(Asien) Israelische Marine
Zitat:PM, president turn out to welcome Israel’s newest submarine

$400 million INS Rahav, which arrives in Haifa from Germany, said to expand Israel’s purported nuclear ‘second-launch’ capabilities
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-president-turn-out-to-welcome-israels-newest-submarine/">http://www.timesofisrael.com/pm-preside ... submarine/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Sea Platforms

Israeli Navy adapts patrol boats for new threats

The Israeli Navy's fleet of fast patrol boats is adapting to new roles and threats. Divided into three squadrons, the boats are tasked with defending Israel's Mediterranean coastline - an area that includes two offshore gas-drilling rigs - and blockading the Gaza Strip. The fleet includes Shaldag, Super Dvora Mk I, Mk II, and Mk III fast patrol boats. The last of the service's Dabur-class boats will be decommissioned in April having been in service for around 40 years, according to an Israeli Navy source. [...]

The source revealed that similar attacks had been attempted against Israeli fast patrol boats during Operation 'Protective Edge' in 2014, but none were successful. Operation 'Protective Edge' also saw the navy play a more prominent role in attacking targets in the Gaza Strip using Gil (the Israeli name for the Spike MR) guided missiles.

More of the Super Dvora Mk III boats have now been fitted with Gil launchers in addition to their Rafael Typhoon stabilised mounts with 25 mm guns, a .50 cal M2 Browning heavy machine gun, and two FN MAG machine guns.

Additionally, the navy is equipping its fast patrol boats with underwater charges to deal with the threat of divers, the source said. [...]
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.janes.com/article/58540/israeli-navy-adapts-patrol-boats-for-new-threats">http://www.janes.com/article/58540/isra ... ew-threats</a><!-- m -->

Zitat:Israel looks to buy three new nuke-capable subs – report

German-made Dolphin-class submarines would replace aging boats serving in Israeli Navy since the 1990s

Israel is seeking to buy three more advanced submarines from Germany at a combined price of $1.3 billion, an Israeli newspaper reported Friday. [...] Contacted by AFP, the Defense Ministry declined to comment on the report. Israel already has five of the state-of-the-art German submarines, with a sixth due for delivery in 2017. [...]

“The new submarines are said to be more advanced, longer, and equipped with better accessories,” the newspaper report said.

Israel hat das Design der Sa'ar 6 einer erneuten Anpassung unterzogen. Ein zweiter Iron Dome-Starter soll die Schlagkraft gegen die angewachsene Bedrohung durch Raketen der Hizbollah erhöhen. Die Iron Dome-Raketen sollen dabei gegen "billige", von Land gestartete Raketen eingesetzt werden, während die Barak-8 Flugkörper Hochwertzielen vorbehalten bleiben

Defense News
Zur Sa'ar 6-Klasse:
Zitat:ELTA to supply MF-STAR radars for Israeli Sa’ar 6-class corvettes

Israel Aerospace Industries’ (IAI) subsidiary ELTA Systems has received a contract to supply four ELM-2248 MF-STAR multi-function digital radars for installation on the Israeli Navy’s new Sa’ar 6-class corvettes.

The radars contract was awarded by the Systems Missiles and Space Group of IAI. The advanced MF-STAR radars, which will be installed on the ship’s masts in a new, box-like antenna configuration, are based on the latest active electronically scanned array (AESA) technology. [...] The MF-STAR was designed from the ground up with innovative and reliable technologies, based on our experience of over half a century of producing and deploying a vast array of radar systems.”

The radar solution being offered by ELTA includes four conformal phased array S-Band antennas providing 360° coverage. [...] Built by ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems, the Sa’ar 6-class vessels are based on the German MEKO 100 patrol corvette and are expected to offer enhanced attack capabilities.

Jetzt also möglicherweise doch - der Deal war ja stark umstritten, gerade in Israel...
Zitat:Israel could sign deal to buy three submarines from Germany - reports

They are the subject of the "Submarine Affair", or Case 3000, about which the government might open a state commission of inquiry. [...]

A deal to buy three submarines from Germany that is the subject of a possible state commission of inquiry could be signed in the coming week. According to a report by Walla News, the ministerial committee that oversees defense procurement met on Sunday to discuss the deal for three Dolphin-class submarines that had initially been approved by Berlin in 2017. The committee discussed the agreement as well as the budget regarding their purchase, the report said. The cost of the submarines is estimated to be €1.5 billion, a third of the cost being funded by the German government. [...]

