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Zitat:The TAI KAAN – Turkiye’s 5th Gen Fighter – How does it stack up?
First of all, a little digression. How come Turkiye is developing, and flying a prototype 5th Gen Fighter? This is a valid question, given that the US, while they would probably claim to have the only true 5th Gen combat aircraft, appears up to this point only to have competition in this field from the Russians and the Chinese, along with an experimental demonstrator from Japan. The Europeans have largely met their current needs with the very capable, but not Low Observable (LO), Rafale and Typhoon, and are debating how to jump to a Gen 6 product in competing international project proposals.
Meanwhile, Turkiye has been embarked on a decades-long quest to develop a national aerospace industry capable of developing and integrating high technology combat aircraft, remotely piloted and autonomous systems, weapons, and the necessary sensors and systems, and able to integrate these into a significant locally developed and produced Defence capability.
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Mit dem Helmsystem Tulgar das eigens für den TF-X Kaan entwickelt wird werden bereits Tests an F-16 durchgeführt.
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Zitat:Der zweite Kaan-Prototyp wird anders aussehen als der erste
Seit dem Erstflug Ende Februar ist es um den neuen Kampfjet der Türkei recht ruhig geworden. Weitere Flüge sind bislang nicht erfolgt. Dennoch läuft das Projekt "Kaan" weiter auf Hochtouren: Ein neuer Kaan-Prototyp soll bis zum Sommer fertig sein.
Patrick Zwerger
Türkischer Kampfjet Kaan, Vorstellung
Foto: Aytac Unal/Anadolu Agency via Getty Image
19 Bilder
Bis jetzt hat Kaan die Welt nur ein einziges Mal von oben gesehen – bei seinem Erstflug am 21. Februar. Der dauerte keine Viertelstunde, dann kehrte Testpilot Barbaros Demirbaş mit dem ersten in der Türkei entwickelten Kampfjet wieder zum Werksflugplatz von Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) vor den Toren Ankaras zurück. Seitdem steht der Kaan-Prototyp wieder in seinem Hangar – hat im März aber immerhin eine neue Lackierung erhalten.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Was kann Kaan? Der neue Stealth-Kampfjet der Türkei
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Zweiter Prototyp bald fertig
Unterdessen arbeitet TAI weiter mit Nachdruck am Bau weiterer Testflugzeuge. Der zweite Prototyp steckt bereits in der Endmontage und nimmt erkennbar Form an. Er soll, türkischen Insidern zufolge, im Juni oder Juli aus der Halle Rollen. Gemäß geltender Rahmenverträge wird TAI außerdem bis 2026 noch ein drittes Flugzeug an den Start bringen. Spätestens dann ist zu erwarten, dass die Flugerprobung des neuen Stealth-Fighters deutlich Fahrt aufnimmt. Immerhin sieht der Plan der Türken weiter vor, ab 2030 die ersten zehn Block 10-Serienmaschinen an die Luftstreitkräfte auszuliefern.
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Zitat:Altınay to Develop Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack for KAAN
30 Apr 2024, 04:15 1 min
Altınay to Develop Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack for KAAN
Altınay and TUSAŞ inked a deal for the national design and production of the Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack to be used in KAAN and other fighter jets. Altınay Defence Technologies, as a subcontractor of ASELSAN on the SADAK-4T project, undertook the design and production of critical subcomponents of a Smart Quad Rack system between 2016 and 2020. Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack stands out with its high reliability, ease of use and easy integration. Its technology will enable the controlled release of today's modern aircraft bombs with pneumatic ejection. Altınay Defence works on the critical components of the Smart Pneumatic Quad Rack, which can be integrated into two stations of the F-16 aircraft. The Quad Rack provides the opportunity to engage eight different targets in one sortie as it has a multi-store carriage capacity. The Quad Rack System will be integrated into approximately 250 aircraft, including Kaan, and further aircraft to be delivered to the Turkish Air Force.
