Die Iraner wollen ein klares Signal aus Washington, ob diese Gespräche über die Zukunft Iraks wünschen und wie diese ausschauen sollen, bzw was Washington genau möchte. Offenbar besteht bei den Iranern großes Interesse an solchen Gesprächen und man erhofft sich wohl, dass die derzeit geschwächte US-Regierung jetzt eher bereit sein könnte, Gespräche auf Augenhöhe zu führen:

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Zitat:Give clear signals on Iraq talks, Iran tells US

LONDON, November 17 (IranMania) - Iran's top national security official has urged the United States to give a clear indication as to whether it wanted to ask the Islamic republic for talks over stabilising Iraq, AFP reported.

"We are hearing different voices from the United States,"
"The statements from their side are not very clear, and what is important is that they say clearly what it is they want," he added Thursday.
Die Hilfe für die Palästinenser soll weiter erhöht werden:
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Zitat:Iran increases Palestinian aid to $120 mln
"Iran has handed out until now over 120 mln dollars and will supply more aid. Its support is very important for us,"
"Iran is a major actor in the region and if we can obtain the support of Arab and Islamic countries we will have the assurance that there will be no step backwards on the Palestinian issue," he added.
"We stand by the side of Hamas and the Palestinian government in these dramatic times when the Palestinian people are subjected to an economic blockade," said Larijani.
Ob es sich dabei um ein Parlament der Nationalen EInheit, oder ein Hamas geführtes Parlament handelt, sei den Iranern wurscht.

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