- mehabadi - 26.10.2004
da soll mal einer sagen, der iran wäre nicht in der lage hochseetaugliche schiffe mit einer verdrängung von mehreren tausend tonnen zu bauen
bald werden die ersten zerstörer folgen :daumen:
- Shahab3 - 27.10.2004
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1838293">http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1838293</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Langhaarigen Kickern im Iran droht Sperre durch den Verband
Teheran - Der Iranische Fußball-Föderation (FFI) hat den langhaarigen Kickern des Landes den Kampf angesagt.
Hintergrund des ungewöhnlichen Vorstoßes war das Erstliga-Derby am vergangenen Freitag zwischen Persepolis und Etseqlal Teheran. In dieser Partie hatte Persepolis-Profi Ali Ansarian einen Samurai- ähnlichen Pferdeschwanz getragen, was zu erregten Diskussionen unter den führenden Sportfunktionären des Landes geführt hatte. Ansarian erklärte, dass seine Frisur seine persönliche Angelegenheit sei.
Spiesser-alarm !! :bonk:
- Seccad - 28.10.2004
Zitat:Iran launches new satellite network
05:15:23 È.Ù
Tehran, Oct 27 - Iran launch new "Mohajer TV" satellite network in a move to display the "true face of Iran and Iranian people" to the world, distorted by false propaganda launched by international media.
"We have been trying to launch the network in a bid to show the real profile of Iran and Iranian people, because we believe the real image of our country has never been shown," dirctor general Hassan Arpanahi, told Iranian Students' News Agency (ISNA).
Mohajer will air program for all countries over the world except Australia and North America.
The network will launch its programs officialy from Oct 30.
The head office of "Mohajer TV" is located in Germany, but it also has two offices in Dubai and Iran.
The Iranian office has recently started its work under Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB) regulations.
- Shahab3 - 28.10.2004
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/london/2004/10/298900.html">http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/regions/ ... 98900.html</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target
W. Clark, 11.10.2004 14:37
The Iranians are about to commit an offense far greater than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro for his oil exports back in the fall of 2000. In March 2005 Iran is going to start competing with New York's NYMEX and London's IPE with respect to international oil trades - using a euro-based international oil-trading mechanism. What does that mean? It means that without some sort of US intervention (likely covert, but possibly overt), the euro is going to establish a firm foothold in the international oil trade in 2005 - which given U.S. debt levels and the neoconservative desire for U.S. global domination - provides a rather problematic situation. Indeed, numerous articles have revealed Pentagon planning for operations against Iran in 2005. The publicly stated reasons will be over Iran's nuclear ambitions, but the unspoken macroeconomic issues explain the Real Reasons regarding the 2nd stage of petrodollar warfare - Iran's upcoming oil Bourse.
- Steahlt - 28.10.2004
Ich finde es schade das Iran sich derzeit so verhält ist doch klar das die Weltgemeinschaft scharfe kritik ausübt ich meine Iran hatte vor einpaar Jahren schlimme Erdbeben und ihnen wurde geholfen es ist natürlich schon eine Armee zuhaben und alles was dazu gehört aber nicht für den Preis den die Menschen dort zahlen müssen Iran ist doch total isoliert und die Zukunft sieht nicht rosig aus warum kann man das nicht ändern liegt das an den Politikern dort oder wollen die Menschen garnicht anders ?
- Marc79 - 29.10.2004
Pressefreiheit made in Iran:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/52364">http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/52364</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Protest gegen Verhaftung von Online-Journalisten im Iran
"Am vergangenen Montag wurde im Iran der fünfte Online-Journalist innerhalb von zwei Monaten verhaftet", heißt es in einer Mitteilung der Reporter ohne Grenzen. Aus Protest haben sich große Internet-Nachrichtenseiten Europas mit Reporter ohne Grenzen zusammengeschlossen, um ihre iranischen Kollegen zu unterstützen. Aus Deutschland sind Telepolis, Spiegel online, Sueddeutsche.de, Netzeitung, DW-world.de und Politik-digital.de.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1838293">http://derstandard.at/?url=/?id=1838293</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Langhaarigen Kickern im Iran droht Sperre durch den Verband
"Islamische Kultur wird dadurch untergraben " - Persepolis-Spieler Ansarian: Frisur ist persönliche Angelegenheit
Ansarian sorgte mit einem Pferdeschwanz für Aufregung.
