(See) Korvetten Klasse Sa'ar 72 / Reshef-Klasse / S-80-Klasse
Pläne für eine neue Korvetten-Klasse der israelischen Marine: Nach gegenwärtigem Stand werden diese Schiffe wohl ca. 75 m lang sein und rund 800 ts verdrängen, womit sie deutlich kleiner wären als die Sa'ar-5- und Sa'ar-6-Klassen, aber beinahe doppelt so groß wie die Einheiten der Sa'ar-4-Klasse, die sie ersetzen sollen.

Besatzungsstärke liegt wohl bei um die 50 bis 60 Mann, Antrieb erfolgt über zwei MTU-Diesel mit vermutlich jeweils 8.000 PS, Reichweite soll um die 5.000 Kilometer betragen, Höchstfahrt bei 30 Knoten. Über die Bewaffnung hält man sich noch zurück, aber ich vermute mal min. 8-12 Gabriel V SSMs und die obligatorische OTO 76 mm...

Meldung von August d. J.:
Zitat:Israel Shipyards Signs Detailed Design Contract For Reshef-Class Corvette

Israel Shipyards announces the signing of an agreement for the detailed design phase for the construction of the Reshef-class Vessel for the Israeli Navy. [...]

The Reshef Class ‒ a new and advanced combat vessel – replaces the proven and reliable SA’AR 4.5, which has been in service for over 30 years. The new vessel is designed to successfully withstand the new and evolving threats and challenges the force will face. Reshef Class vessels, which will be based on the Israel Shipyards Ltd. S-72 proven design, will empower the Israeli Navy with the advanced capabilities needed in future combat, and will assist in protecting Israel’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) as well as the offshore oil & gas facilities within Israel’s territorial waters. All combat systems onboard the new ship will be products of Israel’s defense industry.

Ferner eine aktuelle Meldung:
Zitat:Israeli Navy's Reshef class to carry C-Dome air-defence system

The Reshef-class vessel that will replace the Israeli Navy's Sa'ar 4.5 (Nirit) missile ships will be equipped with Rafael's C-Dome air-defence system, Captain Y (full name withheld), the head of the Naval Vessels Department, told Janes on 24 October. Israel Shipyards announced on 26 August that it had signed an agreement with the Israeli Ministry of Defense to begin detailed design work for the Reshef class, which will be based on its S-72 design. However, it provided no details of the weapons and systems that the navy wants the new ships to carry.

The design phase is expected to be completed in approximately two years, with the first Reshef likely to take another two to four years to construct, Cpt Y said. Eight will eventually be built, with each replacing a Sa'ar 4.5 when it is commissioned. [...]


Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Korvetten Klasse Sa'ar 72 / Reshef-Klasse / S-80-Klasse - von Schneemann - 31.10.2021, 08:41

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