Saudi Arabien - Druckversion

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Re: Saudi Arabien - Samun - 12.12.2011

Ich sag nur "atomare Handgranate". :lol:

Re: Saudi Arabien - Erich - 19.12.2011

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Zitat:Datum: 12 | 12 | 2011
Frau in Saudi-Arabien wegen Hexerei enthauptet

In Saudi-Arabien ist eine Frau wegen Hexerei enthauptet worden. Es ist die 73. Hinrichtung in diesem Jahr.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... n-agypten/</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Die Geldgeber der Salafisten in Ägypten 14. Dezember 2011

73. Hinrichtung in diesem Jahr – Saudi-Arabien köpft „Hexe“

Und so etwas soll in Wien einen interreligiösen Dialog führen?

In Saudi-Arabien wird eine Frau enthauptet – wegen angeblicher Hexerei. Auf dieses Delikt steht in dem islamischen Land die Todesstrafe.
und das beim engsten Verbündeten der USA in der Region . Sad

Re: Saudi Arabien - tienfung - 22.12.2011

Tjo schon traurig.

Da sieht man mal wieder, dass man noch so zurückentwickelt sein kann wie man will. Solange das Öl fließt und man pro Amerika ist, bleibt alles beim alten.

Und ich denke das man bei "Hexerei" ruhig den Begriff zurückentwickelt benutzen kann. :roll:

Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 15.01.2012

Zitat:Saudi forces clash with protesters in Qatif

One person killed, and at least one injured, as security forces open fire after protesters attacked a police car.
Last Modified: 13 Jan 2012 20:41

Saudi security forces have clashed with protesters in the country’s Eastern Province, home to a large Shia minority, killing one person, the interior ministry and activists reported.

At least three other people were wounded as security forces opened fire late on Thursday after protesters threw stones at a police vehicle in the village of Awamiya, the Shia Rasid website reported.
Witnesses said that security forces sealed off the village after the clashes.
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Re: Saudi Arabien - Erich - 17.01.2012

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 55748.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:17.01.2012, 15:57
Teure Sozialprogramme
Saudis wollen mehr Geld fürs Öl

Wenn es irgendwo mit der Ölförderung hakt, ist Saudi-Arabien meist schnell dabei, die Ausfälle zu kompensieren. Aber das könnte bald teurer werden: Der Wüstenstaat hat seine Preisvorstellungen für ein Fass Öl deutlich erhöht.

Re: Saudi Arabien - Erich - 10.03.2012

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=",1518,820384,00.html"> ... 84,00.html</a><!-- m -->


Viele Verletzte bei Unruhen an Uni in Saudi-Arabien

Bei Protesten an einer saudi-arabischen Universität sind Dutzende Frauen verletzt worden. Die Studentinnen warfen der Hochschulleitung Versagen vor. Die Uni-Führung reagierte mit Gewalt und ließ Sicherheitskräfte aufmarschieren. Den Tod einer Demonstrantin dementieren die Behörden

Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 13.05.2012

Zitat:Internationale Beziehungen Ziemlich beste Freunde

Saudi-Arabien ist eine islamische Despotie und müsste für die USA eigentlich zur "Achse des Bösen" gehören. Dennoch sind die beiden Länder seit 1945 fest verbündet. Die Geschichte einer sonderbaren Allianz
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Re: Saudi Arabien - hunter1 - 16.06.2012

Zitat:Der saudiarabische Kronprinz Nayef bin Abdul-Aziz ist gestorben. König Abdullah muss nun zum zweiten Mal innerhalb von neun Monaten einen Kronprinzen ernennen.
Als Favorit gilt der 76-jährige Verteidigungsminister Prinz Salman.

Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 1.17247413</a><!-- m -->

Der Verstorbene war 80 Jahre alt, der Favorit ist 76...wie wärs mal mit einer neuen Generation, etwas frischem Blut?

Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 22.07.2012

Zitat:Saudi-Arabien: Spitzendiplomat und angeblicher Bush-Freund wird Geheimdienstchef
Von Paul Müller

In Saudi-Arabien ist Bandar bin Sultan Al Saud neuer Chef des Geheimdienstes. Wie die staatliche Nachrichtenagentur SPD mitteilte, löst er seinen Onkel Onkel Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud mit sofortiger Wirkung im Amt ab. Gründe für die Entscheidung des Königshauses wurden nicht mitgeteilt.