The submarine affair is an ongoing scandal involving the multibillion-dollar submarine deal with Germany’s ThyssenKrupp AG conglomerate over several years in which the political class has made accusations against former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other officials, including former navy officers. [...] According to reports, the committee’s work will also focus on the procurement of the three new submarines and Netanyahu’s demand for the purchase of a fourth. [...]

While most details about Israel’s submarine fleet are under heavy guard and rarely publicized, the Israel-bound subs in question are said to have 16 multipurpose torpedo tubes that can fire torpedoes and even swimmer-delivery systems. According to foreign reports, these submarines provide Israel with nuclear second-strike capabilities, carrying long-range cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. The subs, which would not reach Israel’s coast for another decade, are expected to replace the older submarines.

Neues israelisches U-Boot - mit einer eigentlich alten Idee in neuem Gewand...
Zitat:Israel Launches New Submarine, First In World With Modern Missiles In Sail

The Israeli Navy is known for the secrecy surrounding its submarine force. 5 Dolphin-I/II class submarines are believed to carry nuclear-armed missiles. Now the latest boat, INS Drakon, has been quietly launched in Kiel, Germany. It appears to have new, larger, missiles. [...]

Israel’s latest submarine, INS Drakon (‘Dragon’), has been launched in Kiel, Germany. It indicates significant growth in Israeli submarine capabilities. A variant of the successful Dolphin-II class, its unique lines also showcase Israel’s fiercely independent naval thinking.

INS Drakon is larger than any previous Israeli submarine, being much longer than the first two Dolphin-II boats. Even more noticeable is the ginormous sail. This likely contains its defining feature: advanced new missiles. [...] The new hull insert makes the submarine even longer. Based on available information, the follow-on Dakar class will be about the same length as Drakon and feature a similarly lengthened sail. So INS Drakon can be thought of as the bridge between the Dolphin class and the future Dakar Class. [...]

Submarines have been equipped with missile silos in the sail before. The Soviet Union’s first purpose built ballistic missile submarines, the Hotel and Golf classes, did this. More recently North Korea has leveraged this trick to get larger missiles into smaller submarines. Yet the German-designed submarine is the first truly modern design to feature this.

Rough estimates suggest that the longer hull and sail add a space approximately 2 meters wide by 4 meters long and up to 11 meters deep. This could accommodate two large missile silos, or more likely, 4-8 smaller ones. It is also a reasonable assumption that they can be nuclear armed.

Und noch ein neues Landungsschiff...
Zitat:Israeli Navy enhances combat capabilities with new landing craft from US shipyard

INS Nahshon delivery and flag-raising ceremony at Pascagoula Shipyard marks the first of two platforms to be integrated into the Israeli Navy's fleet. [...] The INS Nahshon landing craft, a vessel measuring approximately 95 meters in length and 20 meters in width, with a displacement exceeding 2,500 tons, is a welcome addition to the Israeli Navy’s arsenal. Manned by a team of naval combat soldiers, a quarter of whom are female, the craft is commanded by a Lieutenant Commander.

Designed as a versatile combat vessel, the INS Nahshon landing craft holds importance in reshaping the Israeli Navy for modern, multi-arena battlefields.

Für alle, die auch wissen möchten, wie der Bock aussieht: Baugleich zum LSV der Amis wenn das Internet sich nicht irrt.
Die US-Regierung steht angeblich kurz davor, den Verkauf von 50 F-15 Eagle II an Israel zu genehmigen.
OPEX 360 (französisch)
von Laurent Lagneau - 2. April 2024
[Bild: https://www.opex360.com/wp-content/uploa...210312.jpg]

Im Januar 2023 bestätigte Israel auf Wunsch seiner Luftwaffe [IAF - Israeli Air Force] seine Absicht, fünfundzwanzig Kampfflugzeuge des Typs F-15EX "Eagle 2" [in der israelischen Nomenklatur noch als "F-15IA Ra'am II" bezeichnet] beim US-Hersteller Boeing zu beschaffen und fünfundzwanzig ältere F-15I auf diesen Standard zu bringen, ohne jedoch so weit zu gehen, sie mit einer elektrischen Flugsteuerung auszustatten. Darüber hinaus war auch eine Bestellung von 25 weiteren F-35I "Adir"-Jagdbombern im Wert von 3 Milliarden US-Dollar im Gespräch. Daraufhin wurden offizielle Anfragen an Washington gerichtet.