Teheran - Der Iranische Fußball-Föderation (FFI) hat den langhaarigen Kickern des Landes den Kampf angesagt. FFI-Funktionär Ali Pur erklärte, Fußballer mit langen Haaren würden die islamische Kultur untergraben und müssten daher mit Strafen bis hin zu Sperren für Spiele in der Liga und der Nationalmannschaft des Iran rechnen. Diese Spieler seien schlechte Vorbilder für die Jugend und erzeugten bei Stadion-Besuchern und Fernseh-Zuschauern negative Aufmerksamkeit, berichteten iranische Zeitungen am Mittwoch über den FFI-Funktionär...
:evil: Klar Terrorgefahr, alles langhaarige Bombenleger.
- Seccad - 29.10.2004
Dumme menschen gibt es überall, habe selber lange haare so ungefehr die selbe frisur und sie ist sehr wol islamisch.
In einer empfehlung an Imam Ali sagte unser Prophet Mohammed saav :
Ich empfehle dir deine Haare kurz bis zu den Ohrlepchen und Lang bis zu den Schultern zu tragen und sie in der Mitte zu trennen.
In dieser Empfehlung unseres propheten saav geht eindeutig eine spanne zwischen ohrlepchen und schulter hervor und das kann man nicht gerade als kurzhaarig beschreiben.
Auch unser Prophet trug sein Haar so!
Diese traditionellen möchtegern klugscheisser gibt es nicht nur im Iran.
Wichtigtuer gibt es überall und dafür kann der Iran nicht im geringsten verantwortlich gemacht werden.
- Shahab3 - 29.10.2004
Ich wollte auch nicht sagen, daß die Kritik an den langen Haaren tatsächlich islamischen Hintergrund hat. Trotzdem halt ein bischen spiessig der Verband. Da würde ich eher verbieten, daß Pepsi Cola als Hauptsponor das Trikot eines teheraner Spitzenclubs ziert... aber das ist ne andere Sache. Bzgl. Lange Haare jedenfalls ziemlich komisch. Wir reden hier schliesslich nicht von Tennis, Golf, oder Polo, sondern Fussball ! :pillepalle:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=26526&NewsKind=Business%20%26%20Economy">http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleVi ... %20Economy</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Iran, Syria call for cooperation
LONDON, Oct 29 ( IranMania) - Minister of Industry and Mines Eshhaq Jahangiri and Syrian Minister of Transportation Makram Obeid in a meeting in Damascus Thursday stressed cooperation in transportation sector between Tehran and Damascus, Islamic Republic News Agency reported.
They expressed hope that with rescission of violence in Iraq and establishment of peace and stability in the war-torn country, bilateral trade will be carried out through Iraq "which will considerably increases the mutual trade volume and lower the costs."
Jahangiri also pointed to Iran`s progress in manufacturing train wagons, vehicles and road transportation machinery.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=26524&NewsKind=Business%20%26%20Economy">http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleVi ... %20Economy</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Conference on Iran-China cooperation opens
LONDON, Oct 29 ( IranMania) - The one-day conference on "Iran-China Cooperation Opportunities in Energy Sector" opened in Beijing Friday morning, Islamic Republic News Agency( IRNA) said.
Iran`s Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, Iran`s Ambassador to China Fereydoun Verdinejad and the deputy chairman of China`s Development and Reforms Commission are among the key participants in the conference.
Over 150 state officials and experts in oil and gas sectors from Iran and China are also attending the conference.
China is pursuing serious plans to store crude oil for future use.It has made giant reservoirs to that effect and is already importing large quantities of oil despite soaring oil prices.
