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Zitat:ASELSAN Provides a new tool for ASW: DÜFAS
19 Mar, 10:47 3 Min Read
Navy / Maritime Sensors
ASELSAN Provides a new tool for ASW: DÜFAS
ASELSAN completed the tests of the Low Frequency Active Sonar System (DÜFAS). President of Defence Industry Agency (SSB) Haluk Görgün announced on social media that ASELSAN completed the Low-Frequency Active Sonar System (DÜFAS). Görgün wrote, “DÜFAS Low-Frequency Active Sonar System, an important product of ASELSAN engineering, was developed to detect undersea threats. DÜFAS, which can effectively detect submarines and torpedoes with its 360-degree omnidirectional scanning capability.” ASELSAN General Manager Ahmet Akyol stated that the Turkish Naval Forces gained the ability to detect threat submarines without engaging surface ships. DÜFAS System was originally developed in line with the needs of the Naval Forces Command within the scope of the contract signed with the Defence Industry Agency.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:TB3 Performs its 23rd Flight Test with Aselsan’s CATS
20 Mar, 03:22 1 Min Read
Unmanned Systems Sensors
TB3 Performs its 23rd Flight Test with Aselsan’s CATS
Baykar’s TB3 UCAV performed the 23rd flight, a medium and high-altitude system identification test with the Aselsan CATS payload. The TB3 UCAV is a naval version of the TB2 Armed UAV developed to take off and land on short-runway aircraft carriers. ASELSAN’s common aperture targeting system (CATS) is an electro-optical reconnaissance and surveillance and targeting system developed for unmanned, rotary, and fixed-wing aerial systems.
Basic Flight Performance Criteria
14 Meters Wingspan
8.35 Meters Length
2.6 Meters Height
1450 Kilograms Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW)
125 knots-160 knots Cruise Speed – Maximum Speed
280 Kilograms Payload Capacity:
24+ Hours Endurance
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Eine Übersicht über die Versionen der UMTAS Familie von Roketsan. Die UMTAS-GM Varianten erinnern sind mit den Spike NLOS zu vergleichen.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Mittlerweile sind längere Videos vom Testlauf des TF-6000 Triebwerk ins Netz gestellt worden. Das Triebwerk ist für die unbemannten Plattformen Anka-3 und Kizilelma vorgesehen. Derivate des TF-6000 können als Triebwerk für den Kampfhubschrauber ATAK-II und als Gasturbine für zukünftige FAC der Marine anwendung finden. Ein weiteres Derivat wäre für den Bereich der Spannungserzeugung in Kraftwerken denkbar.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:ASELSAN’s AESA Radar on Flight Test on F-16 Özgür
26 Mar, 09:07 2 Min Read
Air E/W Sensors
ASELSAN’s AESA Radar on Flight Test on F-16 Özgür
ASELSAN's indigenous AESA Aircraft Nose Radar made its first flight with the F-16 ÖZGÜR platform. ASELSAN shared a post on social media and announced that the homegrown AESA Aircraft Nose Radar made its first flight with the F-16 ÖZGÜR platform. The first flight of the ASELSAN AESA Aircraft Nose Radar was carried out on February 15, 2024. The AESA Radar will start its flights with AKINCI UCAV shortly. Flights will be carried out in 2024 after integrating with other jet aircraft and UAVs. AESA Radar has automatic recognition, multiple target tracking, location mapping, distance measurement, automatic altitude determination, under-cloud surveillance with SAR, automatic target limitation with artificial intelligence-supported algorithms, broadband radar spectrum monitoring (ESM), directional electronic jamming (ECM) and ability to provide more effective guidance to ammunition.
