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Zitat:Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024
29 May 2024, 04:02 2 mins
Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems
Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024
Lentatek has presented its KARGI’s RF seeker and gimbal EO/IR seeker variants in its booth during the EFES-2024 exercise. The firm is exhibiting both variants of its KARGI, RF seeker, and EO/IR seeker for the first time. KARGI was initially developed to replace Israeli Harpy kamikaze UAVs in the SEAD/DEAD role, which can home into radar signals from air defence systems. Later, Lentatek started developing an EO/IR-fitted version with a gimbal in place of an RF seeker to engage stationary and moving non-radar targets more efficiently. In this regard, KARGI’s EO/IR variant can be considered a counterpart to the Harop, which has a similar layout. KARGI is powered by TEI’s PG-50 internal combustion engine, which produces 50 hp of power. Thanks to the engine, KARGI can reach a range of 800 km. Control via the SATCOM option allows full exploitation of KARGI’s maximum range. Recent developments in warfare, such as the adverse effect of long-range kamikaze UAVs in the Russo-Ukrainian War and threats to naval targets in the Red Sea, render the development and production of these UAVs important as low-cost and conventional deterrents.
Zitat:EFES-2024: Lentatek Shows SAR on KARAYEL-SU Armed UAV
29 May 2024, 11:38 2 mins
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems Sensors Expo and Air Show
EFES-2024: Lentatek Shows SAR on KARAYEL-SU Armed UAV
SATCOM-fitted KARAYEL-SU has been exhibited for the first time with a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) integration. Side-scanning SAR can be carried in front of the EO/IR system under the fuselage. Thanks to its lesser degree of susceptibility to visual obstructions, SAR is a wide-area scanning alternative to the EO/IR systems. Due to different wavelengths from the observable light, electromagnetic waves can pass through visual obstructions like clouds, smoke, and fog. For this reason, SAR systems occasionally work in tandem with optical systems for optimal observation performance. KARAYEL-SU, the first version of the KARAYEL family to have SATCOM capability, is powered by a 97-hp internal combustion engine and has an endurance of 20 hours. The UAV can carry a payload of 190 kg (70 kg under fuselage+120 kg under wings). Munitions include ROKETSAN’s MAM-L glide munitions and CİRİT 70 mm laser-guided missiles (Single Pod). Saudi Arabia is a major user of KARAYEL-SU with ongoing local production of the UAV under the name Haboob. Saudi firm GAMI will produce 40 units by 2025. Another interesting display from Lentatek is the hydrogen fuel cells specifically developed for small UAVs. The company aims to increase the endurance of electrically driven UAVs, which usually have limitations in this regard. The fuel cells were exhibited alongside a test platform.
Zitat:Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024
29 May 2024, 04:02 2 mins
Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems
Lentatek Exhibits KARGI Kamikaze UAVs in EFES-2024
Lentatek has presented its KARGI’s RF seeker and gimbal EO/IR seeker variants in its booth during the EFES-2024 exercise. The firm is exhibiting both variants of its KARGI, RF seeker, and EO/IR seeker for the first time. KARGI was initially developed to replace Israeli Harpy kamikaze UAVs in the SEAD/DEAD role, which can home into radar signals from air defence systems. Later, Lentatek started developing an EO/IR-fitted version with a gimbal in place of an RF seeker to engage stationary and moving non-radar targets more efficiently. In this regard, KARGI’s EO/IR variant can be considered a counterpart to the Harop, which has a similar layout. KARGI is powered by TEI’s PG-50 internal combustion engine, which produces 50 hp of power. Thanks to the engine, KARGI can reach a range of 800 km. Control via the SATCOM option allows full exploitation of KARGI’s maximum range. Recent developments in warfare, such as the adverse effect of long-range kamikaze UAVs in the Russo-Ukrainian War and threats to naval targets in the Red Sea, render the development and production of these UAVs important as low-cost and conventional deterrents.