China imported about 90 mln tons of oil in 2003. Iran`s oil exports to the country last year stood at 12 mln tons.
- Shahab3 - 01.11.2004
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=26548&NewsKind=Business%20%26%20Economy">http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleVi ... %20Economy</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Saipa exports 4,000 automobiles since March
LONDON, Oct 31 (IranMania) - 'Saipa' vehicle manufacturing company exported over 4,300 automobile in the first seven months of the current Iranian year (started March 20), the company`s public relation department said Saturday.
It is estimated in the current Iranian year over 900,000 vehicles will be produced in the country needing close to rls 60,000 bln of capital. For the country as a whole, automobiles valued at dlrs 150 mln were exported last year, mostly to Central Asian states, and Arab countries. Implementing provisions to increase quality of produced vehicles and better after-sell services are the sector`s objective for the current year.
Iran produced over 187,135 light and heavy vehicles in the first quarter of this Year Industry and Mines Ministry`s Public Relations Department said in September. "Of the figure 165,000 are automobiles with the rest consisting of heavy and semi-heavy trucks." Also the number of automobiles manufactured were 52,500 `Pride` models, followed by `Paykan` with 31,100 cars and `Peugeot-405 injection` with 19,500 cars.
In the same period 15,890 vans, 169 mini-buses, 971 buses and 5,171 trucks were also manufactured in the country, the ministry reported. Iran also plans to export dlrs 150 mln worth of automobiles by the end of the year and dlrs one billion in four years.
In the current year three models of Mercedes-Benz are scheduled to roll-off the production line. The country`s car exports are slated to top dlrs 350 million next year.
- Shahab3 - 03.11.2004
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=213098&n=33">http://www.iribnews.ir/Full_en.asp?news_id=213098&n=33</a><!-- m -->
[Bild: http://www.iribnews.ir/newspic/04/11/01/dam1-kh.jpg]
Zitat:72 large dams built within 26 years
Tehran, Nov 1 - Some 72 large national dams have been built and commissioned in the past 26 years and 84 more are under construction, said an official in charge of energy affairs here on Sunday.
Briefing reporters on the 57-year history of Iran's water sector, deputy minister of energy for water affairs Reza Ardakanian said that executive operations on 171 large national dams were taken up in 57 years, 19 one of which pertained to 31 years bef ore the Islamic Revolution and 152 in the post-Islamic Revolution era.
- Shahab3 - 03.11.2004
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?NewsCode=26647&NewsKind=Current%20Affairs">http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleVi ... %20Affairs</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Iran to fingerprint visitors from US
LONDON, Nov 3 (IranMania) - US travelers visiting Iran will have to be fingerprinted on entering the country under a bill approved Tuesday by a parliamentary committee, state news agency IRNA reported.
The bill approved Tuesday would instruct the government to ensure that measures be introduced to "verify the identity of American arrivals and to bar entry to those who could represent a threat to national security."
- Rehad - 03.11.2004
Iran liefert Gas an China
(emfis.com) Bereits am vergangenen Freitag fanden Gespräche zwischen China und dem Iran zur Lieferung von flüssigem Gas nach China statt. Die Nachrichtenagentur ISNA berichtete, dass der Iran jährlich mindesten 10 Millionen Tonnen liefern wird, über einen Zeitraum von 25 Jahren. Im Gespräch sind aber auch Mengen von 15 bis 20 Millionen Tonnen. Das Volumen soll sich dabei auf etwa 200 Milliarden US-Dollar bewegen. Noch nicht geklärt scheint der Start dieses Geschäftes, da anscheinend noch keine bzw. nicht ausreichende Stationen zur Verflüssigung des Gases existieren.
In Gesprächen mit dem Iran ist bereits seit April dieses Jahres die China Petroleum & Chemical Corp (Sinopec). Das Unternehmen will gemeinsam mit iranischen Unternehmen in die Erfroschung von Feldern investieren.
