Der Weihnachtsfriede
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Friedliche Front

Der Weihnachtsfriede 1914

Im Dezember 1914 machte der Erste Weltkrieg eine kurze Pause. Einfache Soldaten aus Deutschland, Frankreich und England legten in den Schützengräben der Westfront ihre Waffen nieder, um gemeinsam Weihnachten zu feiern - zum Entsetzen ihrer Generäle. Die Soldaten, die Befehl hatten, einander totzuschießen, tauschten an der Front Geschenke aus, sangen Weihnachtslieder und spielten Fußball im zerbombten Niemandsland zwischen den Fronten.
Sendung war recht gut gemacht
Die Doku kursiert im Inet...
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Zitat:The Christmas Truce

The Christmas Truce (a WW1 peace story), and news of a nascent nonviolent peace army...

On Christmas Day, 1914, only 5 months into World War I, German, British, and French soldiers, already sick and tired of the senseless killing, disobeyed their superiors and fraternized with "the enemy" along two-thirds of the Western Front (in times of war, a crime punishable by death). German troops held Christmas trees up out of the trenches with signs, "Merry Christmas." "You no shoot, we no shoot." Thousands of troops streamed across a no-man's land strewn with rotting corpses. They sang Christmas carols, exchanged photographs of loved ones back home, shared rations, played football, even roasted some pigs. Soldiers embraced men they had been trying to kill a few short hours before. They agreed to warn each other if the top brass forced them to fire their weapons, and to aim high.
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Zitat:Christmas Eve truce
27 December 2003

When the hell of the trenches gave way to quiet

Sir: Readers of your article "1914 Christmas truce 'planned by thousands of German soldiers' " (24 December) may be interested in the following extracts from my father's First World War diaries written as regimental doctor to the 93rd Regiment of Highlanders.

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