Umfrage: Ist der MBT als Konzept überholt?
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MBT sind ein Auslaufmodell
4 22.22%
MBT sind auch in Zukunft absolut wesentlich
14 77.78%
Gesamt 18 Stimme(n) 100%
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Zukünftige Entwicklungen und Konzeptionen von Panzerfahrzeugen
In diesem Artikel geht es darum, was den M1 in der US Army ersetzen wird.

Hier wird auch die Idee aufgegriffen, einen Mix aus unbemannten und bemannten System zu nutzen.

Daraus ein Ausschnitt:

I see the need to diversify our holdings in [armor] to hedge against technology,” said Spoehr. “I think the replacement for the Abrams is not a single vehicle, but several platforms.”

“Some still look like tanks for direct force engagements, when the threat from UAVs is low or technology has found a better, more reliable counter-UAV solution,” he said. “Other, lightly armored manned platforms launch aerial drones and suicide missiles. Still others are fully autonomous platforms controlled by other manned, heavily protected platforms.”

Tactically, Spoehr said, such a force would operate in three waves: first the drones to take out enemy air defenses and command posts, then ground robots, then finally manned main battle tanks to take out the toughest targets.

But why put a human in your heavy tank? Because, bluntly, remote control remains awkward and autonomous robots remain stupid. Sometimes you need an experienced human in the vehicle, onboard. That way they can use all their senses to understand the situation – the smell of smoke, the sound of the guns, the vibration of the engine — instead of staring at a screen. That way, too, their input can’t be hacked, jammed, or otherwise disconnected.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: zukünftige Entwicklungen und Konzeptionen von Panzerfahrzeugen - von aramiso - 28.04.2021, 15:44
RE: Russland vs. Ukraine - von Nightwatch - 26.03.2022, 10:50
RE: Bundeswehr – quo vadis? - von Broensen - 08.05.2023, 18:31
RE: Bundeswehr – quo vadis? - von lime - 08.05.2023, 19:33
RE: Bundeswehr – quo vadis? - von Broensen - 08.05.2023, 20:06
RE: Bundeswehr – quo vadis? - von alphall31 - 09.05.2023, 04:04
RE: Bundeswehr – quo vadis? - von Broensen - 09.05.2023, 08:33
RE: Bundeswehr – quo vadis? - von Schaddedanz - 09.05.2023, 09:19

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