In einem Interview der "China Daily" mit dem iranischen Vizepräsidenten Mohammad Sattarifar teilte dieser damals mit, dass sich Sinopec in Gesprächen mit der National Iranian Gas Export Company (NIGEC) und der National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) befände und es um ein größeres milliardenschweres US-Dollar Geschäft gehe im Zusammenhang mit einem Import aus dem Iran von midestens 5 Millionen Tonnen Natural Gas (LNG).
- Shahab3 - 04.11.2004
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iran-daily.com/1383/2131/html/national.htm">http://www.iran-daily.com/1383/2131/html/national.htm</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Minister Deplores University Unrest
Chancellor Resigns
TEHRAN, Nov. 3-- Minister of Science, Research and Technology Jafar Tofiqi said a number of people have been identified during Tuesday's student unrest in Science and Technology University, but no arrest has been made.
Speaking to IRNA after a cabinet session on Wednesday, Tofiqi said the incident distorted the image of the Islamic system and the academia.
A number of students took the university's chancellor hostage after he authorized members of liberal and reformist groups to address gatherings at the college campus.
"Such attempts are neither approved by student bodies nor the intelligentsia," he said.
Mohammad Taqi Salehi, chancellor of Science and Technology University, was also assaulted and is now in hospital.
Speaking to ISNA from his hospital bed, Salehi said the identity of the culprits is known and that they belong to Basij (volunteer forces) groups. Salehi also said he has submitted his resignation to the minister, because he no longer feels safe in the university.
:wall::wall: Diese Verbecher sollten angemessen betraft werden, aber das wird ja mal wieder nicht geschehen...
- Skywalker - 05.11.2004
Zitat:Iran Militarizes Kurds
Against the plans of U.S. to strike, the Iranian government decided to militarize Kurd tribes in the Iraqi and Turkish border under the title of "Village guards."
The Tehran Administration decided informed Kurds of its decision to militarize them. Iran's border with Turkey is 529 km and with Iraq is 378 km.
Urumiye's Governor Muhammed Muhsin Pur met the Kurd leaders and voiced the worries of the Administration of the Bush government. The Iranian Administration's mission said, "The Bush Administration is coming to power once more. We might encounter new problems. We shall step up our security on the Turkish and Iraqi border. "
The Iranian Administration will distribute arms to Kurds and provide training to them.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.hurriyetim.com.tr/haber/0,,sid~381@nvid~491639,00.asp">http://www.hurriyetim.com.tr/haber/0,,s ... 639,00.asp</a><!-- m -->
Tjo, damit verscheissert sich's der Iran mit der Türkei. :evil::evil::baeh:
- Shahab3 - 05.11.2004
Sich mit den Kurden zu verstehen, ist ja auch wichtiger :baeh:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleView/Default.asp?ArchiveNews=Yes&NewsCode=26719&NewsKind=CurrentAffairs">http://www.iranmania.com/News/ArticleVi ... entAffairs</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:China's FM to visit Iran, nukes on agenda
Friday, November 05, 2004 - ©2004 IranMania.com
LONDON, Nov 4 (IranMania) - China's Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing will visit Iran this week and will hold talks about its nuclear program, the foreign ministry said Thursday.
During the two-day visit beginning Saturday, Li will discuss Iran's alleged uranium enrichment program, said ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue.
"We hope this issue will be handled within the framework of the International Atomic Energy Agency," Zhang told a regular briefing.
China is also looking to Iran to supply natural gas to help feed its insatiable hunger for energy.
The two countries last month signed a preliminary accord under which China would buy 10 million tonnes a year of liquefied natural gas for 25 years from Iran in a deal worth 100 billion dollars.
Iran's Deputy Oil Minister Hadi Nejad-Hosseinian was quoted by Iranian media as saying the deal could eventually reach 15 to 20 million tonnes a year, taking the total value to as much as 200 billion dollars.
The memorandum of understanding also grants to Chinese oil giant Sinopec the right to exploit the Yadavaran oil field on a buy-back basis in cooperation with a major international oil company.