Arabien - Arabische Liga
Zitat:Friday, April 4th, 2014 | Posted by
Gulf tensions rise: UAE official claims Qatar is UAE’s ‘eighth emirate’

ABU DHABI — Qatar has been threatened by a Gulf Cooperation Council neighbor.

The United Arab Emirates has claimed that Qatar was part of the emirates. A senior official said Qatar represented the eighth emirate of the UAE.

“We must put up signs on our borders with Qatar stating: ‘You are now entering the UAE’s eighth emirate,’” UAE security chief Gen. Dahi Khalfan said.

In a statement on April 3, Khalfan issued the first threat against Qatar’s sovereignty.

A month earlier, the UAE, along with Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, withdrew their ambassadors from Doha in protest of what was termed Qatar’s support for Hizbullah and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Khalfan, regarded as the No. 2 figure in UAE security, did not detail Abu Dhabi’s claim on Qatar. He said the UAE, which severed other relations with Doha, was now ready to “reclaim” Qatar.

“Qatar is an integral part of the UAE,” Khalfan said.
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Der General Dahi Khalfan der VAE ist eine Witzfigur, der nicht nur so aussieht (siehe Bild in verlinkter Quelle), sondern auch so spricht als sei er einer zweitklassigen amerikanischen Action Komödie entsprungen. So ganz witzig ist seine Provokation in Richtung Katar inhaltlich natürlich nicht, zumal Khalfan wohl 2. Mann im Sicherheitsapparat der VAE ist.

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