19.03.2010, 21:00
Zitat:Tajikistan Ready to Launch Joint TV Station with Iran, Afghanistan<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8810301536">http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=8810301536</a><!-- m -->
TEHRAN (FNA)- Dushanbe is prepared to launch a joint TV station with the other two Persian-language speaking countries of Iran and Afghanistan, a Tajik media official announced on Wednesday.
"A joint TV for the Persian-language speakers set up through partnership of Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, broadcasting programs for only these three countries, is a proper ground for expanding cooperation among these countries," Head of Tajikistan's Radio and Television Committee Asadollah Rahmanov told FNA.