10.02.2022, 13:07
Eine durchaus interessante Idee (technisch allemal, ob sie sich dann in einem realen Einsatzumfeld bewähren würde, stelle ich allerdings in Frage, da es sich weder um ein echtes U-Boot, noch um eine vollwertige Korvette handelt): Ein Patroller, der als Überwassereinheit fungiert, aber auch tauchen kann, und neben Torpedorohren auch Überwasserwaffensysteme mit sich führt. Grob ist diese Einheit wohl um die 70 m lang und rund 1.300 Tonnen schwer.
Zitat:Rubin Design Bureau Unveils New Version Of Its Submersible Patrol Shiphttps://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/202...trol-ship/
Russia's Rubin Design Bureau presents the second version of its Border and Offshore Submersible Sentry (BOSS) patrol ship that combines the benefits of a submarine and a surface patrol ship. [...]
It is the largest version with 72 m length and surface displacement about 1300 t. Large dimensions bring more capabilities. New lines with wave-piercing bow and tumblehome hull reduce roll, make ship more stable weapon platform and reduce radar signature as well. Sonar array in bow bulb works in better conditions and the bulb itself reduces surface drag. High-power propulsion system allows speed up to 21 kt.
This version is maximally armed with autocannon, two guided-missile launchers and four 324 mm torpedo tubes. Such weapon package makes BOSS a formidable enemy for even much larger ships. As in other versions, this ship has two pressure-proof multifunctional hangars for boarding teams boats and equipment, unmanned aerial vehicles or other payload. Both radar and sonar can be used for search and target acquisition, allowing discreet detection and approach. [...] The ship can be used in anti-submarine exercises and training of crews for classical submarines. The cruising range is up to 4000 miles at 10 kt, and can be increased on Customer’s request.