Zitat:EFES-2024: Lentatek Shows SAR on KARAYEL-SU Armed UAV
29 May 2024, 11:38 2 mins
Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Unmanned Systems Sensors Expo and Air Show
EFES-2024: Lentatek Shows SAR on KARAYEL-SU Armed UAV
SATCOM-fitted KARAYEL-SU has been exhibited for the first time with a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) integration. Side-scanning SAR can be carried in front of the EO/IR system under the fuselage. Thanks to its lesser degree of susceptibility to visual obstructions, SAR is a wide-area scanning alternative to the EO/IR systems. Due to different wavelengths from the observable light, electromagnetic waves can pass through visual obstructions like clouds, smoke, and fog. For this reason, SAR systems occasionally work in tandem with optical systems for optimal observation performance. KARAYEL-SU, the first version of the KARAYEL family to have SATCOM capability, is powered by a 97-hp internal combustion engine and has an endurance of 20 hours. The UAV can carry a payload of 190 kg (70 kg under fuselage+120 kg under wings). Munitions include ROKETSAN’s MAM-L glide munitions and CİRİT 70 mm laser-guided missiles (Single Pod). Saudi Arabia is a major user of KARAYEL-SU with ongoing local production of the UAV under the name Haboob. Saudi firm GAMI will produce 40 units by 2025. Another interesting display from Lentatek is the hydrogen fuel cells specifically developed for small UAVs. The company aims to increase the endurance of electrically driven UAVs, which usually have limitations in this regard. The fuel cells were exhibited alongside a test platform.
Zitat:MKE Presents MPT 76 X39mm Rifle Version
29 May 2024, 03:58 1 min
Weapon / Missile Simulator / AI / Drill/ Software Expo and Air Show
MKE Presents MPT 76 X39mm Rifle Version
Defence Ministry company MKE Inc. presented the MPT 76X39mm rifle version at the Efes 2024 exercise defence industry display area in Seferihisar. The MPT 76 rifle, a Turkiye product, is known for its compatibility with NATO standard 7.62×51mm ammunition. However, the MPT 76X39 mm rifle version takes this compatibility further by being compatible with Russian ammunition. This feature opens up a potential market in former Soviet block countries, where weapons with this ammunition size are in high demand. Additionally, these weapons are widely used in conflict zones like Iraq, Libya, and Syria, offering significant logistic advantages for units deployed in these areas.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Aselsan will eine C-RAM fähige Version des Korkut SPAAG entwickeln.
Zitat:ASELSAN Develops C-RAM Capability for KORKUT SPAAG
31 May 2024, 05:27 1 min
Weapon / Missile Expo and Air Show
ASELSAN Develops C-RAM Capability for KORKUT SPAAG
The C-RAM capability for KORKUT is ongoing within the scope of the GÖKKUBBE air defence system programme, which will cover multiple layers with different systems. The twin 35 mm revolver cannons of KORKUT, armed with ATOM 35 mm airburst ammunition, stand out for their increased hit probability, making them a promising asset for C-RAM missions. However, the current radar suite falls short in tracking RAM threats. At IDEF’23, a scaled model of a C-RAM-capable KORKUT, integrated with the SERHAT radar (now named STR-400G), was showcased. The SERHAT radar, equipped with the ability to detect RAM threats at short ranges, has recently added UAV detection capability with the SERHAT DUAL version. This makes SERHAT the ideal searching radar for C-RAM duties. KORKUT might also be paired with the more capable SURALP (STR) weapon-locating radar, which has a range of 250 km. Both SERHAT and SURALP radars are in service with the Turkish Armed Forces.
Aselsan hat in seinem "Aktivitäts Bericht" aus dem Jahr 2023 bekannt gegeben das dass Stationäre Frühwarnradar ALP-500 G entwickelt wird. ALP-500G wird Bestandteil der zukünftigen ATBM Fähigkeiten der Türkei sein, zu der auch die TF-2000 Zerstörer und die ATBM Fähigkeiten Varianten Product II & III gehören des Langstrecken Flugabwehrsystems Siper gehören.
Zitat:ASELSAN Develops ALP-500G Fixed Early Warning Radar
31 May 2024, 05:30 2 mins
ASELSAN Develops ALP-500G Fixed Early Warning Radar
ASELSAN has announced the development of ALP-500G fixed early warning radar in its 2023 Activity Report. Compared to ALP-300G, also known as ERALP/EİRS, ALP-500G will be stationed separately in a facility designed for it. The GaN-based radar will be significantly larger, providing greater range and power input. ALP-500G’s longer range will also make it a critical part of Turkiye’s future ballistic missile defence structure that will consist of future variants of SİPER air defence missile and likely TF-2000 destroyers with ÇAFRAD radars and SİPER missiles. Other developments in air defence radars include the SİPER long-range air defence system radars. ALP-310G, a derivative of ALP-300G, as the search radar and AKREP-1000G fire control radar, were used during the firing tests in 2024. CENK-200N naval AESA radar following CENK-400N used on I-class frigates was also revealed in the report. ASELSAN stated a deal was inked with a Southeast Asian country for the radar. The naming indicates that CENK-200N is a down-scaled version of CENK-400N for smaller platforms.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Der Bayraktar TB-3 Prototyp hat seinen ersten Starversuch von einer Ski-jump Rampe ausgeführt, so wie auf der TCG Anadolu.
