15.08.2011, 11:09
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html">http://www.marineforum.info/html/daily_news.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:...<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.shanghaidaily.com/nsp/National/2011/08/15/Chinese%2Bcarriers%2Btriumphant%2Breturn/">http://www.shanghaidaily.com/nsp/Nation ... %2Breturn/</a><!-- m -->
14 August
Aircraft carrier (ex) VARYAG has completed a first round of sea trials and returned to Dalian … together with new troop accommodation ship 88 … fuelling speculations that both ships “belong together” and could be assigned to the Dalian naval academy.
Zitat:Chinese carrier's 'triumphant' returnXinhua gibt wohl Wunschdenken von Enthusiaten wieder, die nach meiner Auffassung - s.o.- für Werfterprobungs- und abnahmefahrten mehr als unwahrscheinlich sind.
By Yang Jian | 2011-8-15 |
CHINA'S first aircraft carrier returned to Dalian yesterday after completing her initial sea trials.
The carrier was towed back to the port in northeast China's Liaoning Province by tugboats at 10:45am after four days of tests in the Yellow Sea, Xinhua news agency reported.
The carrier is expected to officially start service with the Chinese Navy in August next year and a naming ceremony for the vessel, formerly the Varyag, would be held next October, the sources said.
Details of the four-day trials are sketchy, with the military remaining tight-lipped, but China Central Television reported that the carrier's engines, electronic systems, navigation systems and weapons were all checked.
Xinhua said the carrier might also have tested the taking off and landing of aircraft.
Zitat:...<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://german.china.org.cn/china/2011-08/15/content_23214822.htm">http://german.china.org.cn/china/2011-0 ... 214822.htm</a><!-- m -->
The carrier is capable of landing about 30 Chinese J-15 fighters and helicopters and will have a crew of around 2,000.
The vessel was originally built by the former Soviet Union, which failed to complete construction before its collapse in 1991. Ukraine disarmed the carrier and removed the engines before selling her to China.
The best part of 10 years has been spent refurbishing the carrier with the aim of using it for scientific research, experiments and training.
Zitat:15. 08. 2011
Flugzeugträger kehrt nach Testfahrt nach Dalian zurück
Chinas erster Flugzeugträger, die "Warjag", beendete am Sonntag eine Testfahrt im Meer und kehrte in den Hafen von Dalian in der nordostchinesischen Provinz Liaoning zurück.
Die Medien haben zudem eine anonyme Qualle im chinesischen Militär mit der Aussage zitiert, dass der Flugzeugträger möglicherweise am 1. August 2012 an die Marine der Volksbefreiungsarmee geliefert werden solle, als Geschenk zum 85. Jubiläum der chinesischen Armee.