Der 1949 geborene Bandar hatte erste diplomatische Erfolge, als er 1978 den Kauf von F-15 Kampfflugzeugen für sein Land vermittelte. Später war er zwischen 1983 und 2005 als Botschafter in Washington tätig
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Zitat:Blast hits Saudi intelligence building, killing deputy spy chief
Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:20AM GMT

A blast has hit the builing of Saudi intelligence service in Riyadh, killing deputy of the newly-appointed intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, according to reports.
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Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 28.07.2012

Zitat:NZZ Online, 23. Juli 2012, 11:18
Neu entfachte Unruhen im Osten Saudiarabiens

Seit der Verhaftung eines regimekritischen schiitischen Geistlichen sind die Proteste in der Ostprovinz Saudiarabiens neu entflammt. Die Sicherheitskräfte erschossen drei junge Schiiten. Deren Begräbnisse wurden zu grossen Protestkundgebungen.

In dem fast nur von Schiiten bewohnten Dorf Awamiyah im Osten Saudiarabiens wurde am 8. Juli der Geistliche Nimr al-Nimr verhaftet. Al-Nimr war in den letzten Jahren wegen seiner regimekritischen Predigten zu einer lokalen Berühmtheit geworden und hatte sich seit dem Beginn der Proteste in der Ostprovinz im Februar 2011 auf die Seite der Demonstranten gestellt. Der Zeitpunkt seiner Verhaftung wirft aber Fragen auf und hat den schwelenden Konflikt in der Ostprovinz zwischen schiitischen Muslimen und dem von der sunnitischen Königsfamilie der Al Saud beherrschten Staatsapparat neu entfacht.
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Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 01.08.2012

Der kleine Prinz wird weiter vermisst...

Zitat:Saudi silence on intelligence chief Bandar’s fate denotes panic
DEBKAfile Special Report July 31, 2012, 1:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

Mystery over missing Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan

Disquiet in Washington, Jerusalem and a row of Middle East capitals is gaining ground the longer the Saudi government stays silent on the reports of the assassination of the newly-appointed Saudi intelligence chief Prince Bandar bin Sultan, purportedly in a revenge operation by a Syrian intelligence death squad. If true, it would shoot a devastating tentacle out from the Syrian conflict to the broader region.

It is widely feared that Saudi rulers are too traumatized to respond by the fear of Iranian penetration of the highest and most closely guarded circles of Saudi government, possibly climaxing in Bandar’s assassination. The unconfirmed reports of his death attribute its motive to revenge by Iran and Syria for the bomb explosion five days earlier in Damascus which killed four of Bashar Assad’s top managers of his war on the uprising against his regime. The prince, son of the late crown prince Sultan, has not been seen in public since Saudi General Intelligence headquarters in Riyadh was hit by a bomb blast Monday, July 23 killing his deputy, Mashaal al-Qarni.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... otes-panic</a><!-- m -->

Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 04.08.2012

Zitat:Saudi Arabia: Soldier shot dead in Eastern Province

A soldier has been shot dead and another injured during a clash with protesters in eastern Saudi Arabia, according to state media.

An interior ministry spokesman said that a security patrol was fired at by rioters on motorbikes in Qatif.
The oil-rich Eastern Province is home to a Shia majority that has long complained of marginalisation.
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Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 25.08.2012

Zitat:Saudi Struggle vs. Iran Looks Likely to Get Worse
Published: Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 | 3:58 PM ET

By: Felix Imonti

Saudi Arabia has gone on the offensive against Iran to protect its interests. Its involvement in Syria is the first battle in what is going to be a long conflict that will know no frontiers nor limits.

Ongoing disorders in the island kingdom of Bahrain since February 2011 have set off alarm bells in Riyadh. The Saudis are convinced that Iran is directing the protests and fear that the problems will spill over the 25-kilometer long COSWAY into oil rich Al-Qatif, where the bulk of the Saudi Arabia's Shia are concentrated. So far, the Saudis have not had to deal with demonstrations as serious as those in Bahrain, but success there could encourage the protestors to become more violent.

Protecting the oil is the first concern of the Saudi government. Oil is the sole source of the national wealth and is managed by state-owned Saudi Aramco. The monopoly on political power held by the members of the Saud family means that all of the wealth of the kingdom is their personal property. Saudi Arabia is a company country with 28 million citizens the responsibility of the Saud rulers.
When the Arab Spring reached Syria, the leaders in Riyadh were given the weapon to break the chain. Appeals from tribal leaders under attack in Syria to kinsmen in the Gulf States for assistance could not be ignored. The various blinks between the Gulf States in several Syrian tribes means that Saudi Arabia and its close ally Qatar have connections that include at least 3 million people out of the Syrian populations of 23 million. To show how deep the bonds go, the leader of the Nijris Tribe in Syria is married to a woman from the Saud Family.
The Saudis and their Qatar and United Arab Emirate allies have pledged one hundred million dollars to pay wages to the fighters. Many of the officers of the Free Syrian Army are from tribes connected to the Gulf. In effect, the payment of wages is paying members of associated tribes.

