09.10.2006, 12:31
Heftige Kämpfe zwischen Regierungstruppen und Tamilenrebellen auf Sri Lanka. Dabei starben wohl alleine Ende der letzten Woche 52 Rebellen und zwei Regierungssoldaten, so die offizielle Meldung.
Auszug aus einer CNN-Meldung:
Auszug aus einer CNN-Meldung:
Zitat:At least 54 killed in Sri Lanka fightingHier der Link: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/10/07/sri.lanka.ap/index.html">http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiap ... index.html</a><!-- m -->
POSTED: 0520 GMT (1320 HKT), October 7, 2006
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka (AP) -- At least 54 combatants were killed in heavy clashes between government troops and Tamil Tiger rebels in the country's volatile east, the military said Saturday.
"We have recovered 12 Tamil Tiger bodies while soldiers had observed 40 others in front of our defense line," said military spokesman Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe. Two soldiers were also killed. Samarasinghe said the Tigers launched an attack on a military camp in Mankerni in Batticaloa district early Friday. The army, supported by fighter helicopters, repulsed the attack but exchanges of artillery and mortar fire continued throughout the day.