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Themen: 76
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Zitat:KAAN Fighter Jet’s Second Prototype to Fly in 2025
03 May 2024, 05:29 2 mins
KAAN Fighter Jet’s Second Prototype to Fly in 2025
TUSAŞ announced in its monthly magazine that the KAAN fighter jet’s second prototype, P1, will make its maiden flight in 2025. The magazine stated that 29 KAAN fighters and the aircraft that will be delivered to the Turkish Air Force would be produced by 2028. KAAN’s fighter jet took its maiden flight on the 21st of February 2024 at Akıncı Air Base, next to TUSAŞ facilities in Kahramankazan, Ankara. The aircraft, escorted by the Turkish fighter jet F-16, performed its maiden flight around the airfield. Design changes compared to the prototype can be expected, such as alterations on the airframe to optimise performance. KAAN is designed as a multi-role aircraft, mainly for air domination, with air-to-surface roles considered. The fighter will benefit from • Augmented lethality with support of Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks • Increased air-to-air engagement ranges with Novel Weapons • Precise and accurate weapon firing from internal weapon bays at high/supersonic speed to reach its air domination role.
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Themen: 76
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Zitat:KAAN Performs its Second Flight
06 May 2024, 06:59 2 mins
KAAN Performs its Second Flight
Acco4ding to social media,Turkish Aerospace’s indigenous fighter aircraft KAAN performed its second flight today, 75 days after its maiden flight. The interval between two flights gives many hints about the aircraft. The “health” of aircraft is measured from telemetry room in the facility. The aircraft is equipped with various sensors to measure actual data received during the flight. The data received during the flight is analysed during the flight. More data is received from aircraft following its landing.
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Themen: 76
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Ein Video von zweiten Testflug des Prototypen, des Jagdflugzeug Kaan.
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:TAI exec claims 20 Turkish KAAN fighters to be delivered in 2028
By Agnes Helou on May 14, 2024 at 2:01 PM
KAAN, Turkiye’s homegrown fighter jet, carries out its second successful test flight
The second flight of the national combat aircraft KAAN, which was initiated by the Turkish Defence Industries Presidency (SSB) in order to meet the combat aircraft requirement of the Turkish Air Forces Command and developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI), is carried out successfully in Ankara, Turkiye on May 06, 2024. According to the statement made by SSB, KAAN stayed in the air for 14 minutes, reaching an altitude of 10 thousand feet and a speed of 230 knots. (Photo by TUR Defence Industries Presidency/Anadolu via Getty Images)
BEIRUT — Only one week after the second test flight of Turkey’s domestically-produced KAAN fighter, Turkish Aerospace Industries’ general manager has announced that the firm expects to deliver 20 aircraft by 2028 — and is making some big claims about its capabilities.
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Zitat:Turkiye Presents KAAN to the Aviation World
03 Jun 2024, 07:20 4 mins
Turkiye Presents KAAN to the Aviation World
Turkiye presented its KAAN 5th generation fighter jet to the FCAS 2024 international summit, where participants worldwide joined to express their views. Speakers from various countries, including the U.K., France, Turkiye, Spain, and Saudi Arabia, joined the event. The presentations at the summit were centred around the rising UAV threat, future air combat technologies, and lessons from recent conflicts. Tim Robinson, Editor-in-Chief of the Royal Aeronautical Society’s AEROSPACE magazine, covered the presentations from the event. The U.K. and France presented the operation concepts for their respective next-generation fighter programmes, GCAP and SCAF. Both programs continue to be interested in the Manned-Unmanned Teaming (MUM-T) type of operation. The U.K.’s view on GCAP includes increased connectivity with a cloud-like approach to control and communication.
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Zitat:TUSAŞ Expects 300 Orders for KAAN Fighter
10 Jul 2024, 12:41 6 mins
TUSAŞ Expects 300 Orders for KAAN Fighter
TUSAŞ’s new General Manager, Dr Mehmet Demiroğlu, talked about the KAAN Fighter jet and other projects in his interview with GDH Defense.
The status of the KAAN fighter jet was covered for a significant portion of the interview, with statements from Demiroğlu regarding the orders, planned capabilities, and partnerships. TUSAŞ started many air projects from scratch in the past period and carried out their first flights. The company will test and develop prototypes on the one hand and increase its mass production capacity on the other.
The first question in the interview was the vision of the new general manager. Dr. Demiroğlu responded, “To deliver cost-effectively, high-quality products quickly, to deliver them both to Turkiye and its allies. This is an important goal for the entire defence sector.” Mechanical engineer Dr Demiroğlu worked on engine projects in Turkiye and the U.S. He worked at BMC Power and TEI before TUSAŞ. Therefore, he is familiar with Turkish engine projects. When asked about his views on the engines used in air platforms, Dr Demiroğlu responded, “We have made our export application for the GE-licensed engines to be used in Hürjet and KAAN.” Mehmet Demiroğlu stated the aircraft will be developed in blocks with a design built on growth potential. The plan to deliver the first aircraft in 2028 hasn’t changed, and the prototype for delivery is to fly in 2025.
