07.02.2004, 13:06
Zitat:als nachfolger des AS90 BRAVEHEART 155MM SELF PROPELLED HOWITZERsWobei die Bravehearts ja noch lange nicht am Ende ihrer Dienstzeit sind. Es wurden erst kürzlich 96 Stück mit besseren Geschützen ausgerüstet.
Zitat:The AS90 Braveheart is a 155mm self-propelled howitzer which entered service with the British Army in 1992.
Zitat:BAE SYSTEMS has been awarded a contract to upgrade 96 of the British Army AS90's with a 155mm/52 calibre Extended Range Ordnance/Modular Charge System (ERO/MCS). The Royal Ordnance division of BAE SYSTEMS will manufacture the new 52 calibre barrel which will give an increased range of 40km, and Somchem division of Denel will be responsible for the Modular Charge System which will be manufactured in South Africa.http://www.army-technology.com/projects/as90/index.html
[Bild: http://www.army-technology.com/projects/...as90_7.jpg]