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Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Das erste von vier U-Booten des Typs 209 für die ägyptische Marine ist bei TKMS vom Stapel gelaufen:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... b-launched</a><!-- m -->
Zitat:Egypt's first Type 209 sub launched
ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) announced on 10 December that the first of four Type 209/1400 submarines it is building for Egypt at its Kiel yard has been launched and named S 41.
Frag' mich nur ob Ägypten irgendwelchen wirklichen militärischen Nutzen für diese U-Boote hat...
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Egyptian Navy receives new vessels
Egypt has received two new frigates and a submarine as it celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its Navy. The Egyptian Ministry of Defence announced on 18 October that the first Gowind-class corvette El Fateh (971) and second Type 209/1400 submarine S42 (864) had arrived at the naval base in Alexandria.
A week later, on 26 October, the Egyptian military announced that the Pohang class corvette ENS Shabab Misr arrived in Alexandria from South Korea. It was previously known as ROKS Jinju and was decommissioned by the Republic of Korea Navy in December last year. [...]
The arrival of the El Fateh and S42 followed their joint delivery and exercise at sea with the French Navy. S42 is the second of four Type 209 submarines ordered from ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) in 2011 and 2014. It was handed over on 8 August in Kiel, Germany after S41 was handed over in December 2016 and delivered this April.
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Egyptian Navy to buy two Italian European Multi-Purpose Frigates
French newspaper La Tribune reported that Egypt is on the verge to sign a deal with Fincantieri to purchase a pair of European Multi-Purpose Frigate (FREMM) warships from the Italian shipbuilder. [...] According to the report, these frigates may be drawn from the Italian Navy’s procurement program – the vessels Spartaco Schergat and Emilio Bianchi, launched in January 2019 and January 2020, respectively – enabling Fincantieri to sell the vessels for an estimated cost of €1.2 billion.
Of the two frigates in question, the Emilio Bianchi was launched in January and was due for delivery to the Italian navy in 2021, while the Spartaco Schergat is due for delivery in a few months. [...] Spartaco Schergat is a general purpose-configured variant with a full-load displacement of 6,900 tons and 144 meters in length. It carries an OTO Melara gun, a 16-cell vertical launch system launching Aster 15 and Aster 30 missiles, an MU90 lightweight torpedo launching system (Torpedo Launching System) and the Teseo MK2/A anti-ship system, based on the Teseo missile. The ship also has a flight deck for embarking two helicopters.
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Alexandria Shipyard launches fourth Gowind corvette for Egypt
Alexandria Shipyard (ASY) launched the fourth and final Gowind 2500-class corvette for the Egyptian Navy at its facilities on 12 May.
The 102 m ship, named Luxor (986), is the third corvette of the class to be built by the yard under a contract for four Gowind 2500 corvettes signed with French shipbuilder Naval Group in 2014. [...] The Gowind corvettes are 102 m long, have full load displacement of 2,600 tonnes, a maximum speed of 25 kt, and a crew complement of 80. They are armed with eight MBDA Exocet MM40 Block 3 anti-ship missiles, 16 MBDA VL MICA surface-to-air missiles, a Leonardo 76 mm/62 Super Rapid gun, and six (two- triple) 324 mm tubes for MU90 torpedoes.
Beiträge: 845
Themen: 38
Registriert seit: Aug 2019
Sassnitz-Mukran (dpa/mv) - Im Hafen Mukran auf der Insel Rügen sind Schiffe der Lürssen-Werft für die ägyptische Marine verladen worden. Die in Wolgast gebauten Schiffe seien dazu konzipiert beispielsweise sensible Offshore-Anlagen zu schützen, Schmuggel zu verhindern, Piraterie einzudämmen oder zur Seenotrettung, teilte die Werft auf Anfrage mit. Am Montag waren in Mukran auf einem Transportschiff zwei kleinere und ein größeres Militärschiff zu sehen. Lürssen konnte keine genaueren Angaben zum Transport machen.
Die Werft hatte Anfang November bekanntgegeben, mit der ägyptischen Marine einen Vertrag über die Lieferung von zehn in Wolgast gefertigten Küstenwachbooten abgeschlossen zu haben. Ursprünglich waren sie für Saudi-Arabien gebaut worden. Die Bundesregierung hatte allerdings einen Rüstungsexportstopp für Saudi-Arabien verhängt und zuletzt sogar verlängert und verschärft.
Beiträge: 722
Themen: 18
Registriert seit: Apr 2010
(26.01.2021, 21:34)Mike112 schrieb:
Die Werft hatte Anfang November bekanntgegeben, mit der ägyptischen Marine einen Vertrag über die Lieferung von zehn in Wolgast gefertigten Küstenwachbooten abgeschlossen zu haben. Ursprünglich waren sie für Saudi-Arabien gebaut worden. Die Bundesregierung hatte allerdings einen Rüstungsexportstopp für Saudi-Arabien verhängt und zuletzt sogar verlängert und verschärft. Macht m.E. keinen großen Unterschied. Saudi-Arabien und Ägypten kooperieren derzeit intensiv im Militärbereich, und mit ziemlicher Sicherheit wurde zumindest teilweise mit saudischem Geld bezahlt.
Beiträge: 2.081
Themen: 21
Registriert seit: Feb 2008
Weiß jemand von euch, welche Hubschrauber und wie viele davon die Ägypter auf ihren Schiffen der Mistral-Klasse verwenden?