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Altınay Increases Its Power in KAAN’s Landing Gear
04 Nov 2024, 17:20 2 mins
Air Investment Expo and Air Show
Altınay Increases Its Power in KAAN’s Landing Gear
Altınay Defence Technologies signed two milestones at SAHA EXPO 2024, held between October 22-26.
Altınay, which purchased DASAL shares from ASELSAN last week, made an important move in its other subsidiary, TAAC Aviation Technologies and signed a cooperation agreement with NETAŞ.
Altınay Defence Technologies Board Member and TAAC General Manager Enis Ata said, “In the aviation field where TAAC operates, we have a wide product range to meet the needs of platforms developed in our country, especially regarding landing gears, flight control actuators and high-tech test systems. Although we are a young company, we are also an important player on a global scale with these capabilities developed in a very short time. The collaboration we have established with NETAŞ will be an important step in meeting the needs of our defence industry and will expand our local and national solution pool.”
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Zitat:Görgün: Second Kaan Prototype to Fly by the End of 2025
21 Dec 2024, 20:44 3 mins
Görgün: Second Kaan Prototype to Fly by the End of 2025 TurDef
Professor Haluk Görgün, the Secretary of Defence Industries, announced during his visit to the TUSAŞ facilities that the second prototype of the Turkish Fighter Jet KAAN is set to make its maiden flight by the end of 2025. The second prototype will include important external changes, including overall size management.
Professor Görgün shared the following on social media, “KAAN, a significant endeavour within our national defence sector, is set to soar with its latest prototypes. The assembly of over 2,000 domestically manufactured components is progressing swiftly at the TUSAŞ facilities. We analysed the production and assembly processes for the second prototype, scheduled to make its inaugural flight by the end of 2025. KAAN signifies more than just an aircraft; it reflects our nation’s determination, the dedication of our engineers, and our vision for a completely independent Turkiye.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Kauft Saudi-Arabien mehr als 100 Kaan-Fighter?
Angeblich will Saudi-Arabien mehr als 100 türkische Kaan-Kampfflugzeuge kaufen – konkrete Pläne oder nur ein Druckmittel gegen die USA?
Patrick Hoeveler
Türkischer Kampfjet Kaan beim Triebwerkstest mit Nachbrenner
21 Bilder
Die Türkei und Saudi-Arabien wollen auf dem Rüstungssektor in Zukunft enger zusammenarbeiten. Dies vereinbarten der saudische Generalstabschef Feyyaz bin Hamid er-Ruveyli und der türkische Verteidigungsminister Yaşar Güler bei einem Treffen in Ankara Ende letzten Monats. Gleichzeitig besuchten der stellvertretende Verteidigungsminister Khaled bin Hussein al-Biyari und der saudische Luftwaffen-Chef Turki bin Bandar al-Saud die türkische Verteidigungsindustrie. Laut türkischen Medienberichten stand dabei auch das neue Kaan-Kampfflugzeug von Turkish Aerospace Industries (TUSAŞ) im Mittelpunkt.
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Zitat:KAAN Fighter Jet Gets Smaller and What Does it Mean
27 Jan 2025, 16:59 3 mins
KAAN Fighter Jet Gets Smaller and What Does it Mean TurDef
As the KAAN fighter jet’s P1 prototype takes shape, there have been external and internal changes in the design following the experiences from the P0 prototype.
The new design is notably slightly smaller, with reduced length and wingspan. The first prototype of KAAN, P0, has a length of 21 m and a wingspan of 14 m. TUSAŞ has published these new specifications as 20.3 m and 13.4 m, respectively. The height has also been reduced from six meters to five meters.
As a rule of thumb, aircraft weight is a critical parameter heavily affected by the size. Thus, this size reduction will provide a drop in weight as well. Lower empty weight is desirable for flight performance and opens room for further growth potential.
The lower weight combined with possible aerodynamic refinements and the future indigenous engine is pivotal in providing the supercruise capability, which is important for fifth-generation fighter jets. The advantages of supercruise from an operational standpoint can be listed as:
1- Quick reach to the operation zone (Important for interception and strike missions)
2- Extended firing range for air-to-air missiles
3- Longer operational range