Aselsan hat das Torpedorohrsystem Zipkin vorgestellt, dass auf unbemannten Seefahrzeugen montiert den Abschuss von Torpedos ermöglicht.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Aselsan hat einen Exportauftrag für das Flugabwehrsystem Korkut mit einem nicht genannten Land unterzeichnet. Korkut ist ein Flugwehrsystem mit zwei 35 mm Zwillingsgeschützen, dass die 35 mm Munition ATOM von Aselsan verschiesst. Durch die Feuerleitelektronik wird das Geschoss Programmiert und setzt vor dem Ziel eine Schrspnelladung frei.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:AKINCI UCAV Fires Seeker-Fitted UAV-122 Missiles
04 Jun 2024, 11:142 mins
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems Sensors
AKINCI UCAV Fires Seeker-Fitted UAV-122 Missiles
Baykar’s AKINCI UCAV fired two new versions of ROKETSAN’s UAV-122 aero-ballistic missiles with seekers, lasers and TV. The missiles successfully hit raft-sized sea targets in the tests. The UAV-122 missile’s first version only had a guidance system with GNSS and INS. The addition of seekers offers flexibility against moving and pre-defined targets. The seeker’s location coincides with the white tip on the baseline UAV-122 missile, indicating that the missiles have been designed with the provision for seekers from the beginning. The same feature is likely present on the larger UAV-230 missile. Thus, UAV-230 might also be suitable for seekers shortly. With the successful integration of the laser seeker on the TRLG-122 missile, a variant of the TRG-122 guided artillery rocket, it’s not far-fetched to anticipate ROKETSAN developing a laser-guided variant of the UAV-122 missile in the near future. This advancement could potentially be utilized by the AKINCI and other platforms for laser designation on the target. The emergence of the TV seeker variant marks the first time ROKETSAN integrated this type of seeker on a missile. Previously, the gliding MAM-L smart munition was tested from AKINCI with a TV seeker. ROKETSAN will also use a TV+IIR seeker on its UMTAS-GM Block 2 new-generation ATGM. With their feed to the launching aircraft, TV seekers add a man-in-the-loop capability to the missile. This would provide moving target engagement capability and allow the missile to pick pre-defined targets. Compared to IIR seekers with a similar function, TV seekers are lower cost and easier to manufacture. ROKETSAN’s UAV line of aero-ballistic missiles has been developed from the TRG family of guided artillery rockets with new flight software. The 230 mm UAV-230 can reach a range of 150 km, while the 122 mm UAV-122 can reach a range of more than 55 km.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:AKINCI UCAV Drops TOLUN SDB Without Smart Rack
07 Jun 2024, 09:09 2 mins
Ammunition Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems
AKINCI UCAV Drops TOLUN SDB Without Smart Rack
Two AKINCI UCAVs performed tests, with one dropping ASELSAN’s TOLUN Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) without a multi-carriage rack and the other firing a missile. One AKINCI UCAV fired the new version of the UAV-230 aero-ballistic missile with a new fin layout that was fired on the 4th of June, 2024. The other UCAV released the TOLUN SDB from its middle wing hardpoint without the SADAK-4T smart multi-carriage rack. TOLUN has been dropped from the SADAK-4T rack from both F-16 fighters and AKINCI UCAV (Under-fuselage hardpoint). SADAK means quiver in Turkish. The test serves as a validation that TOLUN can be used standalone. Bayraktar TB3 UCAV, which has recently performed its ski-jump tests, will also use TOLUN without the smart racks because of its limited payload capacity compared to AKINCI at 280 kg. TB3 will carry TOLUN on its hard points with a maximum of two bombs. TOLUN, guided by GPS and INS, has a range of more than 30 km when dropped from UCAVs. The munition can penetrate one-meter-thick reinforced concrete before detonation. ASELSAN is also developing an IIR seeker for TOLUN to provide moving target engagement and man-in-the-loop capabilities. TOLUN has been exported for the first time for AKINCI UCAVs in 2023.
