Volksrepublik China
Das System wird längst bei ganz normalen Menschen angewendet und soll schlußendlich auf das gesamte Land und absolut alles und jeden verwendet werden.


Zitat:The credit system is closely related to China's mass surveillance systems such as Skynet, which incorporates facial recognition system, big data analysis technology, AI and Project Maven.

By 2018, some restrictions had been placed on citizens which state-owned media described as the first step toward creating a nationwide social credit system. As of November 2019, in addition to dishonest and fraudulent financial behavior, other behavior that some cities have officially listed as negative factors of credit ratings includes playing loud music or eating in rapid transits, violating traffic rules such as jaywalking and red-light violations, making reservations at restaurants or hotels but not showing up, failing to correctly sort personal waste, fraudulently using other people's public transportation ID cards, smoking violations etc; on the other hand, behavior listed as positive factors of credit ratings includes donating blood, donating to charity, volunteering for community services, praising government efforts on social media, and so on.

As of June 2019, according to the National Development and Reform Commission of China, 27 million air tickets as well as 6 million high-speed rail tickets had been denied to people who were deemed "untrustworthy (失信)" (on a blacklist), and 4.4 million "untrustworthy" people had chosen to fulfill their duties required by the law. In general, it takes 2–5 years to be removed from the blacklist.

Das ganze ist also längst viel weitreichender im Gang als es hierzulande wahrgenommen wird. Man stelle sich mal vor in Deutschland würden 27 Millionen Flugtickets und 6 Millionen Zugtickets verweigert werden weil man auf einer Blacklist der Regierung steht.

Zitat:Certain personal information of the blacklisted people is deliberately made accessible to the society and is displayed online as well as at various public venues such as movie theaters and buses, while some cities have also banned children of "untrustworthy" residents from attending private schools and even universities. On the other hand, people with high credit ratings may receive rewards such as less waiting time at hospitals and governmental agencies, discounts at hotels, greater likelihood of receiving employment offers and so on.

Aber auch hierzulande gibt es meiner Meinung nach besorgniserregende Entwicklungen in genau eine solche Richtung. Die Freiheit nimmt auch in dieser Bundesrepublik sei Jahren immer weiter ab und wird der Staat immer übergriffiger und versucht immer mehr "wohlwollend" das Verhalten der Bürger zu steuern und zu regulieren. Das reicht in dieser Bundesrepublik über den Staat hinaus auch in Richtung von Versicherungen und Privatunternehmen.


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