06.10.2006, 13:05
Die Türkei beginnt mit der Entsendung von ersten Truppenteilen im Rahmen der UNO-Friedensmission in den Libanon ab nächster Woche. Auch eine Fregatte soll entsendet werden. Die erste Gruppe von 260 Soldaten wird von Ankara nach dem Libanon geflogen, meldet CNN:
Zitat:TURKEY WILL SEND 260 TO LEBANONHier der Link dazu: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast/10/05/turkey.lebanon.ap/index.html">http://edition.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/meast ... index.html</a><!-- m -->
POSTED: 0854 GMT (1654 HKT), October 5, 2006
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey will send its first deployment of peacekeepers to Lebanon next week by dispatching about 260 soldiers to join the international force, private NTV television reported on Thursday.
The Turkish troops would be the first Muslim forces to deploy in Lebanon as part of the expanded U.N. peacekeeping operation there. Turkey's Foreign Ministry would not immediately confirm the report, saying evaluations were still under way for the deployment. Turkish military officials were not immediately available for comment.
The engineer company of around 260 soldiers was expected to fly to Lebanon from Ankara on Tuesday, NTV said. Turkey was not expected to offer more land forces, but NTV said a Turkish frigate will depart on Friday to join international naval forces off the Lebanese coast.