14.07.2008, 22:49
Ein großer Politiker, Intellektueller und Denker ist gestorben, der sich große Verdienste um die politische Wende in Polen und dem ganzen Ostblock, um die politische Stabilität Polens nach der Wende und um dessen Einbindung in den Westen erworben hat:
Zitat:Bronislaw Geremek, who helped end Communist control of Poland, is dead at 76
Bronislaw Geremek, a pivotal figure in the fight to end Communist rule in Poland and one of the leading statesmen of the democratic era that followed, died on Sunday. He was 76.
He was killed in a car accident, Reuters reported, quoting the police in western Poland.
Geremek's role in the talks made him one of the shepherds of what he himself called the "nonviolent passage from the totalitarian regime to democratic liberties." Geremek later served as Poland's foreign minister, from 1997 to 2000. At the time of his death he was a member of the European Parliament.