Here, the United States is not a welcomed partner, except as a supplier of arms. Saudi Arabia sees the role of the United States limited to being a wall of steel to protect the oil wealth of the Kingdom and the Gulf States from Iranian aggression. In February of 1945, President Roosevelt at a meeting in Egypt with Abdel Aziz bin Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, pledged to defend the kingdom in exchange for a steady flow of oil.
When the Kingdom used its growing wealth in the 1970s to extend its interests far from the traditional territory in the battle against the atheistic Soviet Union, the Wahhabi clergy became missionaries in advancing their ideology through religious institutions to oppose the Soviets. More than two hundred thousand jihadists were sent into Afghanistan to fight the Soviet forces and succeeded in driving them out.
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Guter Artikel von NBC über Saudi Arabiens Kampf gegen die Shia.

Re: Saudi Arabien - Shahab3 - 25.08.2012

Zitat:Saudi Struggle vs. Iran Looks Likely to Get Worse
Published: Thursday, 23 Aug 2012 | 3:58 PM ET

By: Felix Imonti

Saudi Arabia has gone on the offensive against Iran to protect its interests. Its involvement in Syria is the first battle in what is going to be a long conflict that will know no frontiers nor limits.

Ongoing disorders in the island kingdom of Bahrain since February 2011 have set off alarm bells in Riyadh. The Saudis are convinced that Iran is directing the protests and fear that the problems will spill over the 25-kilometer long COSWAY into oil rich Al-Qatif, where the bulk of the Saudi Arabia's Shia are concentrated. So far, the Saudis have not had to deal with demonstrations as serious as those in Bahrain, but success there could encourage the protestors to become more violent.

Protecting the oil is the first concern of the Saudi government. Oil is the sole source of the national wealth and is managed by state-owned Saudi Aramco. The monopoly on political power held by the members of the Saud family means that all of the wealth of the kingdom is their personal property. Saudi Arabia is a company country with 28 million citizens the responsibility of the Saud rulers.
When the Arab Spring reached Syria, the leaders in Riyadh were given the weapon to break the chain. Appeals from tribal leaders under attack in Syria to kinsmen in the Gulf States for assistance could not be ignored. The various blinks between the Gulf States in several Syrian tribes means that Saudi Arabia and its close ally Qatar have connections that include at least 3 million people out of the Syrian populations of 23 million. To show how deep the bonds go, the leader of the Nijris Tribe in Syria is married to a woman from the Saud Family.
The Saudis and their Qatar and United Arab Emirate allies have pledged one hundred million dollars to pay wages to the fighters. Many of the officers of the Free Syrian Army are from tribes connected to the Gulf. In effect, the payment of wages is paying members of associated tribes.

Here, the United States is not a welcomed partner, except as a supplier of arms. Saudi Arabia sees the role of the United States limited to being a wall of steel to protect the oil wealth of the Kingdom and the Gulf States from Iranian aggression. In February of 1945, President Roosevelt at a meeting in Egypt with Abdel Aziz bin Saud, the founder of modern Saudi Arabia, pledged to defend the kingdom in exchange for a steady flow of oil.
When the Kingdom used its growing wealth in the 1970s to extend its interests far from the traditional territory in the battle against the atheistic Soviet Union, the Wahhabi clergy became missionaries in advancing their ideology through religious institutions to oppose the Soviets. More than two hundred thousand jihadists were sent into Afghanistan to fight the Soviet forces and succeeded in driving them out.
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Guter Artikel von NBC über Saudi Arabiens Kampf gegen die Shia.

Re: Saudi Arabien - Erich - 01.11.2012

Saudi Arabien ist nach einer Nebenbemerkung der SÜDDEUTSCHEN ZEITUNG dabei, für die Eigenbedarf massiv in der Solarmstromtechnik zu investieren - und gleichzeitig wird über die Möglichkeit der Beteiligung saudischen Kapitals an entsprechenden Anlagen in Nordafrika nachgedacht:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... .1510783-2</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:"Desertec"-Solarkraftwerk in Marokko
Die Kabel nach Europa liegen bereits

31.10.2012, 06:14

So plant allein Saudi-Arabien nach einem Beschluss in diesem Sommer in den nächsten zehn Jahren den Bau von Kraftwerken mit einer Kapazität von 25 Gigawatt - der Leistung von bis zu 20 Atomkraftwerken. Bislang sind lediglich Anlagen in der Größenordnung von drei Kraftwerken installiert. Saudi-Arabien könnte für den ganzen arabischen Raum eine wichtige Rolle spielen, weil es die Finanzkraft hat, Projekte in Nordafrika auf die Beine zu stellen.