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Zitat:Pakistan expands nuclear arsenal: report
WASHINGTON: Pakistan is rapidly expanding its nuclear arsenal, raising questions in the US Congress whether billions of dollars in proposed military aid to strife-torn country could be diverted to its nuclear program, The New York Times reported late Sunday.
The newspaper said members of Congress have been told about Pakistan's nuclear drive in confidential and public briefings by Mike Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Pakistan's effort to build new nuclear weapons has been a source of growing concern in Washington, because the country is producing more nuclear material at a time when the United States is increasingly focused on trying to assure the security of Pakistan's 80 to 100 weapons so that they will never fall into the hands of Islamic insurgents, the report said.
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Die sind doch auch nicht mehr ganz dicht :roll:
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Themen: 92
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Pakistan hat mit der Produktion einer Drohne, der von einer italienischen Firma entwickelten Falco, begonnen:
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Zitat:Pakistan begins production of drone planes
Updated on Thursday, August 20, 2009, 20:20 IST Tagsakistan, drone planes
Islamabad: Pakistan has commenced production of drone planes in the country in collaboration with an Italian company, TV reports said Thursday.
The pilotless aircraft, called Falco UAV, is being produced at the country's Kamra aeronautical complex in collaboration with the Italian firm Selex Galileo, GEO TV said.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Pakistan reported developing armed UAV
By Usman Ansari - Staff writer
Posted : Saturday May 9, 2009 8:17:26 EDT
ISLAMABAD — After years of watching U.S. drones operate along its Afghan border, Pakistan is working on its own Predator-like unmanned aerial vehicle to undertake the same mission, sources here said.
The sources said the country’s air force and government-owned defense conglomerate, the National Engineering and Scientific Commission, are flight-testing a new-design aircraft to be equipped with a NESCom-designed laser designator and laser-guided missiles. The Burraq UAV is named for a winged horse creature in Islamic tradition, similar to Pegasus.
Quelle: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... AV_050909/</a><!-- m -->
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Themen: 92
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Die Entwicklung der Burraq UCAV ist angesichts der Taliban-Aktivitäten in Pakistan auch fällig!
Wie könnte man sonst mit geringem Aufwand und Risiko die Taliban in den zum Teil schwer erreichbaren Gebieten der Tribal Areas treffen?
Ein interessanter Aspekt am Burraq UCAV ist auch, das Pakistan mit seiner Entwicklung zu den Pionieren bei der Einführung bewaffneter Drohnen wird. Bislang haben nur wenige Staaten, wie etwa die USA, bewaffnete Drohnen im Einsatz.
Eine Frage ist auch, inwieweit das Burraq UCAV reverse-engineered ist. Pakistan soll in diesem Bereich ziemlich begabt sein, wovon auch Babur - ein pakistanischer Cruise Missile, der auf der Basis von über Pakistan abgestürzten Tomahawk entwickelt wurde - Zeugnis ablegt.
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Themen: 568
Registriert seit: Jul 2003
Inzwischen gibt es massive Anzeichen, dass Pakistan die in Kooperation mit China entwickelten Flugzeug vom Typ FC - 1 "XIAO-LONG" (Grimmiger Drache) - China bzw. JF - 17 "THUNDER" - Pakistan auf dem Weltmarkt anbietet. Die Teilnahme an der Rüstungsmesse in Farnborough 2010 war dazu mehr als deutlich.
Presseberichte aus Armeniensprechen von "Azerbaijan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Venezuela and a number of other countries".
Beiträge: 3.887
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Erich schrieb:Inzwischen gibt es massive Anzeichen, dass Pakistan die in Kooperation mit China entwickelten Flugzeug vom Typ FC - 1 "XIAO-LONG" (Grimmiger Drache) - China bzw. JF - 17 "THUNDER" - Pakistan auf dem Weltmarkt anbietet. Die Teilnahme an der Rüstungsmesse in Farnborough 2010 war dazu mehr als deutlich.
Presseberichte aus Armeniensprechen von "Azerbaijan, Iran, Egypt, Turkey, Venezuela and a number of other countries".
Ich denke nicht das die Türkei am erwerb der JF-17 Thunder interessiert ist, vielmehr denke ich das die Türkei mit eigenentwickelter Avionik und Lenkwaffensysteme an den NATO Standart anpassen will. Im Fall Azerbaidschans würde das am meisten Sinn, da JF-17 der AzAF in der lage wären über Link-16 mit türkischen AWACS zu kommunizieren.
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Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Pakistan testet erfolgreich seine eigen entwickelten GMLRS vom Typ Fatah-II.
Zitat:Pakistan Conducts a Test Launch of the Fatah-ll GMLRS
1 min read
1 January, 21:26
Pakistan Conducts a Test Launch of the Fatah-ll GMLRS
On December 27, 2023, the Pakistan Armed Forces successfully carried out a test firing of the Fatah-II, an indigenously made GMLRS.
A press release from the army’s Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) wing stated that the new weapon can precisely strike targets at a distance of 250 to 400 km. This is a big jump compared to Fatah-I, which could only reach a distance of 140 km. The service added that the weapon is equipped with advanced avionics and navigation systems and has a unique flight trajectory.
According to Xinhua, Fatah II’s weapons development program began in 2021.
Pakistan’s efforts to develop a high-precision rocket system come amid increasing tensions with neighbouring India in the Kashmir region.
This Fatah-ll Guided Multi-barrel Launched Rocket System (GMLRS) weapon system will allow the Pakistan Army to carry out precision target deep strikes.
Beiträge: 3.887
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Pakistan hat dumme Bomben mit einem anti-Radar Lenk Kit ausgerüstet
Zitat:Pakistan Unveils IREK Anti-Radiation Guidance Kit
1 min read
3 January, 18:05
Pakistan Unveils IREK Anti-Radiation Guidance Kit
Pakistan Air Force (PAF) displayed an indigenous IREK Anti-Radiation Winged Guidance Kit with Baykar’s AKINCI UCAV in service.
In addition to IREK, other guidance kits manufactured by Pakistan such as the Al-Battar Laser Guidance Kit (Counterpart to Paveway, LGK…) were exhibited with the Turkish-made UCAV.
IREK is a new guidance kit from Pakistan distinguished with its use of an anti-radiation seeker to home on radar emissions. Most of the seeker-fitted winged guidance kits use laser or IIR (Imaging Infrared) seekers as these guidance types are versatile when it comes to target types. However, IREK is explicitly developed for SEAD/DEAD missions.
Beiträge: 3.887
Themen: 76
Registriert seit: Nov 2003
Zitat:Pakistan Tests SMASH Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile
04 Nov 2024, 19:08 2 mins
Navy / Maritime Weapon / Missile
Pakistan Tests SMASH Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile
Pakistan Navy test-fired indigenously developed Ship Launched Ballistic Missile from a warship. The missile, dubbed "SMASH", successfully hit the target centre on the ground.
The Weapon System, with a 350 km range, can engage land and sea targets with mid-flight manoeuvring capability.
The flight test was overseen by the Chief of the Naval Staff, Senior Officers from the Pakistan Navy and the engineers who participated in the development.
A ship-launched anti-ship ballistic missile named "P-282" has been mentioned by Pakistani sources years before the test. This suggests that P-282 is the SMASH missile.