Es ist nur ein Beispiel von vielen hinsichtlich Ernährungskrisen, aber solche Entwicklungen werden in der nächsten Zeit leider zunehmen - und es wurde ja auch schon vorausgesagt, dass im Kontext des Ukrainekrieges es zu solchen massiven Verwerfungen kommen wird. Im Falle des Sudan ist allerdings vieles auch hausgemacht und kann nicht alleine auf den Ukrainekrieg abgewälzt werden, sicherlich, aber insgesamt gesehen haben die äußeren und inneren Einflüsse eine verhängnisvolle Entwicklung eingeleitet.

Und es ist nur ein Land in Afrika, das kurz davor ist in die Knie zu gehen. In Ostafrika generell ist die Lage aktuell äußerst schwierig...
Zitat:Sudan Hunger - 'Children Are Facing the Threat of Death'

Reports of hunger deaths in displacement camps and cities have been trickling out of Sudan in recent months, highlighting a growing food emergency that is spreading from rural to urban areas and exceeding the response capacity of humanitarian groups.

Almost 12 million people - a quarter of Sudan's population - are currently estimated to be facing acute hunger. That number could reach up to 18 million as the "lean season" ends this month, according to aid agencies - double the figure recorded in 2021. [...]

Economic and political disorder worsened by an October 2021 coup are contributing to the high levels of need. But conflict, climate shocks, and an exploitative political economy that has long generated hunger are also driving the crisis. "We have no basic services, and children are dying because of malnutrition," said Ahmed Adam, from eastern Kassala state, which has some of the highest malnutrition rates in Sudan. "We want the government and international organisations to help us." [...] Aid agency reports suggest crisis levels of food insecurity will remain high in the months ahead: The next harvest season could be compromised by late planting due to delayed rainfall and surging input costs, while recent flash floods have damaged cropland. [...]

The situation worsened when army generals ousted their civilian counterparts last year - a takeover that protesters are still risking their lives to overturn. International assistance programmes were frozen, and living standards fell further. In the past, hunger in Sudan has mainly affected rural populations and war victims who relocated to city fringes. But the current economic crunch - compounded by the Ukraine war - has deepened food insecurity in urban areas too.


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