02.06.2007, 11:49
Zitat:Du hast allerdings recht das merco hier geschichtlich in Bezug auf die Antiken Makedonen Unsinn verbreitet.
Lieber Quintus Fabius es geht mir überhaubt nicht darum das ICH oder meine jetzige Republik das alleinige urheberrecht auf die geschichte Makedoniens haben wollen.Diese Geschichte ist eine Welt-Geschichte und jeder mensch ist ein teil einer Geschichte , auch das Makedonische Volk,das land auf dem wir leben ist MAKEDONIEN und wir sind STOLZ...Stolz Darauf das es in jeder Epoche ein Volk gab das für MAKEDONIEN KÄMPFTE.Auch 1903 kämfte Makedonien um unabhängigkeit und nicht zur angliederung an Griechenland.man bedenke das das Historische Makedonien damals noch nicht geteilt war ,erst 1913 wurde es dan durch die NeuGriechen / Bulgaren und Serben geteilt.
und hier bitte ein Beitrag von : Eugene Borza, Historian and Professor who is credited as "Macedonian specialist" by the American Philological Association
Zitat:Borza is talking about Ernst Badian from Harvard University who in his extensive research Greeks and Macedonians presented all evidence and soundly concluded that the Macedonians were distinct nation from the Greeks, which neither considered themselves to be Greeks nor were considered by the Greeks to be Greek. That is precisely what the Greek writer Sakellariou had completely and purposely avoided, and lacking any base for a well-balanced criticism, choused instead to nit-pick Badian's argument.
We can see a trend among the Greek scholars (Andronicos, Martis, Daskalakis, Kallaris, and Sakellariou) who desperately want to show the world that the Macedonians "were Greeks", though unsuccessfully. Martis' Falsification of Macedonian History was handed out to the foreign journalists in Greece and translated into many languages. Sakellariou’s Macedonia 4000 years of Greek History was even donated for free to the libraries throughout the United States. This exposes a well-developed propaganda strategy, to influence all those unaware that the "Macedonians were Greek." Yet the Greeks are showing the world that the "Macedonians were Greek" by avoiding all ancient and modern evidence that does not suit their purpose, and in that process they try to pass books so full of historical errors and distortions:
"The fullest statement of the "Greek" position, and also the most detailed study of the Macedonian language, is by Kallaris, Les anciens Macidoniens, esp. 2: 488-531, in which alleged Greek elements in the Macedonian language are examined exhaustively. A more chauvinistic (and less persuasive) point of view can be found in Daskalakis, Hellenism, esp. pts. 2. and 3. The most blatant account is that of Martis (The Falsification of Macedonian History). This book, written by a former Minister for Northern Greece, is an polemical anti-Yugoslav tract so full of historical errors and distortions that the prize awarded it by the Academy of Athens serves only to reduce confidence in the scientific judgment of that venerable society of scholars. The most sensible and scholarly Greek position is that laid out by Sakellariou, in Macedonia, 44-63. Lest it seem, however, that the "Greek" position is held only by modem Greeks" - (Borza, In the Shadow of Olympus p.91)
It is ironical that the book of the former Greek politician Nicolas Martis is named The Falsification of Macedonian History, when in fact he is the one who is falsifying the history of Macedonia with his historical errors and distortions. It is worrisome that the students of the countries who have nothing to do with the modern Greek politics, must be exposed to the Greek historical fabrications against one of the most dynamic powers of the ancient times - the Macedonians. But why is Greece doing this, what is behind it, why do they steal the history of the ancient Macedonians, and attempt to appropriate it as theirs?
The answer lays in the year of 1913 when Macedonia was partitioned after the Balkan wars and Greece swallowed the biggest part - 51%. There was nothing in Macedonia then that connected that land with Greece, apart from the small 10% Greek minority scattered in southern Macedonia among the overwhelming majority of Macedonians who lived throughout the country (for complete statistical evidence see the "Macedonian-Greek Conflict"). Since in 1913 it acquired foreign territory populated by non-Greeks, Greece had to provide a link that would justify its claim on that half of Macedonia. That is exactly why the Greeks claim that the ancient Macedonians "were Greek", so that if in ancient times there was a Greek tribe (Macedonians) living in Macedonia, then that land therefore is Greek (just like Andronikos points above). What is not disputable however, is that since 1913 till today, the modern Greek state continues to oppress the ethnic Macedonians who now find themselves living in Greece (see Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International evidenced in the "Macedonians in Greece"). The other northern part of Macedonia, today’s Republic of Macedonia, broke out of Yugoslavia and became independent in 1991. That brought addition fuel to the Greek nationalists who are afraid now that one part of the ethnic Macedonian nation is independent, the partition of 1913 can be seen as illegal, which could lead to eventual loss of their Greek Macedonian part and subsequent reunification of one Macedonia. That is exactly why they claim that there is no modern Macedonian nation, not in Greece not anywhere, and continue to deny the basic human rights of their Macedonian minority through politics filled with paranoia, politics which without the revision of the ancient history could not breathe.
Ich verstehe es ja das man in den Schulen in den Bücher nur die Griechische Geschichte angeht ...doch das eben ist alles propaganda aus dem letzten Hahrhundert.Heute findet man schon zum teil andere auffassungen und die sollten nicht als Unssinig dargestellt werden.
Die Geschichte wurde zu gunsten der heutigen Neugriechen abgestempeld.
Makedonien als begriff ist in jeder Geschichtlichen Zeit zu finden,und wird heute als Griechisch / Bulgarisch oder Serbisch dargestellt.Das es zu vermischungen / wanderungen / umsiedlungen kamm ist nicht abzustreiten .die gab es überall auch in den heutigen Neugriechenland.