Zitat:Anka-III Performs Third Flight with an Endurance of Two Hours
26 Mar, 12:43 3 Min Read
Unmanned Systems
Anka-III Performs Third Flight with an Endurance of Two Hours
ANKA-III, which made its first flight on December 28, 2023, took off for the third time and flew for two hours. According to the information the Anadolu Agency correspondent received, ANKA-III UCAV met the sky for the third time. ANKA-III, which flew for two hours in its last flight, reached a speed of 160 knots and rose to an altitude of 10 thousand feet. ANKA III thus improved all flight values. Autopilot and flight mechanics tests were also carried out during the flight. There is no information whether the landing gears were retracted. Following the evaluations of each flight test, new performance and mission envelopes will be opened for ANKA-III, and efforts will be made to prepare the platform for the mission. Development efforts for ANKA-III started in 2022. The system requirements were frozen after the System Requirements Review Meeting in March of the same year. The Preliminary Design Review (PDR) meeting held in April 2022 determined the exterior geometry design. Design studies were carried out for the changing subsystems, especially the new propulsion system, of ANKA-III, whose basic avionics architecture is common with ANKA and AKSUNGUR. The Critical Design Review (CDR) Phase began in October 2022. In November 2022, the first detailed part of the aircraft production was carried out.
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
In dem Tweet ist auch ein Video vom Test des VSHORAD Systems Alka zu sehen. Alka ist eine hochenergie Laserwaffe gegen Drohnen.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Another important threshold crossed in the national helicopter engine
by Murat Kadör March 30, 2024
Another important threshold crossed in the national helicopter engine
TEI became the first aviation engine company to receive the approval for design organization of Türkiye
TEI successfully proved its competence in aviation engine design by completing the processes of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (SHGM) and was entitled to receive the “Design Organization Approval” (TOO) required for the type certification of domestic and national aviation engines.
For TOO, in this context, according to the SHT-21/EASA Part 21 regulation, it is necessary to establish procedures for organization and processes, develop personnel competencies and define authorizations and responsibilities with a systematic, planned and risk management-centred approach.
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Das KTJ-3700 Triebwerk das den Landziel Marschflugkörper Kara Atmaca antreiben wird hat seinen ersten Test erfolgreich gemeistert. In der zweiten Jahreshälfte wird die Kara Atmaca mit dem KTJ-3700 Triebwerk getestet und der Flugkörper wird voraussichtlich ab dem Jahr 2025 bei der türkischen Armee in Dienst gestellt. Die
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Burkina Faso hat seine ersten zwei Akinci UCAV von der Türkei erhalten, dazu noch Smartbomben der Typen HGK-82 und Teber -82 sowie MAM-L und MAM-T. Bei der Übergabe war auch Militärmachthaber Ibrahim Traore dabei.
An der FIDAE Air Show in Chile will Tusas den Hürjet Präsentieren.
Die Kalkan VTOL Drohne hat ihren 30ten Test erfolgreich absolviert.
Das ACAR-K Boenaufkärungsradar und das IHASAVAR RF anti-Drohnen Störsystem wurden im Inventar der argentinischen Streitkräfte gesichtet.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:ASELSAN Expands Presence in Latin America with New Office Opening in Chile
Global Defense Insight
April 10, 2024
Marking a milestone in its regional expansion, ASELSAN’s subsidiary company ASELSAN Latin America has officially opened its new office in Santiago, Chile, with a ceremony participated by Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Türkiye, Mr. Şuay Alpay, Türkiye’s Ambassador to Santiago, Ms. Gülcan Akoğuz and ASELSAN General Manager, Mr. Ahmet Akyol. This strategic move represents ASELSAN’s commitment to providing enhanced accessibility and support to clients and partners throughout Latin America.
Nun eine richtige Meldung über den Kauf von Bayraktar TB-2 und Akinci UCAV durch Burkina Faso.
Zitat:Burkina Faso Shows Bayraktar AKINCI and TB2 UAVs
08 Apr, 07:30 2 Min Read
Unmanned Systems
Burkina Faso Shows Bayraktar AKINCI and TB2 UAVs
Baykar’s AKINCI UCAV was seen alongside Bayraktar TB2 armed UAVs serving Burkina Faso with various munitions. The UCAV was seen fitted with MAM-L and MAM-T munitions. However, ROKETSAN’s TEBER GPS+Laser and TÜBİTAK SAGE’s HGK GPS guidance kits were presented alongside the UCAV, hinting that the African country has acquired heavier munitions for AKINCI UCAV as well. The UAVs were inspected by Interim Leader Ibrahim Traore, who came to power with a coup on September 30, 2022. Traore is known for his heavy opposition to French policies and represents an example of France's declining influence in African countries. Another surprise user of AKINCI in Africa was revealed as Ethiopia, showing what appeared to be the 40th serial production AKINCI from what was seen on the tail. As of now, among the nine customers of AKINCI UCAV, the known ones are Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Kyrgyzstan, Ethiopia, and Burkina Faso. Most of these countries also use the previous model, Bayraktar TB2.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Baykar Joins FIDAE 2024 in Chile
12 Apr, 02:22 2 mins
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Expo and Air Show
Baykar Joins FIDAE 2024 in Chile (Photo Credit Ruben Pizarro @r_pizarro_p X)
Baykar has put AKINCI UCAV and Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV with the Chilean flag and roundel on display in the FIDAE 2024 exhibition organised in Chile. The models’ Chilean flag and roundel indicate that Chile has either shown interest in the UAVs or given orders. Local media coverage has discovered some of Baykar’s customers on multiple occasions. Both platforms have been put on display with info boxes that include munition options. Baykar has not made a statement nor returned TurDef’s question concerning one of the systems displayed at the Expo.
