06.04.2015, 16:28
Boooh! :twisted:
Zitat:Iran Funding Hamas with Millions of Dollars to Rebuild Terror Tunnels<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www">http://www</a><!-- m -->.jewishpress.com/news/breaking-news/iran-funding-hamas-with-millions-of-dollars-to-rebuild-terror-tunnels/2015/04/05/
Tehran is preparing for the day that Hamas and Hezbollah can bombard Israel with thousands of missiles from the north and south.
By: Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
Published: April 5th, 2015
Even more money will be available if the United States lifts sanctions against Iran as part of a deal to allow the Islamic Republic to continue with a scaled-down nuclear program under supposed supervision