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:TURKSAT 6A arrives in the US
by Talha Batın Şahan June 8, 2024
TURKSAT 6A arrives in the US
Our first indigenous communication satellite, TURKSAT 6A, landed at Kennedy Space Center after a one-day journey.
TURKSAT 6A, our first indigenous communication satellite, has landed at the Kennedy Space Center in the United States. TUBİTAK announced on its official X account that the satellite and ground support equipment transfer has been completed. In the next stages;
Reduced tests will be carried out to verify that the satellite has been transported properly,
The chemical propulsion system will be refueled,
Components installed on the satellite during transportation, that must be removed before launch, will be dismantled,
The satellite will be brought to its final software and hardware configuration before flight,
The satellite will be integrated into the launcher and the integration will be verified.
After these procedures, the 4250 kg TURKSAT 6A will be ready to be sent into orbit by the Falcon 9 rocket. TURKSAT 6A is scheduled to be launched on the 8th of July.
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Registriert seit: Feb 2024
weiß man, welche Region der Satellit abdecken soll (footprint)
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
(09.06.2024, 21:09)Kongo Erich schrieb: weiß man, welche Region der Satellit abdecken soll (footprint)
Zitat:Türkiye’s new communications satellite to expand coverage to over 5B people
India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia to join Turkish satellite coverage area at end of June with launch of Turksat 6A, encompassing 65 percent of the world’s population.
With the commissioning of Turksat 6A, the firm’s satellite service exports to the region are planned to increase significantly. / Photo: AA
With the commissioning of Turksat 6A, the firm’s satellite service exports to the region are planned to increase significantly. / Photo: AA
Turkish satellite operator Turksat has finalised the country’s first indigenous communications satellite, having successfully completed its endurance tests.
Turksat 6A is anticipated to expand Türkiye’s satellite coverage to over 5 billion people after its launch at the end of June, officials at the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TUBITAK) said on Tuesday.
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Themen: 77
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Turkiye Exports Air Transportable Howitzer
12 Jun 2024, 02:29 2 mins
Weapon / Missile
Turkiye Exports Air Transportable Howitzer
Defence Ministry Company MKE Inc. announced that the inspection procedures for BORAN howitzers that will be exported to an Asian country have been completed. MKE Inc. developed the air-transportable 105 mm Air-Transportable Light Towed Howitzer BORAN with domestic resources. The first design goal was to support internal security operations commando brigades within the framework of the needs of the Turkish Armed Forces. The first goal was to add 106 BORAN to the inventory, but it was increased to more than 150 guns. BORAN was first carried by Helicopter under a sling in 2018 and entered the inventory in 2021. With the agreement signed with Bangladesh in 2023, the export path for 18 BORANs was opened. The 105 mm 30 calibre BORAN has a range of 17 kilometres with M1 standard ammunition and 21 kilometres with long-range ammunition. BORAN can fire six rounds per minute. BORAN is equipped with Muzzle Velocity Radar, INS, a Night Vision System, a battery, and a generator. The night vision system allows it to shoot at targets at distances of 2 thousand meters.
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Registriert seit: Feb 2024
weiß jemand, welches asiatische Land die Dinger kauft?
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
(12.06.2024, 21:17)Kongo Erich schrieb: weiß jemand, welches asiatische Land die Dinger kauft?
Wahrscheinlich wird es Bangladesh sein, nur eine Vermutung.
Zitat:ASFAT Exports Vuran APC to Georgia
12 Jun 2024, 04:08 1 min
ASFAT Exports Vuran APC to Georgia
ASFAT, as the main contractor, has exported 46 BMC VURAN 4x4 vehicles to the Georgian Ministry of Defence. Georgia was looking for vehicles with NATO standards. Georgian Minister of Defence Irakli Chikovani, Deputy Minister of Defence Sergo Janalidze, Deputy Commander of Defence Forces Brigadier General Irakli Tchitchinadze, Turkiye’s Ambassador to Tbilisi Ali Kaan Orbay and ASFAT General Manager Behcet Karataş attended the delivery ceremony held today.
