiles will be launched in the future," Hodorov added.
"Military [officials and analysts] think it is a reason to increase the security budget even more, and economic experts] fear [Israel] being drawn into an economic war of attrition if there are more such rounds," he said.
Für wie hoch haltet ihr die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass Israel mit terroristischen Aktionen ("Sabotage wäre *hier* natürlich das richtige Wort) gegen iranische Einrichtungen bzw. wissenschaftliches, militärisches, politisches Personal reagieren wird? Vielleicht wäre das sogar der Ausweg aus der Spirale? In jedem Fall hat Israel durch den Tabubruch eines direkten Angriffs auf sein Staatsgebiet an Abschreckungspotential gegenüber dem Iran eingebüßt, wenn es nicht zurückschlägt. Ein Ausweg aus einer Spirale besteht eigentlich nur, wenn diese Antwort entweder so schwach ausfällt, dass der Iran gar nicht reagieren muss oder so massiv ausfällt, dass der Iran nicht reagieren kann/will. Dazwischen ist nicht viel Luft, sonst geht das munter hin und her.