Usa vs. Syrien
Zitat:Assistant Secretary of State for Near East Affairs Jeffrey Feltman said Wednesday giving such weapons to Hezbollah would be "an incendiary, provocative action." He would not confirm reports that Syria has sent Scud missiles to Hezbollah, but he said the administration viewed the matter with the gravest concern.
Feltman told a congressional committee that Syria's leaders need to understand the risks of arming Hezbollah, which he said "could affect war and peace in the region."

Naja, mit ziemlicher Sicherheit befinden sich keine Raketen mit der NATO Typbezeichnung "Scud" in den Händen der Hisbollah. Aber selbst wenn? Wen interessiert, was die USA darüber denken? Die Syrer? Die Hisbollah? Herr Feltman beliebt also wohl zu scherzen.

Zitat:"We will return Syria back to the Stone Age," an Israeli minister was quoted

Tsts... Das ist aber sehr unfein, in der flauschig dauerwarmen Opferrolle mit derart großen "Steinen" zu schmeißen. :lol:

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