01.08.2023, 14:10
Das zunehmend aggressive Auftreten Pekings, vor allem im Kontext zu Taiwan, hat dazu geführt, dass das Ansehen der Volksrepublik deutlich gesunken ist. Allerdings gibt es in Afrika und in Südamerika durchaus noch gewisse Sympathien, aber auch hier ist ein Abwärtstrend erkennbar.
Interessant sind auch u. a. die Entwicklungen in Indien (2019: 46% waren ggü. Peking eher negativ eingestellt, 2023 sind es 67%). In Brasilien ging dieser Wert von 27% (2019) auf 48% nach oben. Eine Ausnahme stellt Indonesien dar, hier ging der Wert von 36% (2019) auf 25% zurück.
Zitat:China’s Approach to Foreign Policy Gets Largely Negative Reviews in 24-Country Surveyhttps://www.pewresearch.org/global/2023/...ry-survey/
Still, views of China – and its soft power – are more positive in middle-income countries [...]
Views of China are broadly negative across 24 countries in a new Pew Research Center survey: A median of 67% of adults express unfavorable views of the country, while 28% have a favorable opinion. [...] Despite several high-profile diplomatic initiatives by Beijing over the past year – such as brokering a peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran and issuing a 12-point proposal for the end of violence in Ukraine – a median of 71% think China does not contribute to global peace and stability. [...]
Still, attitudes toward China are somewhat rosier in middle-income than high-income countries. Across eight middle-income countries – places Pew Research Center has not surveyed since 2019 due to the challenges of conducting face-to-face interviews during the pandemic – India stands out as the only middle-income country in which a majority has unfavorable views of China. And in three middle-income countries – Kenya, Mexico and Nigeria – a majority even gives China a positive rating. [...]
But views of the country as the world’s foremost economic power have faltered somewhat in recent years. More people now name the United States as the top economic power than China (a median of 42% vs. 33%, respectively). Much of this shift has come in high-income countries, where the share naming China has fallen in nearly every surveyed country – including by double digits in Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. [...]
Across many high-income countries surveyed, which are in North America, Western Europe and parts of the Asia-Pacific region, a large majority has unfavorable views of China, as has been the case for multiple years. Indeed, in almost every high-income country surveyed, negative views currently stand at or near historic highs. In most countries, this does not reflect a significant increase over last year; rather, negative views have simply remained high in recent years. One notable exception is Poland, where negative views have increased 12 points during a period of strained bilateral relations, perhaps related to China’s handling of the war in Ukraine. [...]
A median of 71% also think China does little or nothing at all to contribute to global peace and stability, compared with a median of 23% who say it is doing a great deal or a fair amount. Australians, Canadians, Indians, Israelis and South Koreans are particularly likely to say China is doing nothing at all to help with global peace and stability.
Interessant sind auch u. a. die Entwicklungen in Indien (2019: 46% waren ggü. Peking eher negativ eingestellt, 2023 sind es 67%). In Brasilien ging dieser Wert von 27% (2019) auf 48% nach oben. Eine Ausnahme stellt Indonesien dar, hier ging der Wert von 36% (2019) auf 25% zurück.