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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ab.536.164</a><!-- m -->
Zitat: 24.08.2014, 16:17 Uhr
Revolutionsgarden: Iran schoss israelische Drohne nahe Atomanlage ab
Teheran (dpa) - Der Iran hat nach eigenen Angaben eine israelische Drohne abgeschossen, die in den iranischen Luftraum eingedrungen sei. Nach Angaben der Revolutionsgarden wurde das unbemannte Fluggerät von iranischen Raketen getroffen, kurz bevor es die Atomanlage Natans im Zentraliran habe erreichen können. Die iranische Nachrichtenagentur Isna nannte am Sonntag zunächst keine weiteren Details.
Wenn das so stimmt, dürfte der Abschuss einkalkuliert gewesen sein, oder? Mal eben Daten über die iranische Luftabwehr sammeln ...
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Tue Aug 26, 2014 11:58
Sources: Saudis Aided Israeli Spy Drone Launch on Iran
IRGC Aerospace Force Commander Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said on Monday that the Israeli spy drone that was shot down near Iran's nuclear enrichment site in Natanz had not taken off from an Israeli airport.
"The operational range of the drone shows that it hadn't been sent from the occupied territories (Israel); rather it had started its flight from a regional country. We have received clues and we are investigating them," the commander said.
Hajizadeh further warned that the Iranian armed forces, including the IRGC, are fully ready to trace and intercept enemies' drones.
"The Israeli pilotless aircraft which was shot down yesterday was a Hermes-type drone and made in Israel," General Hajizadeh said.
He said the operational range of Hermes drones is 800 kilometers, adding that the aircraft can fly 1,600 kilometers by refueling once.
The General said parts of the aircraft have burnt out after it was targeted by the ground-to-air missiles of the IRGC Aerospace Force and after its fuel tank blast, yet "some parts of this drone are intact and we are now analyzing the information and intel of these parts".
Elaborating on the details of the down Israeli aircraft, the commander further stated that the drone, which is 5.5 meters wide in wings, is equipped with two cameras which can take high-quality photos.
"There was no prior information available about the aircraft and the only one of this type had been downed in Syria, but this one is more advanced," General Hajizadeh said.
The Elbit Systems Hermes 450 is an Israeli medium size multi-payload UAV, designed for tactical long endurance missions.
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Zitat:Wed Aug 27, 2014 2:32
Basij Commander: Arming West Bank Started
TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of Iran's Basij (volunteer) force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi announced on Wednesday that arming the Palestinian resistance groups in the West bank has started.
"Arming the West Bank has started and weapons will be supplied to the people of this region," Naqdi told FNA on the sidelines of the closing ceremony of a forum of Basiji university professors in Tehran today.
He underlined that arming the West Bank will lead to the annihilation of the Zionist regime.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 0605000983</a><!-- m -->
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Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Argentine prosecutor who accused Fernandez of Iran plot found dead
Alberto Nisman, who had been delving into the blast at the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people, said last Wednesday Fernandez had opened a secret back channel to a group of Iranians suspected of planting the bomb.
"Next to Nisman's body ... a 22-calibre handgun was found, together with a bullet casing," the ministry statement said.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... GS20150119</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Argentine prosecutor who accused Fernandez of Iran plot found dead
Alberto Nisman, who had been delving into the blast at the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people, said last Wednesday Fernandez had opened a secret back channel to a group of Iranians suspected of planting the bomb.
"Next to Nisman's body ... a 22-calibre handgun was found, together with a bullet casing," the ministry statement said.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... GS20150119</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Apr 2014
Ah, das ergibt ja ein ganz anderes Bild. Der Spiegel bringt dies ja eher im anderen Zusammenhang.
Beiträge: 555
Themen: 8
Registriert seit: Apr 2014
Ah, das ergibt ja ein ganz anderes Bild. Der Spiegel bringt dies ja eher im anderen Zusammenhang.
Beiträge: 10.452
Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Iranian News: ‘Teheran Targeted Netanyahu’s Sons’ in Retaliation
Published: January 25th, 2015
In addition to Netanyahu’s sons, family members of former prime ministers Ariel Sharon and Ehud Olmert are also targeted for assassination.
Not only were the names of the current and former prime ministers’ sons disclosed as part of the alleged retaliatory assassination plan, but so were photos of the family members as well as information allegedly about their whereabouts and recent activities.
Both Hezbollah leaders as well as senior members of the Revolutionary Guards have been making explicit public threats about actions they will take to avenge the loss of their members in the strike by Israel.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 015/01/25/</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:12
Statement Mentions Support for Palestinians as IRGC's Main Duty
TEHRAN (FNA)- The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in a statement on Wednesday described defending the Palestinian people and their cause as its main mission.
"The IRGC sees protection of durable national security and support for the cause of the holy Quds and the Islamic resistance of the region against the fake and usurper Zionist regime as its essential, serious and holy mission in defending the Islamic Revolution in the strategic depth of the Islamic Iran and it will stand beside the Islamic resistance fighters in all battlegrounds to confront the criminal Zionists," the statement said.
"Thanks God, they (the Palestinians) are growing more integrated each day" and more details will be revealed in due time.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1108001476</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Sat Jan 31, 2015 2:35
Hamas Asks for Increased Arms Aid from Iran
TEHRAN (FNA)- Senior Hamas official Mahmoud al-Zahar demanded Iran and the Lebanese Hezbollah movement to increase their aids to the Palestinian group, saying Hamas needs more weapons and financial backup for intensifying fight against Israel.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1111000828</a><!-- m -->
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Themen: 66
Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat: Iran-backed advance in southern Syria rattles Israel
As Iran nuclear talks near a deadline, Shiite forces are on the move near the Golan Heights, potentially pitting Iranian forces against those of Israel.