Zitat:ASELSAN to Modernise Chilean Leopard 2 MBTs
11 Apr, 06:40 2 mins
Land Modernisation Expo and Air Show
ASELSAN to Modernise Chilean Leopard 2 MBTs
ASELSAN has been awarded a contract to modernise the engagement and sensor capabilities of Chilean Leopard 2 MBTs. In an interview with Graciela Ibanez recorded by TRT World during FIDAE 2024, ASELSAN CEO Ahmet Akyol stated that Leopard 2 main battle tanks of the Chilean Army will be modernised with ASELSAN’s various systems. A model of the modernisation package on Leopard 2 was also shown. The fire control system will be replaced with ASELSAN’s VOLKAN, and a SARP-type RCWS will be integrated to provide additional firepower. The gunner’s optics will also be renewed, with what appears to be from the KARTALGÖZÜ series of sights. On the situational awareness side, laser and missile warning systems will be installed against ATGMs, and an electro-optical system will be added for the commander.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Baykar hat vor kurzem die mini smart Cruise Missile Kermankeş-2 getestet.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:KEMANKEŞ 2 Mini Cruise Missile Begins Testing
16 Apr, 10:44 2 mins
Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software
KEMANKEŞ 2 Mini Cruise Missile Begins Testing
Baykar has started the new member of its jet-powered KEMANKEŞ line of munition, AI-Supported KEMANKEŞ 2, with a launch from speeding pickup. The test was conducted nearly a year after the firing test of KEMANKEŞ from Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV. Unlike the previous variant, KEMANKEŞ 2 was launched using a pickup speed to provide a first speed and lift.
KEMANKEŞ 2 appears to be significantly larger than KEMANKEŞ, which weighed 30 kg with a capacity for six-kilogram warheads. While the video released by Baykar doesn’t show the entire munition, parts like the wing, engine, and tail fins closely resemble the KaGeM V3 jointly developed with Pakistan. However, TurDef has learned that the two munitions aren’t the same. The new munition is stated to have a range exceeding 200 km and an endurance of one hour. The guidance package consists of an electro-optical system and communication with the ground control system. Baykar stated that both navigation and optic guidance will benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is understood that the larger KEMANKEŞ 2 might be the ground-based member of the KEMANKEŞ family for hitting more hardened targets. While the test was done with a speeding pickup, the finalised version might be launched from catapults or multi-slot launchers using rocket-assisted take-off (RATO).
