(Amerika) Streitkräfte der USA - allg. Sammelthread
Ein weiteres Update betreff der US Army und der US Navy.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dodbuzz.com/2009/05/07/helos-drones-up-fcs-down-for-army/">http://www.dodbuzz.com/2009/05/07/helos ... -for-army/</a><!-- m -->

Helos, Drones Up, FCS Down for Army

The Army’s 2010 budget request reflects the service’s shift of focus from the battlefields of Iraq to those of Afghanistan, with a heavy emphasis on delivering more rotary wing aviation, aerial drones and from fielding FCS equipped armored brigades to beefing up the combat power of its light infantry.

The Army requested $142 billion in the base budget for 2010 and an additional $83 billion to fund ongoing combat operations in the 2010 Overseas Contingency Operations request, previously known as emergency supplementals. The budget request fully funded the Army’s expansion to 547,400 active duty soldiers.

The massive FCS program is, of course, the hot budget issue when it comes to the Army and with Gates’ declaration that he would cancel the bulk of the program last month, the Army’s modernization strategy will shift from fielding 15 FCS equipped BCTs to building “a versatile mix of networked BCTs that leverage mobility, protection, precision, information and fires in order to be effective across the full spectrum of combat operations,” said Lt, Gen. Edgar Stanton, the services’ budget chief......

Die wesentlichen Änderungen bzw. käufe.

Additional 2010 development and procurement highlights include:

• $2.9 billion for further development of the FCS small unmanned ground vehicles, robots, small aerial drones, the information network and the non-line of sight missile system, the FCS spin-outs.
• $738 million for development of the WIN-T information network.
• $1.2 billion for 79 UH-60M Black Hawk helicopters.
• $1.06 billion for 36 CH-47F Chinook helicopters, of which 25 will be new builds and 14 remanufactured aircraft.
• $736 million for 36 Sky Warrior drones, the Army variant of the Predator family armed drone.
• $370 million for remanufacture of 8 AH-64 Apaches to the Longbow Block 3 configuration.
• $326 million for buying 54 Lakota Light Utility Helicopter.
• $105 million to buy the C-12 Liberty dual prop plane, a modified King Air 350, for tactical surveillance and ground force overwatch.
• $79 million to buy 704 of the small Raven aerial drone.
• $917 million for 59 Patriot missiles.
• $526 million for Bradley fighting vehicle modifications.
• 478.9 million for Stryker vehicle survivability enhancements, no new vehicles will be bought in 2010 but the production line will be kept “warm.”
• $1.5 billion to buy 10,214 new Humvees.
• $471 million to buy 22 M1A2 SEP tanks and for other Abrams modifications.
• $1.6 billion to buy 5,232 FMTV medium trucks, and $1.4 billion to buy an unspecified quantity of FHTV heavy trucks and trailers.

The withdrawal of Army brigades from Iraq has reduced the demand for reset, the initiative to refit war worn vehicles, down to $11 billion in 2010 from around almost $17 billion three years ago, Stanton said. Included in the OCO funding for battle losses were 4 new Apaches and 4 new Chinook helicopters.

Stanton said the Army is “in the process” of looking at unfunded requirements to respond to a request for the same from Congress. The service has not yet sent its unfunded request to OSD.

Also ich hätte weit schlimmeres erwartet. unter strich ist das FCS Tod bzw. der Teil des FCS der meiner Meinung nach schon immer der absolute Irrsinn war. Doch werden die kleinere FCS Programme fortgeführt und wieder mehr konventionelle Waffen beschafft wie etwa mehr AH64 und mehr Fahrzeuge aufgewertet darunter der Bradley und der Abrams. Gerade die zusätzliche Aufwertung von 22 M1 zu SEPs ist eine gute Nachricht wie auch der vorläufige Stopp der Stryker Beschaffung. Wie gesagt ich hatte weit schlimmeres unter der Obama Administration erwartet und bin daher froh das ich mich geirrt habe.

Nun zu USN, dort ist es noch positiver ausgefallen wenn auch einiges gestrichen wurde.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dodbuzz.com/2009/05/07/navy-fares-ok-in-reformed-budget/">http://www.dodbuzz.com/2009/05/07/navy- ... ed-budget/</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:Navy Fares OK In ‘Reformed’ Budget

It’s a downsized Navy that, save for pirate sniping, is having a hard time grabbing the limelight in a ground-intensive war (sorry, contingency operation) against Islamic extremists.

So, you’ve just got to be ready for the knife when the bean counters try to find money for vehicles and cannons and wonder why you’re spending $2 billion on subs, right?

Well, when the budget finally shook out for 2010, the Navy did pretty well. A few airplanes cut here, a ship or two there, but in the end, the sea service’s top line increased by about $10 billion over 2009 to more than $156 billion, with another kicker of $15.3 billion for “overseas contingency operations” as the new GWOT is called (and most of that money is for Marine Corps vehicles, ammo and personnel).

Navy procurement jumped $5.7 billion to $44.8 billion, while research and development funding slumped $400 after the VH-71 presidential helo was axed......

Das wesentliche in Überblick.

Zitat:Winners: DDG-51 with a one ship build in 2010 that restarts the line; one SSN-774 and some advanced money kicked in to build 12 Virginia class subs; two TAKE transport ships and another Joint High Speed Vessel; two more STOVL JSFs for a total of 16 funded in 2010; one more C-40A (the admirals will love that); and six P-8A multi-mission aircraft beginning the Lot 1 LRIP buy and 325 new Advanced Precision Kill Weapon System missiles designed to compliment the Hellfire rotor wing missiles.

Losers: DDG1000 one ship killed; LPD-17 no ships in 2010; one Maritime Prepositioning Force (Aviation) ship cancelled for a zero buy in 2010; and one MPF Mobile Landing Platform ship deep sixed for a zero buy; cut in half the number of Super Hornets from 18 to nine purchased in 2010, three MH-60Rs cut to 24, one E-2D cut for two; two KC-130Js cut for a zero buy and four T-6A trainers cut for a 38 aircraft buy and one MQ-8B drone cut for a five Fire Scout buy to match LCS needs.

Man kann eben nicht alles haben aber das absegnen für den Kauf von 12 Virginias was definitiv eine gute Entscheidung die ich würdige, damit sollte die Kampfkraft der USN nicht weiter sinken. Auch ist der Plan 6 weitere Aegis Zerstörer von Typ DDG51 zu kaufen der richtige Weg man kann nie genug von den Mistdingern haben p0flege ich da zu sagen. Ich finde es um ehrlich zu sein schade das man überhaupt die drei DDG1000 beschaffen muss da man für den Preis weitere 6 DDG51 bekommen könnte aber das liegt nicht an der Administration sondern an den Liefer Verträgen. Auch mehr JHSV zu kaufen ist in Zeiten der Hinterwäldler Piraterie keine schlechte Idee zu mahl die Dinger billiger sind als das LCS was ebenfalls beschafft wird.

Hier währe meiner Seitz (betreff LCS) auch eine Entschuldigung bzw. das Eingeständnis an Nightwatch angebracht da er Recht hatte als wir uns, ich glaube 2007 stritten ob das LCS überlebt oder nicht und ich der festen Überzeugung war das das LCS Tod währe und er das es eben überlebt also Nightwatch hatte recht, ich dagegen unrecht.

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