By Nicholas Blanford, Correspondent March 6, 2015
For nearly a month, Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah organization and other Shiite forces under Iranian command have been inching their way across a belt of southern Syria in a bid to drive out rebel forces fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an important Iranian ally.
Israel has not claimed responsibility for the Quneitra drone attack, but it was interpreted as an unusually forceful warning to Iran and Hezbollah to stay away from the Golan.
However, far from being deterred, the Iran-led offensive in the eastern Golan began less than two weeks later. Indeed, the operation was named in memory of the “Martyrs of Quneitra,” a reference to the dead Hezbollah fighters and Iranian general.
"We are taking the area square by square until we reach the border with Israel," says Abu Ali, a veteran Hezbollah fighter who has served multiple tours in Syria. He confirmed that Iran was leading the offensive and that Iranian troops were on the ground. "Not just officers but soldiers as well," Abu Ali says. "Iran will be so close to the Israelis that it will no longer need long-range missiles to hit them."
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... les-Israel</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Da Gerüchten zufolge derzeit einige hundert iranische Soldaten dort sein sollen könnte es einen zusammenhang geben.
Zitat:Israeli military officer slain in Golan Heights
An Israeli military officer has been killed in the occupied Golan Heights during a meeting with a group of high-ranking members of foreign-sponsored militant groups operating inside Syria.
The slain officer, who went by the nickname Johnny, was conferring with the militants, among them representatives of the so-called Free Syrian Army, as well as a Jordanian military figure, when he came under attack in the area on Friday afternoon, Lebanon’s Arabic-language newspaper al-Akhbar reported.
It added that the meeting had been planned in order to explore avenues aimed at slowing the Syrian army’s advances in the strategic southwestern city of Quneitra, situated some 60 kilometers (37 miles) south of the capital, Damascus, as well as the city of Dara’a.
The Israeli officer was reportedly from a technical unit in the Givati Brigade. He is said to have been in collaboration with the Takfiri terrorist groups in Syria, and helped them acquire modern communications equipment.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... d-in-Golan</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Netanyahu: Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis must be stopped
Amid numerous signs that the world powers will sign a nuclear agreement with Iran this week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made clear Sunday that his rhetorical blitz against such an accord will continue unabated.
“After the Beirut-Damascus- Baghdad axis, Iran is carrying out a pincer movement from the south to take over and occupy the entire Middle East. The Iran-Lausanne-Yemen axis is very dangerous to humanity and it must be stopped,” he [Netanjahu] said.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ays-395469</a><!-- m -->
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Registriert seit: Oct 2003
Zitat:Vorbereitungen in Israel
Bereit zum Gegenschlag gegen eine Atommacht Iran
Trotz oder gerade wegen der Fortschritte bei den Verhandlungen in Lausanne hat Israel längst damit begonnen, sich darauf vorzubereiten, dass Teheran schon bald über eigene Atomwaffen verfügt. Die Regierung Netanjahu sucht die rhetorische Eskalation.
Am Sonntag führte die israelische Marine schon einmal ihr „Krokodil“ vor. So hieß das in Deutschland gebaute U-Boot, das die Marine bei einem seltenen Pressetermin kurz auftauchen ließ, bevor es in wenigen Wochen einsatzbereit sein wird. Der Kapitän, der nur Oberst A. genannt werden durfte, schwärmte davon, wie tief das U-Boot in feindliche Gewässer für „lange und komplexe Missionen“ vordringen könne. In der israelischen Presse fand der kurze Termin größere Aufmerksamkeit.
Mit den andauernden Atomgesprächen werde das "aggressive Verhalten" Irans sogar noch belohnt, kritisierte Netanjahu am Montag. Zuvor hatte er schon vor der neuen „Achse Iran-Lausanne-Jemen“ gesprochen, die eine große Gefahr für die Menschheit darstelle, nachdem das iranische Regime seine Einflusszone schon auf den Irak, den Libanon und Syrien ausgedehnt habe.
Verteidigungsminister Mosche Jaalon bezeichnete Iran als die „größte Gefahr für die Stabilität der Welt“. Der frühere Generaldirektor des israelischen Ministeriums für strategische Angelegenheiten Jossi Kupperwasser deutete an, dass es für Israel Wege gebe, die Iraner bei ihrem Bemühen um eine Bombe zu bremsen. Israel werde nach der Unterzeichnung eines Abkommens seine geheimdienstlichen Aktivitäten verstärken, da die internationalen Inspektionen nach seiner Einschätzung nicht zuverlässig und rigoros genug sein werden. Israel werde der „Aufpasser“ sein, der dem Rest der Welt sagt, was in Iran wirklich vor sich gehe.
Israelische Fachleute schätzen, dass Iran noch zwischen neun und zwölf Monaten benötigt, um eine eigene Bombe zu bauen.
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Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Die neun bis zwölf Monate waren auch schon mal kürzer. Diese Frist scheint immer dem jeweiligen Wunschdenken der israelischen Regierung angepasst zu werden, je nachdem, welcher Zeitraum gerade politisch opportun erscheint ...
Der pöse Iran fällt aber jetzt als Bedrohung für Israel aus - wie ich hier "klick" schon beleuchtet habe.
Man darf gespannt sein, ob sich Israel nun einen anderen "Lieblingsfeind" sucht (wie wär's mit ISIS und den Wahabiten?) und den zur atomaren Bedrohung aufbauscht (sitzt die IS nicht in der Region, in der Assad angeblich einen syrischen Reaktor bauen wollte), oder wie die Iraner weiterhin als existentielle Horror-Bedrohung dämonisiert werden.