Beiträge: 6.331
Themen: 971
Registriert seit: Sep 2020
(27.01.2021, 10:13)Mondgesicht schrieb: Weiß jemand von euch, welche Hubschrauber und wie viele davon die Ägypter auf ihren Schiffen der Mistral-Klasse verwenden? Beim Umbau vorgesehen:
Ka-27 Helix, Ka-29TB Helix-B et Ka-52K Katran (version navalisée du Ka-52 Alligator),
Und es wurden Kamox-52 >Hubschrauber zeitgleich gekauft.
Beiträge: 2.633
Themen: 25
Registriert seit: Sep 2017
(26.01.2021, 23:55)PKr schrieb: (26.01.2021, 21:34)Mike112 schrieb:
Die Werft hatte Anfang November bekanntgegeben, mit der ägyptischen Marine einen Vertrag über die Lieferung von zehn in Wolgast gefertigten Küstenwachbooten abgeschlossen zu haben. Ursprünglich waren sie für Saudi-Arabien gebaut worden. Die Bundesregierung hatte allerdings einen Rüstungsexportstopp für Saudi-Arabien verhängt und zuletzt sogar verlängert und verschärft. Macht m.E. keinen großen Unterschied. Saudi-Arabien und Ägypten kooperieren derzeit intensiv im Militärbereich, und mit ziemlicher Sicherheit wurde zumindest teilweise mit saudischem Geld bezahlt.
Also meines Erachtens kann die ägyptische Armee nicht stark genug sein. Sie ist Garant dafür dass die Muslimbrüder dort nicht an die Macht kommen. Die Saudis stecken dort Geld rein, nach dem Motto der Feind meines Feindes ist mein Freund.
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:UK Sells Two Fort Rosalie-Class Replenishment Ships To Egypt
In a landmark deal, the UK has sold military vessels to Egypt for the first time in more than 30 years. The Royal Fleet Auxiliary ships, Fort Austin and Fort Rosalie, were sold by the Defence Equipment Sales Authority (DESA). [...] Both Royal Navy Solid Support Ships were released from service earlier this year. Their new lease of life could also support UK jobs, with negotiations under way for refurbishment work on the vessels before they are exported. [...]
Fort Austin and Fort Rosalie have helped to ensure Navy personnel all over the world have the food, ammunition and explosives they need to carry out vital operations. The sister ships have two flight decks, which means as well as traditional replenishment at sea they are also able to use helicopters to offload supplies. [...] They were commissioned with the RFA in April 1978 and May 1979 respectively. Both were decommissioned on 31 March this year. They have a full load displacement of 23,890 tons and a length of 185 meters.
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:TKMS Delivers First MEKO A-200 EN Frigate To Egypt
thyssenkrupp Marine Systems today handed over the first-of-class MEKO® A-200 EN to the Navy of the Arab Republic of Egypt. [...] A total of four ships were ordered, with the first three units produced in Germany and the fourth vessel built by Alexandria Shipyard in Egypt. At today’s ceremony in Bremerhaven, the frigate “AL-AZIZ” was accepted by the Egyptian Navy after only 38 months of the contract becoming effective. [...]
The class will be heavily armed with a Leonardo 127/64 LW 127 mm main gun (possibly with VULCANO ammunition), 16x MM-40 Exocet block 3 anti-ship missiles, 32x VLS for MBDA VL MICA NG surface to air missiles (the ship is the first platform and customer for this new missile).
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:TKMS Delivers Second MEKO A-200 EN Frigate To Egypt
On May 26th, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems handed over a frigate to the Navy of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It is the second in a series of four MEKO® A-200 EN frigates. [...] The ceremony in Bremerhaven, which was attended by high-ranking Egyptian and German Navy officials, also included the naming of the vessel. The Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Navy, Vice Admiral Ashraf Ibrahim Atwa, named the ship “AL-QAHHAR”, meaning “The Irresistible Subduer”.
Beiträge: 13.042
Themen: 212
Registriert seit: May 2006
Zitat:Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Hands Over Third MEKO Frigate To Egyptian Navy
In a festive ceremony held in Bremerhaven on 15 December, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems handed over the frigate “AL-QADEER” to the Navy of the Arab Republic of Egypt. [...]
Production work on “AL-QADEER” began with the first steel cutting in autumn 2020, followed by keel laying in March 2021, launching in April 2022, and naming in October 2022. In a few days, “AL-QADEER” will set sail for Alexandria, Egypt.
Vice Admiral Ashraf Ibrahim Atwa, Commander in Chief of the Egyptian Navy said: “Within only 14 months, the Egyptian Navy received the three MEKO® A-200 Frigates AL-AZIZ, AL-QAHHAR and AL-QADEER. These repeated visits for the handovers are the actual proof of the extent of cooperation and friendship between the Arab Republic of Egypt and the Federal Republic of Germany. As much the Egyptian Navy is proud to acquire the MEKO® A-200 frigates, thyssenkrupp Marine Systems must also be proud for building them.
Only a few days ago, at the Egyptian Defense Exhibition EDEX 2023 in Cairo, the fourth Frigate, AL-JABBAR, was launched for an expected delivery in October 2025.”
In 2018, the Arab Republic of Egypt commissioned thyssenkrupp Marine Systems to build a total of four identical ships. The first three units – “AL-AZIZ”, “AL-QAHHAR” and “AL-QADEER” – were built in Germany, while the fourth frigate is currently under construction at Alexandria Shipyard in Egypt.
Kurze Übersicht: 118 Meter Länge, 3.700 ts Verdrängung, 28 kn, 1 Otobreda 127/64, 2 Oerlikon Searanger, 8 Exocet MM40 Block 3 SSM, 32er VLS (MICA), 4 T-Rohre 324 mm.