Zitat:Alexander postete
damals in der Adelsrepublik herschte das Vetorecht (Liberum Veto) :An diesem Liberum Veto, aber nicht nur, ist dieser riesige Reich zu grunde gegangen
Und hoffentlich auch die UNO *scnr*

naja hier geht um Irak und ned um UNO [Bild:]

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Zitat:U.S. Army hears about IDF tactics in territories

By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent

An American military delegation recently visited Israel to hear first hand from IDF officers about army tactics in the territories. The Americans were interested how the IDF responded to guerrilla warfare that evolved in the territories because of the similarity to what they are now encountering
in Iraq.

There is growing concern in the U.S. administration and military about the growing number of attacks on American troops in Iraq. Since President Bush declared in May that the war was over, around 50 soldiers have been killed.

The Americans have accumulated their own experience in similar situations,
including Somalia in the 1990s, but still wanted to hear Israeli views.

The practice began more than a year ago, long before the Americans invaded Iraq, when several U.S. delegations came to Israel to examine IDF experience in built-up areas in the West Bank and Gaza, especially during Operation Defensive Shield.

The information exchange continued in recent weeks. The commander of the Golani brigade, Col. Moshe Tamir, gave a lecture to a group of Army and Marines officers on the battles his brigade has seen in the last two years.

The current delegation includes relatively high ranking officers from the ground forces and Marines. Among the issues they want to examine are handling guerrillas in a civilian environment, defending forces from attacks, such as patrols in jeeps - the Americans tend to use open Humvees, IDF troops armored jeeps - the use of checkpoints, searches in houses and cars and dealing with suicide attackers.

In accordance with instructions from the American army, they are not visiting the territories, but they did visit a checkpoint on the Green Line for a first hand look at how a checkpoint is run.

Auch fuern Sturm auf Baghdad wurden israelische Erfahrungen genutzt
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