Der Terroranschlag der Hamas am 7. Oktober und der darauf folgende israelische Gegenschlag haben diese Pläne jedoch in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Darüber hinaus haben die USA trotz ihrer unerschütterlichen Unterstützung für Israel im UN-Sicherheitsrat am 25. März durch ihre Stimmenthaltung die Abstimmung über eine Resolution zum Gaza-Krieg ermöglicht, die einen "sofortigen Waffenstillstand für den Monat Ramadan" fordert.

Damit deutete Washington an, dass seine Unterstützung für den jüdischen Staat nicht bedingungslos sein könne und dass dessen Gegenschlag gegen die Hamas zu weit gegangen sei. Trotz ihrer Differenzen mit der Regierung von Benjamin Netanjahu steht die US-Regierung jedoch kurz davor, den Verkauf von fünfzig F-15EX "Eagle 2" an Israel im Wert von schätzungsweise 18 Milliarden US-Dollar zu genehmigen. Dies berichteten CNN und Reuters am 1. April auf der Grundlage von vertraulichen Informationen aus mit der Angelegenheit vertrauten Quellen.

Bevor die Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), die für die Prüfung von Anträgen auf den Kauf von US-Militärausrüstung im Rahmen des FMS-Verfahrens (Foreign Military Sales) zuständig ist, eine Stellungnahme veröffentlichte, in der sie zur Genehmigung dieses potenziellen Verkaufs aufforderte, hatte die Regierung von Präsident Biden bei den einflussreichsten Mitgliedern des Kongresses die Fühler ausgestreckt.

Laut CNN hat der [republikanische] Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Repräsentantenhauses, Michael McCaul, dem möglichen Vertrag zugestimmt. Sein Gegenüber im Senat, der Demokrat Ben Cardin, soll dagegen eher zögerlich sein, grünes Licht zu geben.

Die israelische Anfrage würde die Lieferung von 50 F-15EX "Eagle 2", die Lieferung von Triebwerken und Ersatzteilen sowie die Aufrechterhaltung des Betriebszustands [OCM] umfassen. Auch die Halbzeitmodernisierung der fünfundzwanzig F-15I der IAF wäre Teil des Vertrags. Diese Flugzeuge werden erst in fünf Jahren ausgeliefert.

Die F-15EX "Eagle II" ist mit zwei neuen F110-GE-129-Triebwerken ausgestattet und verfügt über ein APG-82(V)1-Aktivantennenradar [AESA], einen IRST-Sensor, eine EPAWSS-Suite [Eagle Passive/Active Warning Survivability], einen ADCP-II-Missionscomputer [Advanced Display Core Processor-II], ein digitales Cockpit und eine Datenverbindung, die es ihr ermöglicht, mit der F-35 zu kommunizieren.

Was die von der IAF geforderten 25 zusätzlichen F-35I betrifft, so behauptet CNN, dass die Biden-Regierung still und leise grünes Licht für ihre Lieferung gegeben habe. "Der Verkauf muss dem Kongress nicht gemeldet werden, da er bereits 2008 gemeldet wurde", so seine Quellen.
Zitat:Israeli Navy conducts operational test launch of Gabriel 5 missile

On February 7, 2025, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) announced the successful completion of an "operational test launch" of the Gabriel 5 anti-ship missile. [...] As part of the test, a missile was launched toward a vessel simulating an enemy ship.

During the test, the system successfully carried out detection and firing processes, simulating real scenarios. This capability is a significant component of the Israeli Navy’s offensive array, ensuring Israel’s maritime superiority. The success of this test strengthens the Israeli Navy’s combat capabilities and enhances its readiness to face operational challenges. [...] Head of the Weapons Department in the Israeli Navy, Capt. A.: “The success of this test marks a significant advancement in the Israeli Navy’s offensive capabilities, allowing us to optimally address threats in the maritime domain. Israeli Navy soldiers operated with great professionalism and precision, and the capabilities we tested and proved in this test are already being applied in combat across all arenas, providing our forces with a substantial operational advantage. The Israeli Navy will continue to develop and enhance its offensive and defensive capabilities to maintain maritime superiority and ensure the security of Israel’s citizens.”

Die Reichweite des 5,5 m langen Flugkörpers soll vermutlich bei um die 220 bis 290 km liegen, wobei es auch Spekulationen gibt, dass die Abwandlung "Blue Spear" bis zu 400 km weit fliegen kann. Diese Variante will die Marine Singapurs auch als Ersatz der alternden "Harpoon" verwenden, gleiches gilt für die Royal Navy (dort in der Variante "Sea Serpent"). Auch Estland hat sich für diesen Flugkörper entschieden.


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