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:TÜBİTAK Finishes AKBABA Missile’s Antenna Layout Analysis
ROKETSAN’s AKBABA anti-radiation missile’s second phase antenna layout analysis was completed according to the 2023 Annual Report of TÜBİTAK. The analysis was made using the data from ROKETSAN. AKBABA is a new anti-radiation missile being developed by ROKETSAN to succeed the U.S.-made AGM-88 series of rocket-powered anti-radiation missiles in the TuAF service. ROKETSAN has not shared any specifications for the missile. AKBABA is planned to be used on KAAN and F-16 ÖZGÜR fighter jets. Other platforms might be included in the future, depending on tolerances. Anti-radiation missiles are designed to destroy or force air defence systems’ radars to retreat, with their passive RF seekers picking up emissions. Many such missiles have been developed since the starting point of the Cold War. When new-generation anti-radiation missile designs are observed, enhancements on rocket engines or ramjet propulsion types can be observed to achieve longer ranges. Some missiles like AGM-88G AARGM-ER utilise seekers with mmW radars to keep the crosshairs on targeted radars. The 2023 Annual Report includes some other activities of TÜBİTAK. Laboratories affiliated with TÜBİTAK Test Evaluation Vice Presidency (TDBY) provided General TEMPEST Installation Guide Training to Baykar Makina. Baykar has been the target of various espionage activities in recent years. The Aviation Engine Materials Development Program conducts studies on high-temperature engine materials, which will be used for the domestic production of the KAAN engine. The prototype production of such materials started with stainless steel and nickel-based superalloys. Work was carried out to develop the Integrated Sonar System (BOSS), which is fully integrated into the Combat Management System and can operate as Monostatic, Bistatic and Multistatic for the TF-2000 Anti-Air Warfare Destroyer. Forty-nine externally supported projects were carried out at TÜBİTAK SAGE as of the end of 2023. Within the scope of the GÖKTUĞ Project, aircraft firing tests of Turkiye’s Air-Air Missiles, GÖKDOĞAN and BOZDOĞAN missiles, were successfully carried out. In addition, a new term contract for GÖKDOĞAN and BOZDOĞAN missiles has been signed, and within the scope of the contract, the first low-scale production of 25 missiles and integration activities into F-16 PO-III aircraft will be carried out.
Zitat:ASELSAN Signs a New Contract with SSB
18 Apr, 09:54 1 min
ASELSAN informed KAP that it had signed an Air Defence Systems procurement agreement with SSB for $ 36.000.000. ASELSAN announced the Public Disclosure Platform (KAP), and the company signed an agreement with the Secretariat of Defence Industries (SSB). The announcement said, “An agreement with a value of USD 36.000.000,- regarding the procurement of Air Defence Systems has been signed between ASELSAN and the Presidency of The Republic of Türkiye Secretariat of Defence Industries. Deliveries will be made in the year 2027 and 2028.”
Eine neues Foto von der Loitering Munition Kermankeş-2 ist aufgetaucht. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Marschflugkörper mit Man in the Loop Steuerung der vom Boden aus gestartet wird. Kemankeş-1 wird dagegen von den UCAV Bayraktar TB-2 und Akinci als Lenkwaffe mitgeführt.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Eine Übersicht über in der Türkei entwickelte Flugabwehrraketen und ihre Reichweiten. Das in der Türkei entwickelte VLS MIDLAS ist auch auf dem Tweet zu sehen.
Zitat:Türkiye will lead two international projects
by Ahmet Çelik April 22, 2024
Türkiye will lead two international projects
The Strategic Plan of the Presidency of Defense Industries for the period 2024-2028 has been released. The plan is structured around three objectives, encompassing 14 targets aligned with these objectives, and 55 performance indicators aimed at advancing the vision of the Turkish Century and reinforcing the sustainable growth witnessed in the defense industry over the past two decades. As of 2024, the number of projects undertaken by the Presidency of Defense Industries has reached approximately 1,000, with the sector’s workforce numbering 90,000 employees, and exports nearing $6 billion.
Zitat:3 new R&D Projects in Satellite, Space and Aviation Technologies
by Murat Kadör April 22, 2024
3 new R&D Projects in Satellite, Space and Aviation Technologies
Three new research and development projects will be implemented in the fields of satellite, space and aviation technologies by 2028.
Strategic Plan of the Presidency of Defense Industries for the period from 2024 to 2028 has been published. This Strategic Plan is built on 3 objectives, 14 targets under these objectives and 55 performance indicators within the framework of these objectives, which will serve the Century of Türkiye Vision and support the sustainability of the development shown in the field of defense industry in the last 20 years.
As we enter 2024, the number of projects carried out by the Presidency of Defense Industries has reached approximately 1000; the number of employees in the sector has reached 90 thousand, and exports have approached 6 billion dollars. According to the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, 3 new research and development projects will be implemented in the fields of Satellite, Space and Aviation technologies by 2028.
Zwei Aksungur Drohnen wurden an den Tschad geliefert und in einer Zeremonie übergeben. Daneben verfügt der Tschad noch über zwei Anka-S und drei Hürkuş-C(bewaffnet Version des Hürkuş Trainer).