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Zitat:Baykar Lands KEMANKEŞ 2 Loitering Munition in Test
13 Jun 2024, 01:11 2 mins
Weapon / Missile Unmanned Systems
Baykar Lands KEMANKEŞ 2 Loitering Munition in Test
Baykar’s second loitering munition, KEMANKEŞ 2, has landed on its skids in its second system verification test. Like in the first test, KEMANKEŞ 2 was sprint-launched by a pickup truck releasing it after reaching sufficient speed, demonstrating independence from rocket-assist and catapult systems. The test showed feed from KEMANKEŞ 2’s electro-optical seeker and the munition’s recovery capabilities. At the end of the test, KEMANKEŞ 2 landed on what appeared to be skids mounted under the fuselage without a parachute, further showing its ease of operation.
KEMANKEŞ 2 is larger than KEMANKEŞ, which weighed 30 kg with a capacity for six-kilogram warheads. While the munition resembles KaGeM V3 jointly developed with Pakistan, TurDef has learned that the two munitions aren’t the same. The new munition has a range exceeding 200 km and an endurance of one hour. The guidance package consists of an electro-optical system and communication with the ground control system. Baykar stated that both navigation and optic guidance will benefit from Artificial Intelligence (AI). While the tests have been done with a speeding pickup so far, the finalised version might have options for catapult launch or rocket-assisted take-off (RATO).
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:TOLUN SDB Hits Target Under Intense GNSS Jamming
15 Jun 2024, 12:37 2 mins
E/W Ammunition
TOLUN SDB Hits Target Under Intense GNSS Jamming
ASELSAN’s TOLUN Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) dropped from an F-16 fighter successfully hit its target under intense GNSS jamming. The use of GPS guidance may have reached its peak level. Electronic warfare-supported countermeasures are widely used to prevent them from reaching their targets. In light of recent developments, TOLUN’s recent test demonstrates an important capability.
The U.S. officials stated that TOLUN’s counterpart, GBU-39, failed to hit its targets because of Russian GNSS jamming in Ukraine. Other GPS-guided weapons, such as M892 Excalibur 155 mm shells, have also been affected. In TOLUN’s previous test with F-16, four targets were hit simultaneously. Thus, F-16 fighters will be capable of attacking eight targets at once. There will be four targets for AKINCI UCAV, which can carry SADAK-4T on the central hardpoint. When dropped by fighter jets, TOLUN, guided by GNSS and INS, has a range of more than 110 km. The munition can penetrate one-meter-thick reinforced concrete before detonation. ASELSAN is also developing an IIR seeker for TOLUN to provide moving target engagement and man-in-the-loop capabilities. TOLUN has been exported for the first time for AKINCI UCAVs in 2023.
Noch ein Video vom Test der Tolun.
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Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Im Rahmen des UAV SOJ Programms sollen Bayraktar Akinci Drohnen mit dem ASOJ-234U EW Behälter von Aselsan ausgerüstet werden. Der ASOJ-234U Behälter bietet Fähigkeiten zur elektronischen Kriegsführung und elektronischer Unterstützungsmaßnahmen.
Zitat:AKINCI UCAV to Perform Stand-Off Jamming with EW Pod
17 Jun 2024, 05:44 2 mins
E/W Unmanned Systems Sensors
AKINCI UCAV to Perform Stand-Off Jamming with EW Pod
Bayraktar AKINCI UCAV will gain the capability to perform stand-off jamming with ASELSAN’s ASOJ-234U Electronic Warfare Pod. ASOJ-234U incorporates radar and communication electronic support and attack capabilities in a single pod. ASOJ-234U is not the only electronic warfare system for UAVs developed by ASELSAN. The large pod will be carried under AKINCI’s fuselage pylon.
Other products in said category include ANTİDOT mini-EW pod for Bayraktar TB2 armed UAV, its larger version for AKINCI UCAV’s under-wing stations, and an unnamed EW pod for wingtips. Within the scope of the UAV SOJ programme, electronic warfare variants of AKINCI and AKSUNGUR UCAVs will be developed. Differences in UAV SOJ variants, to be specialised for specific tasks, will include integrated and/or pylon-mounted electronic warfare systems.
Compared to AKINCI, which emphasises electronic attack functions, AKSUNGUR’s concept will focus on ELINT/COMINT/SIGINT missions due to AKSUNGUR’s endurance of more than 50 hours. The lower cost of UAVs and the risk of personnel loss not being on the table, as well as each variant specialising in one aspect, make UAV SOJ a future supporting asset alongside HAVA SOJ.