(Waffe) Raketenprogramm der Türkei zivil/militärisch
Zitat:An interesting point about the Tayfun is that it may be optimized to hit naval vessels. Several years ago, Turkish defence officials had stated that a second iteration of the Bora was being developed. It was said that the Bora II would not only have a range in excess of 500 km, but would also be capable of striking ships. It is almost certain that “Tayfun” is the new name for the Bora II and that the name which is the Turkish translation of “typhoon” is in reference to its naval attack capabilities.


Die Tayfun Rakete soll die Fähigkeit haben Schiffe während der Fahrt zu treffen. Ich denke das die Türkei damit ASBM Fähigkeiten anstrebt, ähnlich wie China mit der DF-21 & 26.

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